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AW: Ini-Einstellung umwandeln für Komponente

  Alt 11. Mär 2012, 11:46
Über die RTTI kannst du diese ENUMs auch direkt in Strings umwandeln und zurück.
Oder du nimmst einfache Casts ala Ord, und konvertierst die ENUMs in Integer.
So habe ich das gemacht. Das ist nicht der schnellste Weg und etwas aufwendig umzusetzen, aber es ist dann dafür universell einsetzbar für alle Propertys.
Falls jemand mal nachschauen möchte:

procedure TodProp.LoadPropValue(const od: Tod; PropName, PropValue: String);
  Context: TRttiContext;
  RttiType: TRttiType;
  PropInfo: TRttiProperty;
  F: Boolean;
  Attr: TCustomAttribute;
  Value: TValue;
  InstOd: TInstOd;
  _od, iod: Tod;
  _PropName: String;
  V: Integer;
  if (not Assigned(od)) or (PropName = '') then

  _od := od;
  _PropName := PropName;
  CorrectSubOd(_od, _PropName);
  if not Assigned(_od) then

  Context := TRttiContext.Create;
  RttiType := Context.GetType(_od.ClassType);

  if Assigned(RttiType) then
      for PropInfo in RttiType.GetProperties do
          if PropInfo.Name <> _PropName then
          F := False;
          for Attr in PropInfo.GetAttributes do
              if Attr is AttrOd then
                F := True;
          if F then
              Value := TValue.Empty;
              case PropInfo.PropertyType.TypeKind of
                  Value := TValue.From(StrToIntDef(PropValue, 0));
                tkEnumeration: // <<<<<================================= HIER
                  if TryStrToInt(PropValue, V) then
                    Value := TValue.FromOrdinal(PropInfo.PropertyType.Handle, V)
                    Value := TValue.FromOrdinal(PropInfo.PropertyType.Handle, GetEnumValue(PropInfo.PropertyType.Handle, PropValue));
                  if PropInfo.GetValue(_od).IsType<TDateTime> then
                    Value := TValue.From(StrToDateTimeDef(PropValue, 0))
                  else if PropInfo.GetValue(_od).IsType<TTime> then
                    Value := TValue.From(StrToTimeDef(PropValue, 0))
                    Value := TValue.From(StrToFloatDef(PropValue, 0));
                  Value := TValue.From(PropValue);
                    iod := FoundOd(PatternToId(PropValue));
                    if (Assigned(iod)) or (AssignInstOdFlag) then
                        Value := iod;
                        InstOd := TInstOd.Create;
                        InstOd.od := _od;
                        InstOd.PropName := _PropName;
                        InstOd.Id := PropValue;
                  Value := TValue.From(PropValue);
              if not Value.IsEmpty then
                PropInfo.SetValue(_od, Value);


function TodProp.GetPropValue(const od: Tod; PropName: String): String;
  PropValue: String;
  Context: TRttiContext;
  RttiType: TRttiType;
  PropInfo: TRttiProperty;
  F: Boolean;
  Attr: TCustomAttribute;
  Value: TValue;
  O: TObject;
  _od: Tod;
  _PropName: String;
  Result := '';

  if (not Assigned(od)) or (PropName = '') then

  if Lowercase(PropName) = Lowercase('odId') then

  _od := od;
  _PropName := PropName;
  CorrectSubOd(_od, _PropName);
  if not Assigned(_od) then

  Context := TRttiContext.Create;
  RttiType := Context.GetType(_od.ClassType);

  if Assigned(RttiType) then
      for PropInfo in RttiType.GetProperties do
          if PropInfo.Name <> _PropName then
          F := False;
          for Attr in PropInfo.GetAttributes do
              if Attr is AttrOd then
                F := True;
          if F then
              PropValue := '';
              Value := PropInfo.GetValue(_od);
              case Value.Kind of
                  if Value.AsInteger = 0 then
                    PropValue := ''
                    PropValue := inttostr(Value.AsInteger);
                tkEnumeration: // <<<<<================================= HIER
                  if Value.AsOrdinal = 0 then
                    PropValue := ''
                    PropValue := GetEnumName(Value.TypeInfo, Value.AsOrdinal);
                  if Value.AsExtended = 0 then
                    PropValue := ''
                  else if Value.IsType<TDateTime> then
                    PropValue := DateTimeToStr(Value.AsExtended)
                  else if Value.IsType<TTime> then
                    PropValue := TimeToStr(Value.AsExtended)
                    PropValue := FloatToStr(Value.AsExtended);
                  PropValue := Value.AsString;
                    O := Value.AsObject;
                      if (O <> nil) and (O is Tod) then
                        PropValue := (O as Tod).odId;
                      PropValue := '';
                  PropValue := Value.AsString;
              if PropValue <> 'then
                Result := PropValue;

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