Thema: Delphi Color mixer

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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2008
3.687 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

AW: Re: Color mixer

  Alt 25. Mai 2012, 09:38
I just saw, that my HSL idea could still work, since you made an error in your example:

RGB(255, 0, 0) = HSL(0, 100, 50)
RGB(255, 0, 255) = HSL(300, 100, 50)
add H/S/L values and divide by 2 you forgot the latter
result HSL(300150, 200100, 10050) = I don't have a converter handy, but I am pretty confident, that this will look a lot more like what you want
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