CW or CCW depends a little on how you draw the color circle. The mathematical positive direction is CCW, which also seems to be the common way to draw it. To make it CW, you can just flip the two colors and reverse the generated gradient
The multicolor thingy is something quite different: It's for when you want to blend between two colors, but need to define a specific color that should be reached somewhere in the middle of that gradient. Say like you had red->blue, but now you want yellow in there red->yellow->blue. For this you can just make two gradients: red->yellow, yellow->blue, and draw them connected. For the individual gradient parts, you could use whatever gradient method you want, i.e. in
RGB or
HSL or any other color space of course.
This may seem blatant, but to avoid any confusion
(And at first it seemed like you wanted a gradient with multiple color points defined along the gradient.)
"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When a million people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (Richard Dawkins)