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FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: ecape-sequenz zum drucker

  Alt 8. Okt 2011, 15:00
Post #21 und #26

ausserdem schreibt epson
EPSON supplies a Windows driver for the current range of TM Series printers. Programmers can also
use the Generic / Text Only driver to control the Cashdrawer.
EPSON Windows Driver
EPSON has provided a ‘control’ font in the Windows driver that sends the appropriate command to
the printer when triggered by certain control characters. The control characters listed below are
provided for Cashdrawer control.

A Open Drawer 1 (50ms drive pulse width) 81H
B Open Drawer 1 (100ms drive pulse width) 82H
C Open Drawer 1 (150ms drive pulse width) 83H
D Open Drawer 1 (200ms drive pulse width) 84H
E Open Drawer 1 (250ms drive pulse width) 85H
a Open Drawer 2 (50ms drive pulse width) 89H
b Open Drawer 2 (100ms drive pulse width) 8AH
c Open Drawer 2 (150ms drive pulse width) 8BH
d Open Drawer 2 (200ms drive pulse width) 8CH
e Open Drawer 2 (200ms drive pulse width) 8DH

Programming Examples
Cashdrawer 1 Kick
Printer.FontName = “control”
Printer.FontSize = 10
Printer.Print “A”
Cashdrawer 2 Kick
Printer.FontName = “control”
Printer.FontSize = 10
Printer.Print “a”
und funktionieren tut nix

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