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Registriert seit: 22. Sep 2008
6 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: Nicht nachzuvollziehende EAccessViolation

  Alt 5. Dez 2011, 18:26
Ok, sorry, das .free für die Stringlists übernimmt das die .Send-Funktion, kA warum aber irgendeinen Sinn wird das schon gehabt haben. Die .Send kann ich nat. posten, aber dadurch wird's halt nicht kürzer ...

function TFormHTTPV2.Send(ErrorHint: string): integer;
  E, I, FS: integer;
  FileStream: TFileStream;
  MemoryLst: TStringList;
  ActiveCursor: TCursor;
  ErrorMsg: string;
  HTTPRequest: TclHttpRequest;
  Rec: TRect;
  ModalResult := mrNone;
  LastReasonPhrase := 'OK';

  // Leave on demo mode
  if FIsDemoMode then
    Result := -10000;

  if Visible then
    Rec := Rect(left, top, width - left, height - top);

  Result := -1;
  ErrorMsg := '';

  ActiveCursor := Screen.Cursor;
  if Length(FV2Requests) > 1 then
    MaxValue := Length(FV2Requests)
    MaxValue := 60;
  UserValue := 0;
  Busy := False;

  // Load error message
  if ErrorHint <> 'then

  // Set minimum timeout (30000) if visible, or not timeout (100 sec) if file exists
  if FileExists(ExtractFilePath(application.exename) + '~notimeout.txt') then
    HTTP.TimeOut := 100000
  else if Visible then
    HTTP.TimeOut := Max(HTTP.Timeout, FMiddleTimeOut);

  // Init
  I := 0;
    if HTTP.Active then

    ModalResult := mrNone;

    // Change cursor if invisible
    if not Visible then
      Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;

    // Reset controls
    Notebook.PageIndex := 0;
    ButtonAbort.Caption := '&Abbrechen';

    UserValue := 0;
    if Length(FV2Requests) > 1 then
      MaxValue := Length(FV2Requests)
      MaxValue := HTTP.TimeOut div 25;

    TimerTime.Enabled := True;

    if not IsConnectedToInternet then
      ErrorMsg := 'HTTP-Fehler: Keine bestehende Internetverbindung gefunden';
      FWebAccess := noSuccess;

      while I <= High(FV2Requests) do
        if Length(FV2Requests) <= 1 then
          UserValue := 0;
          if Visible then

        HTTPRequest := TclHttpRequest.Create(self);
        HTTPRequest.Header.Accept := '*/*';
        //HTTPRequest.Header.CharSet := 'UTF-8';
        HTTPRequest.Header.ContentType := 'multipart/form-data';

        // Replace spaces
        if Pos('?', FV2Requests[i].URL) > 0 then
          FV2Requests[i].URL := ReplaceStr(FV2Requests[i].URL, #32, '%20');
        DebugOut('DL # ' + inttostr(i) + ': ' + FV2Requests[i].URL);

          // Reset controls
          MemoryLst := Nil;
          FileStream := Nil;

          // Prepare request
          if Pos('=', FV2Requests[i].LocalFile) > 0 then
            HTTPRequest.AddSubmitFile(StrBefore('=', FV2Requests[i].LocalFile), StrAfter('=', FV2Requests[i].LocalFile));
          for e := 0 to FV2Requests[i].RequestVars.count - 1 do
            HTTPRequest.AddFormField(StrBefore('=', FV2Requests[i].RequestVars[e]), StrAfter('=', FV2Requests[i].RequestVars[e]));
          for e := 0 to HTTPRequest.Count - 1 do
            HTTPRequest.Items[e].Canonicalized := False;

          // Prepare stringlist/stream
          if (FV2Requests[i].RequestType = httpGet) and (FV2Requests[i].LocalFile <> '') then
            FileStream := TFileStream.create(FV2Requests[i].LocalFile, fmCreate)
            MemoryLst := TStringList.create;

            FV2Requests[i].Res := 0;
            FV2Requests[i].HTTPContent := '';

            Busy := True;
            if FV2Requests[i].LocalFile = 'then
              if FV2Requests[i].RequestType = httpGet then
                HTTP.Get(FV2Requests[i].URL, MemoryLst)
                HTTP.Post(FV2Requests[i].URL, HTTPRequest, MemoryLst);
              if FV2Requests[i].RequestType = httpGet then
                HTTP.Get(FV2Requests[i].URL, FileStream)
                HTTP.Post(FV2Requests[i].URL, HTTPRequest, MemoryLst);
            Busy := False;

            if MemoryLst <> Nil then
              FV2Requests[i].HTTPContent := MemoryLst.Text
            else if FileStream <> Nil then
              FV2Requests[i].HTTPContent := 'FILE';

            Result := 200;
            FV2Requests[i].Res := Result;
            LastReasonPhrase := 'OK';
            ErrorMsg := '200: OK';

            if HTTP.ProxySettings.Server <> 'then
              FWebAccess := proxySuccess
              FWebAccess := directSuccess;

            if MemoryLst <> Nil then
              LogHTTPMessage(ErrorMsg, Length(MemoryLst.Text))
            else if FileStream <> Nil then
              LogHTTPMessage(ErrorMsg, FileStream.Size);


            if MemoryLst <> Nil then
            else if FileStream <> Nil then
              FS := FileStream.Size;

              if FS = 0 then
              if FV2Requests[i].RequestType = httpGet then
              if FV2Requests[i].LocalFile <> 'then
              if FileExists(FV2Requests[i].LocalFile) then
              if FS = 0 then

            if HTTPRequest <> Nil then
            HTTPRequest := Nil;

          on E: EclSocketError do
            Busy := False;
            Result := E.ErrorCode;
            LastReasonPhrase := E.Message;
            ErrorMsg := Format('%s #%d: %s', ['EclSocketError', E.ErrorCode, E.Message]);
            FV2Requests[i].Res := Result;
            LogHTTPMessage(ErrorMsg, 0);

            if E.ErrorCode = 404 then
              // not found
              Result := 200;
              LastReasonPhrase := 'OK';
              FV2Requests[i].Res := Result;
              ErrorMsg := '200: OK';
            else if HTTP.ProxySettings.Server <> 'then
              // Try without proxy
              UserValue := 0;
              HTTP.ProxySettings.Server := '';


          on E: EclHttpError do
            Busy := False;
            Result := E.ErrorCode;
            LastReasonPhrase := E.ResponseText;
            FV2Requests[i].Res := Result;
            ErrorMsg := Format('%s #%d: %s', ['EclHttpError', E.ErrorCode, E.ResponseText]);

            LogHTTPMessage(ErrorMsg, 0);

          on E: Exception do
            Busy := False;
            Result := E.HelpContext;
            LastReasonPhrase := E.Message;
            FV2Requests[i].Res := Result;
            ErrorMsg := Format('%s #%d: %s', ['Exception', E.HelpContext, E.Message]);

            LogHTTPMessage(ErrorMsg, 0);


        if Length(FV2Requests) <= 1 then
          UserValue := ProgressBar.MaxValue
          UserValue := UserValue + 1;


    Busy := False;
    // Set progress to max
    TimerTime.Enabled := False;
    UserValue := ProgressBar.MaxValue;

    // Set error messages
    LabelError1.caption := ErrorMsg;
    LabelError1.hint := ErrorMsg;
    LabelError2.caption := ErrorMsg;
    LabelError2.hint := ErrorMsg;

    // Change to error page if necessary
    if Result <> 200 then
    if ErrorHint <> 'then
      Notebook.PageIndex := 1;

    // Reset cursor or hide on success
    if not Visible then
      Screen.Cursor := ActiveCursor
    else if Result = 200 then

    // Wait for retry or cancel button
    if Result <> 200 then
    if Visible then
    if ModalResult <> mrAbort then

      if Assigned(FOnProxyClick) then

      ButtonAbort.Caption := '&Überspringen';


        if not Visible then
          ModalResult := mrAbort;

      until ModalResult <> mrNone;


    // Leave if: invisible, success, noInternet or Cancel-Button
  until (Visible = False) or (Result = 200) or (Result = INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED) or (ModalResult <> mrOK);

  // Set timeout for next try (faster)
  if Result <> 200 then
    HTTP.TimeOut := FMinTimeOut;

  // Free request string lists
  for i := 0 to High(FV2Requests) do
    if FV2Requests[i].RequestVars <> Nil then

  // Run finish procedure if assigned
  if Assigned(FOnFinished) then

  // Hide and reset
  Visible := False;
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