aus der readme:
Just copy fbembed.dll, icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll and
icuuc30.dll into the directory with your application.
Then rename fbembed.dll to either fbclient.dll or
gds32.dll depending on your database connectivity software.
Then start your application and it will use the embedded
server as a client library and will be able to
local datasases.
Vollkommen richtig

Nur steht der rest danach auch noch da
You should also copy firebird.msg and
firebird.conf (if necessary) to the same directory.
If external libraries are required for your application,
then you should have them separately. Most probably, it
will be INTL support (fbintl.dll and fbintl.conf) or UDF
libraries. To be able to use them, you should place them
into the directory tree which emulates the Firebird server
one, i.e. has subdirectories like /intl or /udf:
Aber fand die Liste übersichtlicher - daher hab ich sie lieber gepostet als den fließtext
Gut, dass es jetzt tut
Gruß, Chris