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Benutzerbild von Jonas Shinaniganz
Jonas Shinaniganz

Registriert seit: 30. Aug 2011
249 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Ultimate

Unit Scope Names

  Alt 13. Mär 2012, 08:14
Gebt Ihr euren Units Scope Namen? Wann genau macht es denn Sinn? Die Namen von Units in einem Delphi Projekt müssen doch eindeutig sein wenn man mit embacadero Tools arbeitet?


Syntax and Description

<unitscope>.<unitname>. ...

For example, the SysUtils unit is now part of the System unit scope, as follows:


Unit scope names are prefixes that are prepended to unit names in the VCL-FMX-RTL libraries. That is, names of units, functions, classes, and members now have a unit scope name prepended to the unit name, as follows:
Important: RAD Studio now supports a unit scope name or prefix in addition to the namespace or unit name. In order for a name to be considered fully qualified, the unit scope name must be included. For more details, see Unit Scope Names.

Hier wird erläutert wie man einen Scopenamen setzt.

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