Registriert seit: 27. Jul 2005 129 Beiträge |
die TSerial Komponente ist lizenzpflichtig. Mit dem Erwerb der entsprechenden Toolbox Zeitschrift erhält man auch eine Lizenz. Ich habe selbst mal eine Komponente geschrieben, die Du gerne verwenden darfst. - arno
unit Com;
interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Classes, SysUtils; type TRTSMode = (RTS_DISABLED, RTS_ENABLED, RTS_HANDSHAKE, RTS_TOGGLE); TDTRMode = (DTR_DISABLED, DTR_ENABLED, DTR_HANDSHAKE); TParity = (NOPARITY, ODDPARITY, EVENPARITY, MARKPARITY, SPACEPARITY); TStopbits = (ONESTOPBIT, ONE5STOPBITS, TWOSTOPBITS); TCOM = class(TComponent) private FDCB: TDCB; FHandle: Cardinal; FTimeouts: TCommTimeouts; FError: Cardinal; FComNo: byte; FBaud: word; FParity: TParity; FDatabits: byte; FStopbits: TStopbits; function GetRTS: boolean; procedure SetRTS(const Value: boolean); function GetDTR: boolean; procedure SetDTR(const Value: boolean); function GetDCD: boolean; function GetDSR: boolean; function GetRI: boolean; function GetCTS: boolean; function GetIsOpen: boolean; function GetInBufUsed: cardinal; function GetOutBufUsed: cardinal; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function TestComPortAvailable(ComNo: integer): boolean; function Open(ComNo: integer; RTSMode: TRTSMode; DTRMode: TDTRMode): boolean; function RxFlush: boolean; function TxFlush: boolean; function Send(Data: Char): boolean; overload; function Send(Data: PChar; Len: cardinal): boolean; overload; function GetChar(var data: Char): boolean; procedure Close; procedure Reset; published property ComNo: byte read FComNo; property Baud: word read FBaud write FBaud; property Databits: byte read FDatabits write FDatabits; property Stopbits: TStopbits read FStopbits write FStopbits; property Parity: TParity read FParity write FParity; property IsOpen: boolean read GetIsOpen; property InBufUsed: cardinal read GetInBufUsed; property OutBufUsed: cardinal read GetOutBufUsed; property Error: cardinal read FError; property RTS: boolean read GetRTS write SetRTS; property CTS: boolean read GetCTS; property DTR: boolean read GetDTR write SetDTR; property DSR: boolean read GetDSR; property RI: boolean read GetRI; property DCD: boolean read GetDCD; end; var FCOM: TCOM; implementation {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TCOM.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Baud := CBR_9600; Databits := 8; Parity := NOPARITY; StopBits := ONESTOPBIT; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TCOM.Destroy; begin if IsOpen then Close; { Port schließen falls geöffnet } inherited destroy; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.TestComPortAvailable(ComNo: integer): boolean; begin Result := Open(ComNo, RTS_DISABLED, DTR_DISABLED); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.Open(ComNo: integer; RTSMode: TRTSMode; DTRMode: TDTRMode): boolean; var init: string; begin if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin init := '\\.\COM' + IntToStr(ComNo); FHandle := CreateFile(@init[1], GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin FComNo := ComNo; // aktuelle Einstellungen ermitteln if GetCommState(FHandle, FDCB) then begin // rudimentäre Parameter setzen FDCB.Baudrate := FBaud; FDCB.Bytesize := Databits; FDCB.Parity := Ord(FParity); FDCB.Stopbits := Ord(FStopbits); // RTS Modus setzen FDCB.flags := FDCB.flags and $CFFB; {RTS aus} case RTSMode of RTS_ENABLED: FDCB.flags := FDCB.flags or $1000; {RTS ein} RTS_HANDSHAKE: FDCB.flags := FDCB.flags or $2004; {RTS Handshake ein (gekoppelt an RX Buffer 0= Empfangspuffer zu 3/4 voll)} RTS_TOGGLE: FDCB.flags := FDCB.flags or $3000; {RTS gekoppelt an Tx Buffer (1=Daten im Sendepuffer)} end; // DTR Modus setzen FDCB.flags := FDCB.flags and $FFC7; {DTR aus (und bleibt aus)} case DTRMode of DTR_ENABLED: FDCB.flags := FDCB.flags or $0010; {DTR ein (und bleibt ein)} DTR_HANDSHAKE: FDCB.flags := FDCB.flags or $0028; {DTR Handshake ein} end; if SetCommState(FHandle, FDCB) then begin if SetupComm(FHandle, 1024, 1024) then {Rx-/Tx-Buffer-Einstellungen} begin FTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout := 0; {Timeoutzeiten setzen} FTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; FTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 1; FTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; FTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := 0; SetCommTimeouts(FHandle, FTimeouts); end; end; end; end; end; FError := GetLastError; if Error <> 0 then begin Close; end; Result := Error = 0; { Ergebnis zurückgeben } end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetCTS: boolean; var nStatus: cardinal; begin Result := false; if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, nStatus) then Result := (nStatus and MS_CTS_ON) > 0; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetDSR: boolean; var nStatus: cardinal; begin Result := false; if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, nStatus) then Result := (nStatus and MS_DSR_ON) > 0; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetIsOpen: boolean; begin Result := FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetInBufUsed: cardinal; var Comstat: _Comstat; Errors: DWord; begin if ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @Comstat) then Result := Comstat.cbInQue else Result := 0; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetOutBufUsed: cardinal; var Comstat: _Comstat; Errors: DWord; begin if ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @Comstat) then Result := Comstat.cbOutQue else Result := 0; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetRI: boolean; var nStatus: cardinal; begin Result := false; if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, nStatus) then Result := (nStatus and MS_RING_ON) > 0; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetRTS: boolean; begin Result := false; if GetCommState(FHandle, FDCB) then begin Result := (FDCB.Flags and $3000) > 0; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TCOM.SetRTS(const Value: boolean); begin if (Value = True) then EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, WinTypes.SETRTS) else EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, WinTypes.CLRRTS); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetDTR: boolean; begin Result := false; if GetCommState(FHandle, FDCB) then begin Result := (FDCB.Flags and $0010) > 0; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TCOM.SetDTR(const Value: boolean); begin if (Value = True) then EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, WinTypes.SETDTR) else EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, WinTypes.CLRDTR); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetDCD: boolean; var nStatus: cardinal; begin Result := false; if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, nStatus) then Result := (nStatus and MS_RLSD_ON) > 0; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TCOM.Close; begin if CloseHandle(FHandle) then { Schnittstelle schließen } FHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FError := GetLastError; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TCOM.Reset; begin if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, WinTypes.RESETDEV) then FError := GetLastError; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.RxFlush: boolean; begin if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_RXCLEAR); FError := GetLastError; end; Result := FError = 0; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.TxFlush: boolean; begin if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXCLEAR); FError := GetLastError; end; Result := FError = 0; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.Send(Data: Char): boolean; var nWritten, nCount: Cardinal; begin Result := false; if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin nCount := SizeOf(Data); if WriteFile(FHandle, Data, nCount, nWritten, nil) then begin Result := nCount = nWritten; end; FError := GetLastError; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.Send(Data: PChar; Len: cardinal): boolean; var nWritten, nCount: Cardinal; begin Result := false; if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin nCount := Len; if WriteFile(FHandle, Data^, nCount, nWritten, nil) then begin Result := nCount = nWritten; end; FError := GetLastError; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TCOM.GetChar(var data: Char): boolean; var nCount, nRead: cardinal; begin Result := false; if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin nCount := SizeOf(data); if InBufUsed >= nCount then begin if ReadFile(FHandle, data, nCount, nRead, nil) then begin Result := nCount = nRead; end; end; FError := GetLastError; end; end; end. |
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