Registriert seit: 23. Mai 2011
Ort: Görlitz
150 Beiträge
Delphi XE Starter
Inline ASM Funktion erweitern
5. Jul 2012, 19:53
Könnte mir bitte jemand folgende Funktion dahingehend anpassen das auch Aktuelle Prozessoren erkannt werden ich habe leider keine Ahnung von Assembler
procedure GetCPUtype; stdcall;
push ebx
push esi
push edi
// _get_cpu_type: Identifies processor type in _cpu_type:
//; 0=8086/8088 processor
//; 2=Intel 286 processor
//; 3=Intel386(TM) family processor
//; 4=Intel486(TM) family processor
//; 5=Pentium(R) family processor
//; 6=P6 family of processors
//; F=Pentium 4 family of processors
// Intel386 processor check
pushfd // push original EFLAGS
pop eax // get original EFLAGS
mov ecx, eax // save original EFLAGS
xor eax, 40000h // flip AC bit in EFLAGS
push eax // save new EFLAGS value on stack
pop eax
xor eax, ecx
mov [cpu_type], 3
jz @end_cpuid_type
push ecx
// Intel486 processor check
mov [cpu_type], 4
mov eax, ecx
xor eax, 200000h
push eax
pop eax
xor eax, ecx
je @end_cpuid_type
mov [cpuid_flag], 1
// ***************************************************************************
// Execute CPUID instruction to determine vendor, family/model, stepping
// and features
// ***************************************************************************
mov eax, 0
call CPU_ID
mov [dword ptr vendor_id], ebx
mov [dword ptr vendor_id+4], edx
mov [dword ptr vendor_id+8], ecx
cmp [dword ptr intel_id], ebx
jne @end_cpuid_type
cmp [dword ptr intel_id+4], edx
jne @end_cpuid_type
cmp [dword ptr intel_id+8], ecx
jne @end_cpuid_type
mov [intel_CPU], 1
cmp eax, 1
jl @end_cpuid_type
mov eax, 1 // get family/model/stepping/features
call CPU_ID
mov [cpu_signature], eax
mov [features_ebx], ebx
mov [features_edx], edx
mov [features_ecx], ecx
// set cpu_type
mov eax, [dword ptr cpu_signature]
shr eax, 12
and eax, 3
mov [dword ptr cpu_type], eax
// set family
mov eax, [dword ptr cpu_signature]
shr eax, 8
and eax, 0fh
mov [dword ptr cpu_family], eax
// set extended family
mov eax, [dword ptr cpu_signature]
shr eax, 20
and eax, 0ffh
mov [dword ptr cpu_ext_family], eax
// set model
mov eax, [dword ptr cpu_signature]
shr eax, 4
and eax, 0fh
mov [dword ptr cpu_model], eax
// set extended model
mov eax, [dword ptr cpu_signature]
shr eax, 16
and eax, 0fh
mov [dword ptr cpu_ext_model], eax
// set stepping
mov eax, [cpu_signature]
and eax, 0fh
mov [dword ptr cpu_stepping], eax
// set brand_index
mov eax, [features_ebx]
and eax, 0ffh
mov [dword ptr cpu_brand_index], eax
// set CLFLUSH line size
mov eax, [features_ebx]
and eax, 0ff00h
shr eax, 8
mov [dword ptr cpu_CLFLUSH_lsize], eax
// ***************************************************************************
// Execute CPUID intruction to determine the cache descriptor information
// ***************************************************************************
mov eax, 0
call CPU_ID
cmp eax, 2 // Are cache descriptors supported?
jl @end_cpuid_type
mov eax, 2 // setup to read cache descriptor
call CPU_ID
cmp al, 1 // is one iteration enough to obtain
jne @end_cpuid_type // cache information?
// This code supports one iteration
// only, for now!
mov [cache_eax], eax // store cache information
mov [cache_ebx], ebx // for the future processors CPUID instruction
mov [cache_ecx], ecx // may need to run more than once to get full
mov [cache_edx], edx // cache information
mov eax, 0
call CPU_ID
cmp eax, 4 // Are determistic cache parameters supported?
jl @end_cpuid_type
mov eax, 4
mov ecx, 0
call CPU_ID
push eax
and al, 1fh // determine if valid cache parameters read
cmp al, 00h // EAX[4:0] = 0 indicates invalid cache
pop eax
je @end_cpuid_type
mov [dcp_cache_eax], eax // store deterministic cache information
mov [dcp_cache_ebx], ebx
mov [dcp_cache_ecx], ecx
mov [dcp_cache_edx], edx
// ***************************************************************************
// Execute CPUID intruction to determine the MONITOR/MWAIT functions information
// ***************************************************************************
mov eax, 0
call CPU_ID
cmp eax, 5
jl @checkBrand
// TODO:??? get information about MONITOR/MWAIT functions
// ***************************************************************************
// Execute CPUID intruction to determine the Power Mangement Feature
// Enumeration information
// ***************************************************************************
mov eax, 0
call CPU_ID
cmp eax, 6
jl @checkBrand
// TODO:??? get more information about PMFE
// ***************************************************************************
// Execute CPUID intruction to determine the Extended Feature information
// ***************************************************************************
mov eax, EXT_VAL_0 // check if brand string supported
call CPU_ID
cmp eax, EXT_VAL_4
jbe @end_cpuid_type
mov eax, EXT_VAL_1 // get the extended feature flags
call CPU_ID
mov [ext_funct_1_eax], eax
mov [ext_funct_1_ebx], ebx
mov [ext_funct_1_ecx], ecx
mov [ext_funct_1_edx], edx
mov edi, offset cpu_proc_string
mov eax, EXT_VAL_2 // get first 16 bytes of brand string
call CPU_ID
mov [edi], eax // save bytes 0..15
mov [edi+4], ebx
mov [edi+8], ecx
mov [edi+12], edx
add edi, 16
mov eax, EXT_VAL_3
call CPU_ID
mov [edi], eax // save bytes 16..31
mov [edi+4], ebx
mov [edi+8], ecx
mov [edi+12], edx
add edi, 16
mov eax, EXT_VAL_4
call CPU_ID
mov [edi], eax // save bytes 32..47
mov [edi+4], ebx
mov [edi+8], ecx
mov [edi+12], edx
mov eax, EXT_VAL_0 // check if L2 cache features supported
call CPU_ID
cmp eax, EXT_VAL_6
jbe @end_cpuid_type
mov [ext_funct_6_eax], eax
mov [ext_funct_6_ebx], ebx
mov [ext_funct_6_ecx], ecx
mov [ext_funct_6_edx], edx
mov eax, EXT_VAL_0 // check if Address Size function supported
call CPU_ID
cmp eax, EXT_VAL_8
jbe @end_cpuid_type
mov [ext_funct_8_eax], eax
mov [ext_funct_8_ebx], ebx
mov [ext_funct_8_ecx], ecx
mov [ext_funct_8_edx], edx
pop edi // restore registers
pop esi
pop ebx
end; // get_cpu_type