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Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 5. Mai 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Aug 2009
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#1 Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 12:25
I found the driver!

-Supports all the things i want...
-Supports delphi wich is nice!
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.867 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 12:33
A driver for what?
Markus Kinzler
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Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 16:25
For his CPU detection, temperature, GPU, I2C, bla blubb tool. Just collect all his threads and combine the questions and you will find the answer.
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.867 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 16:43
But it would be nice from him to describes it, if he put a link in this forum
Markus Kinzler
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Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 19:23
Muetze why are you mean,i just don't get it.I put it on this forum in sense that other people achive the same thing if they need it.And yes in some days i'll combine everything and post it as one topic while moderators can delete those topics.Just that you can be happy!

I don't see such project for delphi atleast that Gpu tool for Nvidia by turboPASCAL.Here it ends.

And no Muetze not for CPU Detection..I think you have a bit more knowledge in this case..I won't argue with you couse we all know that you aren't an easy person that just dosen't like to help.

As for the driver

-What is it>
WinRing0 is a hardware access library for Windows.
WinRing0 provides your application to access I/O port, MSR, PCI bus, and etc...

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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.867 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 19:27
Muetze1's answer adressing me not you
Markus Kinzler
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Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 19:31
I had to say it once it for all.I had enough..
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Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 20:39
Zitat von Razor:
Muetze why are you mean,...
That should not be meant mean, it was just some hint, because your threads should be well known here, so I was wondering about the question. You will do your thing and I am proud to see, that you learned some things and even the basics (the biggest problem some times before), so I am anxious to see your next threads and questions. So, keep up and do your project...
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Re: Open source driver

  Alt 5. Mai 2008, 20:58
The problem was the driver all in all,since delphi isnt notorious for making drivers i seeked outside for some.
And i face a new problem X64 Vista Driver signing...

The solution..Wich i am going to use.

One of the more annoying components in Vista x64 is the need for signed drivers. This hinders the use of many freeware applications out there (even though they come with an x64 driver) just because the driver isn’t digitally signed. About a month ago I ran into a piece of software I had to use, but alas, no signed drivers. So I set out on a quest to figure out how to permanently disable the driver signing checks in Vista x64. And guess what? I found it .

Here’s how to get it done:

Open an elevated command prompt
type “bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS” without the quotes (and no the DD is not a typo).
Reboot and enjoy being able to use unsigned drivers in Vista x64.
Remember who told you about this first .

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Re: Open source driver

  Alt 6. Mai 2008, 00:32
I made this but it dosen't seem to work....I bet i forgot something,some stupid mistake or i forgot to put in the params.

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure koki;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }
  RING0 = 'WinRing0x64.DLL';

  Form1: TForm1;
  RING0: THandle;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure tform1.koki;
ho: AnsiString;

ho := ExtractFilePath(application.ExeName) + 'WinRing0x64.DLL';

  if FileExists(ho) then
RING0 := LoadLibrary(PChar(Pfad));
if RING0 > 0 then
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
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