Inofficial Fixes & Updates by Dmitry Zegebart (26.12.2007)
* New features
class TVirtualTreeColumn
// Alignment of colum's text may differs from node's text alignment.
CaptionAlignment: TAlignment read FCaptionAlignment write SetCaptionAlignment default taLeftJustify;
// Actual column's text including new line symbols. It may differs from 'Text' property
// if coWrapCaption is in 'Options' for the column.
CaptionText: WideString read FCaptionText stored False;
// Type of check box. Column can has it's own checkbox just like 'Node' if CheckBox property set to true.
CheckType: TCheckType read FCheckType write SetCheckType default ctCheckBox;
// State of colum's checkbox. Column can has it's own checkbox just like 'Node' if CheckBox property set to true.
CheckState: TCheckState read FCheckState write SetCheckState default csUncheckedNormal;
// If set then a checkbox will be drawn in the column's space.
CheckBox: boolean read FCheckBox write SetCheckBox default false;
Added new member coWrapCaption- Caption now could be wrapped across several header lines to fit it's width.
Set corresponding option in column's 'Options' property to true.
class TBaseVirtualTree
// Options for exporting data into RTF,
HTML, etc. Used in ContentTo*** procedures.
// TVTExportOption
// eoAll - export all nodes ( regardless check state )
// eoChecked - export checked nodes only
// eoUnchecked - export unchecked nodes only
ExportOption: TVTExportOption read FExportOption write FExportOption default eoAll;
* New events
class TBaseVirtualTree
// Export events
// The meaning of every event could be easely guessed from it's name, so I skip descrition.
// Reason for such events is quiet simple- you can alter tree's data just for exporting and
// not alter it's screen representation.
// Header/column mouse events
// Triggers when user clicks on column's checkbox
// Triggers when user clicks on column's glyph
* New procedures
class TBaseVirtualTree
// Just a generic export procedure which calls application's methods for variuos export stages.
// Use On***Export events to
handle it. For example I use it for exporting data into Excel
* Bug Fixes
- ContentToHTML. Incorrect representation of new line in multiline node's data, now replaced by '
- ContentToHTML. Missing
HTML header. Some browsers missinterpret non latin UTF-8 characters if it's not explicitly told to use the correct charset.
Now '<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/
html; charset=utf-8">' added to
HTML output.
- ContentToHTML. CSS style .normalborder extened by vertical-align:top; property to display multiline data correctly.
- ContentToHTML. Empty data is represented now by '' since some browsers render no borders around cells with no data in it.
- ContentToRTF. Incorrect representation of new line in multiline data, now replaced by '{\par}'
- IAccessible support can't be compiled with D5.
Conditional {$define IAccessibleSupport} added in
And in VirtualTrees.pas added
{$ifdef COMPILER_5}
{$undef IAccessibleSupport}