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Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.287 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Drag & Drop im Edit erkennen und farbig markieren

  Alt 6. Dez 2011, 22:20
Dieses Interface gibt es seit Windows 2000,
und Delphi 7 stammt aus dem Jahre 2002.

Embarcadero ... ähhhhhh Borland, waren beim Importieren der WinAPI noch nie die Schnellsten.


Eventuell ist in den JEDI-WinAPI-Headern, bzw in der JCL noch mehr/besseres Zeugs enthalten,
wenn nicht gar ein ganzes Drag&Drop-Komponentendinges.

// Drag and Drop helper
// Purpose: To expose the Shell drag images
// This interface is implemented in the shell by CLSID_DragDropHelper.
// To use:
// If you are the source of a drag (i.e. in response to LV_DRAGBEGIN or
// equivelent begin drag message) call
// IDragSourceHelper::InitializeFromWindow
// (<hwnd of window supporting DI_GETDRAGIMAGE>,
// <pointer to POINT indicating offset to the mouse from
// the upper left corner of the image>,
// <pointer to data object>)
// NOTE: The Data object must support IDataObject::SetData with multiple
// data types and GetData must implement data type cloning
// (Including HGLOBAL), not just aliasing.
// If you wish to have an image while over your application add the
// IDragImages::Dr* calls to your IDropTarget implementation. For Example:
// STDMETHODIMP CUserDropTarget::DragEnter(IDataObject* pDataObject,
// DWORD grfKeyState,
// POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect)
// {
// // Process your DragEnter
// // Call IDragImages::DragEnter last.
// _pDropTargetHelper->DragEnter(_hwndDragOver, pDataObject,
// (POINT*)&pt, *pdwEffect);
// return hres;
// }
// If you wish to be able to source a drag image from a custom control,
// implement a handler for the RegisterWindowMessage(DI_GETDRAGIMAGE).
// The LPARAM is a pointer to an SHDRAGIMAGE structure.
// sizeDragImage - Calculate the length and width required to render
// the images.
// ptOffset - Calculate the offset from the upper left corner to
// the mouse cursor within the image
// hbmpDragImage - CreateBitmap( sizeDragImage.cx, sizeDragImage.cy,
// GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, PLANES),
// GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, BITSPIXEL),
// NULL);
// Drag Images will only be displayed on Windows NT 5.0 or later.
// Note about IDropTargetHelper::Show - This method is provided for
// showing/hiding the Drag image in low color depth video modes. When
// painting to a window that is currently being dragged over (i.e. For
// indicating a selection) you need to hide the drag image by calling this
// method passing FALSE. After the window is done painting, Show the image
// again by passing TRUE.

  SID_IDropTargetHelper = '{4657278B-411B-11D2-839A-00C04FD918D0}';
  SID_IDragSourceHelper = '{DE5BF786-477A-11D2-839D-00C04FD918D0}';
  SID_IDragSourceHelper2 = '{83E07D0D-0C5F-4163-BF1A-60B274051E40}';

  // This is sent to a window to get the rendered images to a bitmap
  // Call RegisterWindowMessage to get the ID
  DI_GETDRAGIMAGE = 'ShellGetDragImage';


  SHDRAGIMAGE = record
      sizeDragImage: SIZE; // OUT - The length and Width of the
                                      // rendered image
      ptOffset: TPoint; // OUT - The Offset from the mouse cursor to
                                      // the upper left corner of the image
      hbmpDragImage: HBITMAP; // OUT - The Bitmap containing the rendered
                                      // drag images
      crColorKey: COLORREF; // OUT - The COLORREF that has been blitted
                                      // to the background of the images
  PShDragImage = ^TShDragImage;

  IDropTargetHelper = interface(IUnknown)
    function DragEnter(hwndTarget: HWND; const pDataObject: IDataObject;
                       var ppt: TPoint; dwEffect: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;
    function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall;
    function DragOver(var ppt: TPoint; dwEffect: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;
    function Drop(const pDataObject: IDataObject; var ppt: TPoint;
                  dwEffect: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;
    function Show(fShow: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall;

  IDragSourceHelper = interface(IUnknown)
    function InitializeFromBitmap(pshdi: LPSHDRAGIMAGE;
      const pDataObject: IDataObject): HRESULT; stdcall;
    function InitializeFromWindow(hwnd: HWND; var ppt: TPoint;
      const pDataObject: IDataObject): HRESULT; stdcall;

  IDragSourceHelper2 = interface(IDragSourceHelper)
    function SetFlags(dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;
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