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wenn ich das richtig verstehe, geht's dir um die EXIF-Infos. Die kannst du mit ![]()
Bei mir funktioniert's.
dEXIF; var ImgData: TImgData; ImgData := TimgData.Create; try ImgData.ProcessFile('Ladepfad\bild.jpg'); // hier das Bild bearbeiten und, falls nicht bereits geschehen, in einem TJPEGImage ablegen ImgData.WriteEXIFJpeg(JpegImage, 'Zielpfad\bild.jpg'); finally FreeAndNil(ImgData); end; ![]() Grüße |
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eventuell handelt es sich hierbei um die gewünschte Datei
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// Program to pull the information out of various types of EXIF digital
// camera files and show it in a reasonably consistent way // // This module parses the very complicated exif structures. // // Matthias Wandel, Dec 1999 - August 2000 (most of the comments) // // Translated to Delphi: // Gerry McGuire, March - April 2001 - Currently - read only // May 2001 - add EXIF to jpeg output files // September 2001 - read TIF files, IPTC data // June 2003 - First (non-beta) Release //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In addition to the basic information provided by Matthias, the // following web page contains reference informtion regarding the // exif standard: http://www.pima.net/standards/iso/tc42/wg18/WG18_POW.htm // (the documents themselves are PDF). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 17.05.2002 MS Corrections/additions M. Schwaiger //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit dEXIF; interface uses sysutils,classes,math,diptc {$IFNDEF dExifNoJpeg} ,jpeg {$ENDIF}; Const DexifVersion = '1.02a'; ExifTag = 1; // default tag Types GpsTag = 2; ThumbTag = 4; GenericEXIF = 0; CustomEXIF = 1; AllEXIF = -1; crlf = #13#10; GenNone = 0; GenAll = 255; GenString = 2; GenList = 4; VLMin = 0; VLMax = 1; type tEndInd = class MotorolaOrder: boolean; function Get16u(oset: integer): word; function Get32s(oset: integer): Longint; function Get32u(oset: integer): Longword; function Put32s(data: Integer): string; procedure WriteInt16(var buff:string;int,posn:integer); procedure WriteInt32(var buff:string;int,posn:longint); function GetDataBuff: string; procedure SetDataBuff(const Value: string); property DataBuff:string read GetDataBuff write SetDataBuff; private llData: string; end; TimgData = class; TImageInfo = class(tEndind) private function GetTagElement(TagID: integer): TTagEntry; procedure SetTagElement(TagID: integer; const Value: TTagEntry); function GetTagByName(TagName: string): TTagEntry; procedure SetTagByName(TagName: string; const Value: TTagEntry); procedure TagWriteThru16(te: ttagentry; NewVal16: word); procedure TagWriteThru32(te: ttagentry; NewVal32: longint); public FITagArray: array of tTagEntry; FITagCount: integer; MaxTag: integer; parent: timgdata; exifVersion : string[6]; CameraMake: string[32]; CameraModel: string[40]; DateTime: string[20]; Height,Width,HPosn,WPosn: integer; FlashUsed: integer; BuildList: integer; MakerNote: string; TiffFmt: boolean; Comments: string; CommentPosn: integer; CommentSize: integer; // DateTime tag locations dt_oset:integer; dt_orig_oset:integer; dt_digi_oset:integer; // Add support for thumbnail ThumbTrace:string; ThumbStart: integer; ThumbLength: integer; ThumbType: integer; FIThumbArray: array of tTagEntry; FIThumbCount: integer; MaxThumbTag: integer; // Added the following elements to make the // structure a little more code-friendly TraceLevel: integer; TraceStr: string; msTraceStr: string; msAvailable: boolean; msName:string; MakerOffset : integer; property ITagArray[TagID:integer]: TTagEntry read GetTagElement write SetTagElement; default; property Data[TagName:string]: TTagEntry read GetTagByName write SetTagByName; Constructor Create( p:timgdata; buildCode:integer =GenAll); procedure Assign(source:TImageInfo); // The following functions format this structure into a string function toString:string; // Summerizes in a single line function toLongString:string; procedure SetExifComment(newComment: string); // The following functions manage the date function GetImgDateTime: TDateTime; function ExtrDateTime(oset: integer): TDateTime; function ExifDateToDateTime(dstr: string): TDateTime; procedure SetDateTimeStr(oset: integer; TimeIn: TDateTime); procedure AdjDateTime(days, hours, mins, secs: integer); procedure OverwriteDateTime(InTime: tdatetime); // Contains embedded CR/LFs procedure ProcessHWSpecific(MakerBuff:string; TagTbl:Array of TTagEntry; DirStart:longint; MakerOffset:Longint; spOffset:integer = 0); Procedure ProcessThumbnail; Procedure AddMSTag(fname,fstr:string;fType:word); Procedure ProcessExifDir(DirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength: longint; tagType:integer = ExifTag; prefix:string=''); function CvtInt(buff: string): longint; Function FormatNumber(buffer: string; fmt: integer; fmtStr:string; decodeStr: string=''): string; Function GetNumber(buffer: string; fmt: integer): double; procedure removeThumbnail; procedure AdjExifSize(nh,nw:longint); Function LookupTag(SearchStr:string):integer; virtual; Function LookupTagVal(SearchStr:string):string; virtual; Function LookupTagDefn(item: string): integer; Function LookupTagByDesc(SearchStr: string): integer; function AddTagToArray(nextTag: iTag): integer; function AddTagToThumbArray(nextTag: iTag): integer; Procedure ResetIterator; Function IterateFoundTags(TagId:integer; var retVal:TTagEntry):boolean; Function GetTagByDesc(SearchStr: string): TTagEntry; Function HasThumbnail:boolean; function IterateFoundThumbTags(TagId: integer; var retVal: TTagEntry): boolean; procedure ResetThumbIterator; procedure Calc35Equiv; function EXIFArrayToXML: tstringlist; function LookupTagInt(SearchStr: string): integer; function GetRawFloat(tagName: string): double; function GetRawInt(tagName: string): integer; function LookupRatio: double; destructor Destroy; override; function WriteThruInt(tname: string; value: Integer): boolean; function WriteThruString(tname, value: String): boolean; private iterator:integer; iterThumb:integer; end; // TInfoData tSection = record data: string; dtype:integer; size:longint; base:longint; end; pSection = ^tSection; // TTagTableArray = array of TTagEntry; TGpsFormat = (gf_DD,gf_DM,gf_DMS); TImgData = class(tEndInd) // One per image object sections: array [1..21] of tSection; TiffFmt: boolean; BuildList: integer; SectionCnt : integer; ExifSegment: pSection; IPTCSegment: pSection; CommentSegment: pSection; HeaderSegment : pSection; Filename: string; FileDateTime: tDateTime; FileSize: longint; ErrStr: string; ExifObj: TImageInfo; IptcObj: TIPTCData; TraceLevel: integer; procedure reset; procedure SetFileInfo(fname:string); constructor Create(buildCode: integer = GenAll); function SaveExif(var jfs2:tstream):longint; function ReadExifInfo(fname:string):boolean; Procedure MakeIPTCSegment(buff:string); Procedure MakeCommentSegment(buff:string); function GetCommentStr:string; Function GetCommentSegment:string; function ProcessFile(const FileName:string):boolean; function ReadJpegSections (var f: tstream):boolean; function ReadJpegFile(const FileName:string):boolean; function ReadTiffSections (var f: tstream):boolean; function ReadTiffFile(const FileName:string):boolean; procedure ProcessEXIF; procedure CreateIPTCObj; function HasMetaData:boolean; function HasEXIF: boolean; function HasIPTC: boolean; function HasComment: boolean; function HasThumbnail: boolean; function ReadIPTCStrings(fname: string):tstringlist; function ExtractThumbnailBuffer: String; {$IFNDEF dExifNoJpeg} procedure WriteEXIFJpeg(j:tjpegimage;fname:string;origName:string; adjSize:boolean = true); overload; procedure WriteEXIFJpeg(fname:string); overload; procedure WriteEXIFJpeg(j:tjpegimage;fname:string; adjSize:boolean = true); overload; function ExtractThumbnailJpeg: TJpegImage; function MetaDataToXML: tstringlist; function FillInIptc:boolean; public destructor Destroy; override; {$ENDIF} end; // TImgData // these function variables can be overridden to // alter the default formatting for various data types tfmtInt = function (inInt:integer):string; tfmtReal = function (inReal:double):string; tfmtFrac = function (inNum,inDen:integer):string; // These formatting functions can be used elsewhere function defIntFmt (inInt:integer):string; function defRealFmt(inReal:double):string; function defFracFmt(inNum,inDen:integer):string; function fmtRational( num,den:integer):string; function getbyte( var f : tstream) : byte; function DecodeField(DecodeStr, idx: string): string; function CvtTime(instr: string): string; Var DexifDataSep : string = ', '; DexifDecodeSep : string = ','; DexifDelim : string = ' = '; DexifDecode : boolean = true; estimateValues : boolean = false; TiffReadLimit : longint = 256000; curTagArray : TImageInfo = nil; fmtInt: tfmtInt = defIntFmt; fmtReal: tfmtReal = defRealFmt; fmtFrac: tfmtFrac = defFracFmt; Const GpsFormat = gf_DMS; validHeader: string = 'Exif'#0; { object declared in dIPTC unit TTagEntry = record TID: integer; // TagTableID - EXIF use TType: word; // tag type ICode: Word; // iptc code Tag: word; // primary key Name: string; // searchable Desc: string; // translatable Code: string; // decode capability Data:String; // display value Raw:string; // unprocessed value Fmt:string; // Format string Size: integer; // used by ITPC module CallBack: StrFunct; // formatting string end; } EmptyEntry: ttagEntry = ( TID:0; TType:0; ICode:0; Tag:0; Name: ''; Desc: ''; Code:''; Data:''; FormatS:''; Size:0); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // JPEG markers consist of one or more= $FF bytes, followed by a marker // code byte (which is not an FF). Here are the marker codes of interest // in this program. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- M_SOF0 = $C0; // Start Of Frame N M_SOF1 = $C1; // N indicates which compression process M_SOF2 = $C2; // Only SOF0-SOF2 are now in common use M_SOF3 = $C3; M_DHT = $C4; // Define Huffman Table M_SOF5 = $C5; // NB: codes C4 and CC are NOT SOF markers M_SOF6 = $C6; M_SOF7 = $C7; M_SOF9 = $C9; M_SOF10= $CA; M_SOF11= $CB; M_SOF13= $CD; M_DAC = $CC; // Define arithmetic coding conditioning M_SOF14= $CE; M_SOF15= $CF; M_SOI = $D8; // Start Of Image (beginning of datastream) M_EOI = $D9; // End Of Image (end of datastream) M_SOS = $DA; // Start Of Scan (begins compressed data) M_DQT = $DB; // Define Quantization table M_DNL = $DC; // Define number of lines M_DRI = $DD; // Restart interoperability definition M_DHP = $DE; // Define hierarchical progression M_EXP = $DF; // Expand reference component M_JFIF = $E0; // Jfif marker M_EXIF = $E1; // Exif marker M_EXIFEXT = $E2; // Exif extended marker // M_KODAK = $E3; // Kodak marker ??? M_IPTC = $ED; // IPTC - Photoshop M_APP14 = $EE; // Photoshop data: App14 M_COM = $FE; // Comment ProcessTable : array [0..29] of TTagEntry = (( Tag: M_SOF0; Desc: 'Baseline'), ( Tag: M_SOF1; Desc: 'Extended sequential'), ( Tag: M_SOF2; Desc: 'Progressive'), ( Tag: M_SOF3; Desc: 'Lossless'), ( Tag: M_DHT; Desc: 'Define Huffman table'), ( Tag: M_SOF5; Desc: 'Differential sequential'), ( Tag: M_SOF6; Desc: 'Differential progressive'), ( Tag: M_SOF7; Desc: 'Differential lossless'), ( Tag: M_SOF9; Desc: 'Extended sequential, arithmetic coding'), ( Tag: M_SOF10; Desc: 'Progressive, arithmetic coding'), ( Tag: M_SOF11; Desc: 'Lossless, arithmetic coding'), ( Tag: M_SOF13; Desc: 'Differential sequential, arithmetic coding'), ( Tag: M_DAC; Desc: 'Define arithmetic coding conditioning'), ( Tag: M_SOF14; Desc: 'Differential progressive, arithmetic coding'), ( Tag: M_SOF15; Desc: 'Differential lossless, arithmetic coding'), ( Tag: M_SOI; Desc: 'Start of Image'), ( Tag: M_EOI; Desc: 'End of Image'), ( Tag: M_SOS; Desc: 'Start of Scan'), ( Tag: M_DQT; Desc: 'Define quantization table'), ( Tag: M_DNL; Desc: 'Define number of lines'), ( Tag: M_DRI; Desc: 'Restart interoperability definition'), ( Tag: M_DHP; Desc: 'Define hierarchical progression'), ( Tag: M_EXP; Desc: 'Expand reference component'), ( Tag: M_JFIF; Desc: 'JPG marker'), ( Tag: M_EXIF; Desc: 'Exif Data'), ( Tag: M_EXIFEXT; Desc: 'Exif Extended Data'), ( Tag: M_COM; Desc: 'Comment'), ( Tag: M_IPTC; Desc: 'IPTC data'), ( Tag: M_APP14; Desc: 'Photoshop data'), ( Tag: 0; Desc: 'Unknown') ); Function CvtIrrational( instr:string ):double; Function LookupType(idx:integer):string; Function MakePrintable(s:string):string; // Formatting callbacks Function GpsPosn(instr:string) :string; Function GenCompConfig(instr:string): string; Function ExposCallBack(instr: string): string; Function FlashCallBack(instr: string): string; Function ExtractComment(instr: string): string; Function SSpeedCallBack(instr: string): string; Function xpTranslate(instr: string): string; const //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Describes format descriptor BytesPerFormat: array [0..12] of integer = (0,1,1,2,4,8,1,1,2,4,8,4,8); NUM_FORMATS = 12; FMT_BYTE = 1; FMT_STRING = 2; FMT_USHORT = 3; FMT_ULONG = 4; FMT_URATIONAL = 5; FMT_SBYTE = 6; FMT_UNDEFINED = 7; FMT_SSHORT = 8; FMT_SLONG = 9; FMT_SRATIONAL = 10; FMT_SINGLE = 11; FMT_DOUBLE = 12; var ExifNonThumbnailLength : integer; ShowTags: integer; ExifTrace: integer = 0; {$IFDEF dEXIFpredeclare} ImgData:timgData; {$ENDIF} implementation uses msData; const // Compression Type Constants JPEG_COMP_TYPE = 6; TIFF_COMP_TYPE = 1; //------------------------------------------------------- // Describes only tag values needed for physical access // all others are found in tag array. //------------------------------------------------------- TAG_EXIF_OFFSET = $8769; TAG_GPS_OFFSET = $8825; TAG_INTEROP_OFFSET = $A005; TAG_SUBIFD_OFFSET = $014A; TAG_MAKE = $010F; TAG_MODEL = $0110; TAG_EXIFVER = $9000; TAG_DATETIME = $0132; (* TAG_EXPOSURETIME = $829A; TAG_FNUMBER = $829D; TAG_SHUTTERSPEED = $9201; TAG_APERTURE = $9202; TAG_MAXAPERTURE = $9205; TAG_FOCALLENGTH = $920A; TAG_FOCALLENGTH35MM = $A405; // added by M. Schwaiger TAG_SUBJECT_DISTANCE = $9206; TAG_LIGHT_SOURCE = $9208; TAG_FOCALPLANEXRES = $a20E; TAG_FOCALPLANEYRES = $a20F; // added by M. Schwaiger TAG_FOCALPLANEUNITS = $a210; *) TAG_THUMBTYPE = $0103; TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL = $9003; TAG_DATETIME_DIGITIZED = $9004; TAG_USERCOMMENT = $9286; TAG_FLASH = $9209; TAG_MAKERNOTE = $927C; TAG_EXIF_IMAGEWIDTH = $A002; TAG_EXIF_IMAGELENGTH = $A003; TAG_IMAGEWIDTH = $0100; TAG_IMAGELENGTH = $0101; GPSCnt = 30; ExifTagCnt = 250; TotalTagCnt = GPSCnt+ExifTagCnt; { Many tags added based on Php4 source... http://lxr.php.net/source/php4/ext/exif/exif.c } var TagTable : array [0..ExifTagCnt] of TTagEntry = // TagTable : array of TTagEntry = // TagTable : TTagDefArray [0..ExifTagCnt] = // TagTable: TTagDefArray = ((Tag: $001; Name:'InteroperabilityIndex' ), (Tag: $002; Name:'InteroperabilityVersion'), (Tag: $00B; Name:'ACDComment' ), (Tag: $0FE; Name:'NewSubfileType' ), (Tag: $0FF; Name:'SubfileType' ), (Tag: $100; Name:'ImageWidth' ), (Tag: $101; Name:'ImageLength' ), (Tag: $102; Name:'BitsPerSample' ), (Tag: $103; Name:'Compression' ;Code:'6:Jpeg,3:Uncompressed,1:TIFF'), (Tag: $106; Name:'PhotometricInterpretation'; Code:'1:Monochrome, 2:RGB, 6:YCbCr'), (Tag: $10A; Name:'FillOrder' ), (Tag: $10D; Name:'DocumentName' ), (Tag: $10E; Name:'ImageDescription' ), (Tag: $10F; Name:'Make' ), (Tag: $110; Name:'Model' ), (Tag: $111; Name:'StripOffsets' ), (Tag: $112; Name:'Orientation' ; Code:'1:Normal,3:Rotated 180°,6:CounterClockwise 90°,8:Clockwise 90°'), (Tag: $115; Name:'SamplesPerPixel' ), (Tag: $116; Name:'RowsPerStrip' ), (Tag: $117; Name:'StripByteCounts' ), (Tag: $118; Name:'MinSampleValue' ), (Tag: $119; Name:'MaxSampleValue' ), (Tag: $11A; Name:'XResolution' ; FormatS:'%5.2f'), (Tag: $11B; Name:'YResolution' ; FormatS:'%5.2f'), (Tag: $11C; Name:'PlanarConfiguration' ), (Tag: $11D; Name:'PageName' ), (Tag: $11E; Name:'XPosition' ), (Tag: $11F; Name:'YPosition' ), (Tag: $120; Name:'FreeOffsets' ), (Tag: $121; Name:'FreeByteCounts' ), (Tag: $122; Name:'GrayReponseUnit' ), (Tag: $123; Name:'GrayReponseCurve' ), (Tag: $124; Name:'T4Options' ), (Tag: $125; Name:'T6Options' ), (Tag: $128; Name:'ResolutionUnit' ; Code:'1:None Specified,2:Inch,3:Centimeter'), // ; Code:'' (Tag: $129; Name:'PageNumber' ), // ; Code:'' (Tag: $12D; Name:'TransferFunction' ), (Tag: $131; Name:'Software' ), (Tag: $132; Name:'DateTime' ), (Tag: $13B; Name:'Artist' ), (Tag: $13C; Name:'HostComputer' ), (Tag: $13D; Name:'Predictor' ), (Tag: $13E; Name:'WhitePoint' ), (Tag: $13F; Name:'PrimaryChromaticities' ), (Tag: $140; Name:'ColorMap' ), (Tag: $141; Name:'HalfToneHints' ), (Tag: $142; Name:'TileWidth' ), (Tag: $143; Name:'TileLength' ), (Tag: $144; Name:'TileOffsets' ), (Tag: $145; Name:'TileByteCounts' ), (Tag: $14A; Name:'SubIFDs' ), (Tag: $14C; Name:'InkSet' ), (Tag: $14D; Name:'InkNames' ), (Tag: $14E; Name:'NumberOfInks' ), (Tag: $150; Name:'DotRange' ), (Tag: $151; Name:'TargetPrinter' ), (Tag: $152; Name:'ExtraSample' ), (Tag: $153; Name:'SampleFormat' ), (Tag: $154; Name:'SMinSampleValue' ), (Tag: $155; Name:'SMaxSampleValue' ), (Tag: $156; Name:'TransferRange' ), (Tag: $157; Name:'ClipPath' ), (Tag: $158; Name:'XClipPathUnits' ), (Tag: $159; Name:'YClipPathUnits' ), (Tag: $15A; Name:'Indexed' ), (Tag: $15B; Name:'JPEGTables' ), (Tag: $15F; Name:'OPIProxy' ), (Tag: $200; Name:'JPEGProc' ), (Tag: $201; Name:'JPEGInterchangeFormat' ), (Tag: $202; Name:'JPEGInterchangeFormatLength'), (Tag: $203; Name:'JPEGRestartInterval' ), (Tag: $205; Name:'JPEGLosslessPredictors' ), (Tag: $206; Name:'JPEGPointTransforms' ), (Tag: $207; Name:'JPEGQTables' ), (Tag: $208; Name:'JPEGDCTables' ), (Tag: $209; Name:'JPEGACTables' ), (Tag: $211; Name:'YCbCrCoefficients' ), (Tag: $212; Name:'YCbCrSubSampling' ), (Tag: $213; Name:'YCbCrPositioning' ; Code:'1:Centered,2:Co-sited'), (Tag: $214; Name:'ReferenceBlackWhite' ), (Tag: $2BC; Name:'ExtensibleMetadataPlatform' ), (Tag: $301; Name:'Gamma' ), (Tag: $302; Name:'ICCProfileDescriptor' ), (Tag: $303; Name:'SRGBRenderingIntent' ), (Tag: $304; Name:'ImageTitle' ), (Tag: $1000; Name:'RelatedImageFileFormat' ), (Tag: $1001; Name:'RelatedImageWidth' ), (Tag: $1002; Name:'RelatedImageHeight' ), (Tag: $5001; Name:'ResolutionXUnit' ), (Tag: $5002; Name:'ResolutionYUnit' ), (Tag: $5003; Name:'ResolutionXLengthUnit' ), (Tag: $5004; Name:'ResolutionYLengthUnit' ), (Tag: $5005; Name:'PrintFlags' ), (Tag: $5006; Name:'PrintFlagsVersion' ), (Tag: $5007; Name:'PrintFlagsCrop' ), (Tag: $5008; Name:'PrintFlagsBleedWidth' ), (Tag: $5009; Name:'PrintFlagsBleedWidthScale'), (Tag: $500A; Name:'HalftoneLPI' ), (Tag: $500B; Name:'HalftoneLPIUnit' ), (Tag: $500C; Name:'HalftoneDegree' ), (Tag: $500D; Name:'HalftoneShape' ), (Tag: $500E; Name:'HalftoneMisc' ), (Tag: $500F; Name:'HalftoneScreen' ), (Tag: $5010; Name:'JPEGQuality' ), (Tag: $5011; Name:'GridSize' ), (Tag: $5012; Name:'ThumbnailFormat' ), (Tag: $5013; Name:'ThumbnailWidth' ), (Tag: $5014; Name:'ThumbnailHeight' ), (Tag: $5015; Name:'ThumbnailColorDepth' ), (Tag: $5016; Name:'ThumbnailPlanes' ), (Tag: $5017; Name:'ThumbnailRawBytes' ), (Tag: $5018; Name:'ThumbnailSize' ), (Tag: $5019; Name:'ThumbnailCompressedSize'), (Tag: $501A; Name:'ColorTransferFunction' ), (Tag: $501B; Name:'ThumbnailData' ), (Tag: $5020; Name:'ThumbnailImageWidth' ), (Tag: $5021; Name:'ThumbnailImageHeight' ), (Tag: $5022; Name:'ThumbnailBitsPerSample' ), (Tag: $5023; Name:'ThumbnailCompression' ), (Tag: $5024; Name:'ThumbnailPhotometricInterp'), (Tag: $5025; Name:'ThumbnailImageDescription' ), (Tag: $5026; Name:'ThumbnailEquipMake' ), (Tag: $5027; Name:'ThumbnailEquipModel' ), (Tag: $5028; Name:'ThumbnailStripOffsets' ), (Tag: $5029; Name:'ThumbnailOrientation' ), (Tag: $502A; Name:'ThumbnailSamplesPerPixel'), (Tag: $502B; Name:'ThumbnailRowsPerStrip' ), (Tag: $502C; Name:'ThumbnailStripBytesCount'), (Tag: $502D; Name:'ThumbnailResolutionX' ), (Tag: $502E; Name:'ThumbnailResolutionY' ), (Tag: $502F; Name:'ThumbnailPlanarConfig' ), (Tag: $5030; Name:'ThumbnailResolutionUnit'), (Tag: $5031; Name:'ThumbnailTransferFunction'), (Tag: $5032; Name:'ThumbnailSoftwareUsed' ), (Tag: $5033; Name:'ThumbnailDateTime' ), (Tag: $5034; Name:'ThumbnailArtist' ), (Tag: $5035; Name:'ThumbnailWhitePoint' ), (Tag: $5036; Name:'ThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities'), (Tag: $5037; Name:'ThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients' ), (Tag: $5038; Name:'ThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling' ), (Tag: $5039; Name:'ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning' ), (Tag: $503A; Name:'ThumbnailRefBlackWhite' ), (Tag: $503B; Name:'ThumbnailCopyRight' ), (Tag: $5090; Name:'LuminanceTable' ), (Tag: $5091; Name:'ChrominanceTable' ), (Tag: $5100; Name:'FrameDelay' ), (Tag: $5101; Name:'LoopCount' ), (Tag: $5110; Name:'PixelUnit' ), (Tag: $5111; Name:'PixelPerUnitX' ), (Tag: $5112; Name:'PixelPerUnitY' ), (Tag: $5113; Name:'PaletteHistogram' ), (Tag: $800D; Name:'ImageID' ), (Tag: $80E3; Name:'Matteing' ), //* obsoleted by ExtraSamples */ (Tag: $80E4; Name:'DataType' ), //* obsoleted by SampleFormat */ (Tag: $80E5; Name:'ImageDepth' ), (Tag: $80E6; Name:'TileDepth' ), (Tag: $828D; Name:'CFARepeatPatternDim' ), (Tag: $828E; Name:'CFAPattern' ), (Tag: $828F; Name:'BatteryLevel' ), (Tag: $8298; Name:'Copyright' ), (Tag: $829A; Name:'ExposureTime' ; Formats:'%s sec'), (Tag: $829D; Name:'FNumber' ; FormatS:'F%0.1f'), (Tag: $83BB; Name:'IPTC/NAA' ; Desc:'IPTC/NAA'), (Tag: $84E3; Name:'IT8RasterPadding' ), (Tag: $84E5; Name:'IT8ColorTable' ), (Tag: $8649; Name:'ImageResourceInformation' ), (Tag: $8769; Name:'ExifOffset' ), (Tag: $8773; Name:'InterColorProfile' ), (Tag: $8822; Name:'ExposureProgram' ; Code: '0:Unidentified,1:Manual,2:Normal,3:Aperture priority,'+ '4:Shutter priority,5:Creative(slow),'+ '6:Action(high-speed),7:Portrait mode,8:Landscape mode'), (Tag: $8824; Name:'SpectralSensitivity' ), (Tag: $8825; Name:'GPSInfo' ), (Tag: $8827; Name:'ISOSpeedRatings' ), (Tag: $8828; Name:'OECF' ), (Tag: $8829; Name:'Interlace' ), (Tag: $882A; Name:'TimeZoneOffset' ), (Tag: $882B; Name:'SelfTimerMode' ), (Tag: $9000; Name:'ExifVersion' ), (Tag: $9003; Name:'DateTimeOriginal' ), (Tag: $9004; Name:'DateTimeDigitized' ), (Tag: $9101; Name:'ComponentsConfiguration'; Callback: GenCompConfig), (Tag: $9102; Name:'CompressedBitsPerPixel' ), (Tag: $9201; Name:'ShutterSpeedValue' ; Callback: SSpeedCallBack), (Tag: $9202; Name:'ApertureValue' ; FormatS:'F%0.1f'), (Tag: $9203; Name:'BrightnessValue' ), (Tag: $9204; Name:'ExposureBiasValue' ), (Tag: $9205; Name:'MaxApertureValue' ; FormatS:'F%0.1f'), (Tag: $9206; Name:'SubjectDistance' ), (Tag: $9207; Name:'MeteringMode' ; Code:'0:Unknown,1:Average,2:Center,3:Spot,4:MultiSpot,5:MultiSegment,6:Partial'), (Tag: $9208; Name:'LightSource' ; Code:'0:Unidentified,1:Daylight,2:Fluorescent,3:Tungsten,10:Flash,17:Std A,18:Std B,19:Std C'), (Tag: $9209; Name:'Flash' ; CallBack:FlashCallBack), (Tag: $920A; Name:'FocalLength' ; FormatS:'%5.2f mm'), (Tag: $920B; Name:'FlashEnergy' ), (Tag: $920C; Name:'SpatialFrequencyResponse'), (Tag: $920D; Name:'Noise' ), (Tag: $920E; Name:'FocalPlaneXResolution' ), // Tag: $920E - - (Tag: $920F; Name:'FocalPlaneYResolution' ), // Tag: $920F - - (Tag: $9210; Name:'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit'; Code:'1:None Specified,2:Inch,3:Centimeter'), // Tag: $9210 - - (Tag: $9211; Name:'ImageNumber' ), (Tag: $9212; Name:'SecurityClassification' ), (Tag: $9213; Name:'ImageHistory' ), (Tag: $9214; Name:'SubjectLocation' ), (Tag: $9215; Name:'ExposureIndex' ), (Tag: $9216; Name:'TIFF/EPStandardID' ), (Tag: $9217; Name:'SensingMethod' ), (Tag: $923F; Name:'StoNits' ), (Tag: $927C; Name:'MakerNote' ), (Tag: $9286; Name:'UserComment' ; Callback: ExtractComment), (Tag: $9290; Name:'SubSecTime' ), (Tag: $9291; Name:'SubSecTimeOriginal' ), (Tag: $9292; Name:'SubSecTimeDigitized' ), (Tag: $953C; Name:'ImageSourceData' ), // "Adobe Photoshop Document Data Block": 8BIM... (Tag: $9C9B; Name:'Title' ; Callback: xpTranslate), // Win XP specific, Unicode (Tag: $9C9C; Name:'Comments' ; Callback: xpTranslate), // Win XP specific, Unicode (Tag: $9C9D; Name:'Author' ; Callback: xpTranslate), // Win XP specific, Unicode (Tag: $9C9E; Name:'Keywords' ; Callback: xpTranslate), // Win XP specific, Unicode (Tag: $9C9F; Name:'Subject' ; Callback: xpTranslate), // Win XP specific, Unicode (Tag: $A000; Name:'FlashPixVersion' ), (Tag: $A001; Name:'ColorSpace' ; Code:'0:sBW,1:sRGB'), (Tag: $A002; Name:'ExifImageWidth' ), (Tag: $A003; Name:'ExifImageLength' ), (Tag: $A004; Name:'RelatedSoundFile' ), (Tag: $A005; Name:'InteroperabilityOffset' ), (Tag: $A20B; Name:'FlashEnergy' ), // Tag: $920B in TIFF/EP (Tag: $A20C; Name:'SpatialFrequencyResponse'), // Tag: $920C - - (Tag: $A20E; Name:'FocalPlaneXResolution' ), // Tag: $920E - - (Tag: $A20F; Name:'FocalPlaneYResolution' ), // Tag: $920F - - (Tag: $A210; Name:'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit'; Code:'1:None Specified,2:Inch,3:Centimeter'), // Tag: $9210 - - (Tag: $A211; Name:'ImageNumber' ), (Tag: $A212; Name:'SecurityClassification' ), (Tag: $A213; Name:'ImageHistory' ), (Tag: $A214; Name:'SubjectLocation' ), (Tag: $A215; Name:'ExposureIndex' ), (Tag: $A216; Name:'TIFF/EPStandardID' ; Desc:'TIFF/EPStandardID' ), (Tag: $A217; Name:'SensingMethod' ; Code:'0:Unknown,1:MonochromeArea,'+ '2:OneChipColorArea,3:TwoChipColorArea,4:ThreeChipColorArea,'+ '5:ColorSequentialArea,6:MonochromeLinear,7:TriLinear,'+ '8:ColorSequentialLinear'), // Tag: $9217 - - (Tag: $A300; Name:'FileSource' ; Code:'1:Unknown,3:Digital Still Camera'), (Tag: $A301; Name:'SceneType' ; Code:'0:Unknown,1:Directly Photographed'), (Tag: $A302; Name:'CFAPattern' ), (Tag: $A401; Name:'CustomRendered' ; Code:'0:Normal process,1:Custom process'), (Tag: $A402; Name:'ExposureMode' ; Code:'0:Auto,1:Manual,2:Auto bracket'), (Tag: $A403; Name:'WhiteBalance' ; Code:'0:Auto,1:Manual'), (Tag: $A404; Name:'DigitalZoomRatio' ), (Tag: $A405; Name:'FocalLengthin35mmFilm' ; Desc:'Focal Length in 35mm Film'; FormatS:'%5.2f mm'), (Tag: $A406; Name:'SceneCaptureType' ; Code:'0:Standard,1:Landscape,2:Portrait,3:Night scene'), (Tag: $A407; Name:'GainControl' ; Code:'0:None,1:Low gain up,2:High gain up,3:Low gain down,4:High gain down'), (Tag: $A408; Name:'Contrast' ; Code:'0:Normal,1:Soft,2:Hard'), (Tag: $A409; Name:'Saturation' ; Code:'0:Normal,1:Low,2:High'), (Tag: $A40A; Name:'Sharpness' ; Code:'0:Normal,1:Soft,2:Hard'), (Tag: $A40B; Name:'DeviceSettingDescription'), (Tag: $A40C; Name:'SubjectDistanceRange' ; Code:'0:Unknown,1:Macro,2:Close view,3:Distant view'), (Tag: $A420; Name:'ImageUniqueID' ; Code:'0:Close view,1:Distant view'), (Tag: 0; Name:'Unknown')); GPSTable : array [0..GPSCnt] of TTagEntry = ((Tag: $000; Name:'GPSVersionID' ), (Tag: $001; Name:'GPSLatitudeRef' ), (Tag: $002; Name:'GPSLatitude' ; CallBack:GpsPosn), (Tag: $003; Name:'GPSLongitudeRef' ), (Tag: $004; Name:'GPSLongitude' ; CallBack:GpsPosn), (Tag: $005; Name:'GPSAltitudeRef' ; Code:'0:Sealevel'), (Tag: $006; Name:'GPSAltitude' ), (Tag: $007; Name:'GPSTimeStamp' ; CallBack:CvtTime), (Tag: $008; Name:'GPSSatellites' ), (Tag: $009; Name:'GPSStatus' ), (Tag: $00A; Name:'GPSMeasureMode' ), (Tag: $00B; Name:'GPSDOP' ), (Tag: $00C; Name:'GPSSpeedRef' ), (Tag: $00D; Name:'GPSSpeed' ), (Tag: $00E; Name:'GPSTrackRef' ), (Tag: $00F; Name:'GPSTrack' ), (Tag: $010; Name:'GPSImageDirectionRef' ), (Tag: $011; Name:'GPSImageDirection' ), (Tag: $012; Name:'GPSMapDatum' ), (Tag: $013; Name:'GPSDestLatitudeRef' ), (Tag: $014; Name:'GPSDestLatitude' ; CallBack:GpsPosn), (Tag: $015; Name:'GPSDestLongitudeRef' ), (Tag: $016; Name:'GPSDestLongitude' ; CallBack:GpsPosn), (Tag: $017; Name:'GPSDestBearingkRef' ), (Tag: $018; Name:'GPSDestBearing' ), (Tag: $019; Name:'GPSDestDistanceRef' ), (Tag: $01A; Name:'GPSDestDistance' ), (Tag: $01B; Name:'GPSProcessingMode' ), (Tag: $01C; Name:'GPSAreaInformation' ), (Tag: $01D; Name:'GPSDateStamp' ), (Tag: $01E; Name:'GPSDifferential' ) ); tagInit : boolean = false; Procedure FixTagTable(var tags:array of TTagEntry); var i:integer; begin for i := low(tags) to high(tags) do begin if Length(tags[i].Desc) <= 0 then tags[i].Desc := tags[i].Name; end; end; Function InsertSpaces(instr:string):string; var i:integer; rslt:string; tc:char; lastUc:boolean; begin LastUC := true; rslt := copy(instr,1,1); for i := 2 to length(instr) do begin tc := instr[i]; if (tc >= 'A') and (tc <= 'Z') then begin if LastUC then rslt := rslt+tc else rslt := rslt+' '+tc; LastUc := true; end else begin lastUC := false; rslt := rslt+tc; end; end; result := rslt; end; Procedure FixTagTableParse(var tags:array of TTagEntry); var i:integer; begin for i := low(tags) to high(tags) do begin if Length(tags[i].Desc) <= 0 then tags[i].Desc := InsertSpaces(tags[i].Name); end; end; procedure LoadTagDescs(fancy:boolean = false); begin if tagInit then exit else tagInit := true; if fancy then begin FixTagTableParse(TagTable); FixTagTableParse(GPSTable); end else begin FixTagTable(TagTable); FixTagTable(GPSTable); end; end; Function CvtIrrational( instr:string ):double; var b1,b2:string; intMult,op:integer; begin result := 0.0; instr := trim(instr); try op := pos(' ',instr); if op > 0 then begin intMult := StrToint(copy(instr,1,op-1)); instr := copy(instr,op+1,length(instr)); end else intMult := 0; op := pos('/',instr); b1 := copy(instr,1,op-1); b2 := copy(instr,op+1,length(instr)); result := (intMult*StrToInt(b2)+StrToInt(b1)) / StrToInt(b2); except end; end; function LookupMTagID(idx:integer; ManuTable: array of TTagEntry):integer; var i:integer; begin result := -1; for i := 0 to high(ManuTable) do if ManuTable[i].Tag = idx then begin result := i; break; end; end; function LookupType(idx:integer):string; var i:integer; begin result := 'Unknown'; for i := 0 to (sizeof(processTable) div sizeof(TTagEntry))-1 do if ProcessTable[i].Tag = idx then result := ProcessTable[i].desc; end; // These destructors provided by Keith Murray // of byLight Technologies - Thanks! Destructor TImageInfo.Destroy; begin SetLength(fITagArray,0); inherited; end; Destructor TImgdata.Destroy; begin if assigned(ExifObj) then ExifObj.free; if assigned(IptcObj) then IptcObj.free; inherited; end; // This function returns the index of a tag name // in the tag buffer. Function TImageInfo.LookupTag(SearchStr:string):integer; var i: integer; begin SearchStr := UpperCase(SearchStr); result := -1; for i := 0 to fiTagCount-1 do if UpperCase(fiTagArray[i].Name) = SearchStr then begin result := i; break; end; end; // This function returns the data value for a // given tag name. Function TImageInfo.LookupTagVal(SearchStr:string):string; var i: integer; begin SearchStr := UpperCase(SearchStr); result := ''; for i := 0 to fiTagCount-1 do if UpperCase(fiTagArray[i].Name) = SearchStr then begin result := fiTagArray[i].Data; break; end; end; // This function returns the data value for a // given tag name. Function TImageInfo.LookupTagInt(SearchStr:string):integer; var i: integer; begin SearchStr := UpperCase(SearchStr); result := -1; for i := 0 to fiTagCount-1 do if UpperCase(fiTagArray[i].Name) = SearchStr then begin result := strtoint(fiTagArray[i].Data); break; end; end; // This function returns the index of a tag name // in the tag buffer. It searches by the description // which is most likely to be used as a label Function TImageInfo.LookupTagByDesc(SearchStr:string):integer; var i: integer; begin SearchStr := UpperCase(SearchStr); result := -1; for i := 0 to FITagCount-1 do if UpperCase(fiTagArray[i].Desc) = SearchStr then begin result := i; break; end; end; Function TImageInfo.GetTagByDesc(SearchStr:string):TTagEntry; var i:integer; begin i := LookupTagByDesc(SearchStr); if i >= 0 then result := fiTagArray[i] else result := EmptyEntry; end; // This function returns the index of a tag definition // for a given tag name. function TImageInfo.LookupTagDefn(item: string): integer; var i:integer; begin result := -1; for i := 0 to ExifTagCnt-1 do begin if lowercase(item) = lowercase(TagTable[i].Name) then begin result := i; break; end; end; end; function LookupTagByID(idx:integer;TagType:integer=ExifTag):integer; var i:integer; begin result := -1; case tagType of ThumbTag, ExifTag: for i := 0 to ExifTagCnt do if TagTable[i].Tag = idx then result := i; GpsTag: for i := 0 to GPSCnt do if GPSTable[i].Tag = idx then result := i; else end; end; function FetchTagByID(idx:integer;TagType:integer=ExifTag):TTagEntry; var i:integer; begin result := TagTable[ExifTagCnt]; case tagType of ThumbTag, ExifTag: for i := 0 to ExifTagCnt-1 do if TagTable[i].Tag = idx then result := TagTable[i]; GpsTag: for i := 0 to GPSCnt-1 do if GPSTable[i].Tag = idx then result := GPSTable[i]; else end; end; function LookupCode(idx:integer;TagType:integer=ExifTag):string; overload; var i:integer; begin result := ''; case tagType of ThumbTag, ExifTag: for i := 0 to ExifTagCnt do if TagTable[i].Tag = idx then result := TagTable[i].Code; GpsTag: for i := 0 to GPSCnt do if GPSTable[i].Tag = idx then result := GPSTable[i].Code; else end; end; function LookupCode(idx:integer;TagTbl:array of TTagEntry):string; overload; var i:integer; begin result := ''; for i := 0 to high(TagTbl) do if TagTbl[i].Tag = idx then result := TagTbl[i].Code; end; // Careful : this function's arguments are always // evaluated which may have unintended side-effects // (thanks to Jan Derk for pointing this out) function siif( const cond:boolean; const s1:string; const s2:string=''):string; begin if cond then result := s1 else result := s2; end; procedure TImageInfo.Assign(Source: TImageInfo); begin CameraMake := Source.CameraMake; CameraModel := Source.CameraModel; DateTime := Source.DateTime; Height := Source.Height; Width := Source.Width; FlashUsed := Source.FlashUsed; Comments := Source.Comments; MakerNote := Source.MakerNote; TraceStr := Source.TraceStr; msTraceStr := Source.msTraceStr; msAvailable := Source.msAvailable; msName := Source.msName; end; const BadVal = -1; function TImageInfo.ExifDateToDateTime(dstr:string):TDateTime; type TConvert= packed record year: Array [1..4] of char; f1:char; mon: Array [1..2] of Char; f2:char; day: Array [1..2] of Char; f3:char; hr: Array [1..2] of Char; f4:char; min: Array [1..2] of Char; f5:char; sec: Array [1..2] of Char; end; PConvert= ^TConvert; begin try with PConvert( @dstr[1] )^ do Result := EncodeDate( StrToInt( year ), StrToInt( mon ), StrToInt( day )) + EncodeTime( StrToInt( hr ), StrToInt( min ), StrToInt( sec ), 0); except result := 0; end; end; function TImageInfo.ExtrDateTime(oset:integer):TDateTime; var tmpStr:string; begin tmpStr := copy(parent.exifSegment^.data,oset,19); result := ExifDateToDateTime(tmpStr); end; // 2001:01:09 16:17:32 Procedure TImageInfo.SetDateTimeStr(oset:integer; TimeIn:TDateTime); var tmp:string; i:integer; begin tmp := FormatDateTime('yyyy:mm:dd hh:nn:ss',TimeIn); for i := 1 to length(tmp) do parent.ExifSegment^.data[oset+i-1] := tmp[i]; end; function TImageInfo.GetImgDateTime:TDateTime; var x: TDateTime; begin x := 0.0; if dt_oset > 0 then x := ExtrDateTime(dt_oset) else if dt_orig_oset > 0 then x := ExtrDateTime(dt_orig_oset) else if dt_digi_oset > 0 then x := ExtrDateTime(dt_digi_oset); result := x; end; Procedure TImageInfo.AdjDateTime(days,hours,mins,secs:integer); var delta:double; x: TDateTime; begin // hrs/day min/day sec/day delta := days + (hours/24)+ (mins/1440) + (secs/86400); if dt_oset > 0 then begin x := ExtrDateTime(dt_oset); SetDateTimeStr(dt_oset,x+delta); end; if dt_orig_oset > 0 then begin x := ExtrDateTime(dt_orig_oset); SetDateTimeStr(dt_orig_oset,x+delta); end; if dt_digi_oset > 0 then begin x := ExtrDateTime(dt_digi_oset); SetDateTimeStr(dt_digi_oset,x+delta); end; end; Procedure TImageInfo.OverwriteDateTime(InTime:tdatetime); begin if dt_oset > 0 then SetDateTimeStr(dt_oset,InTime); if dt_orig_oset > 0 then SetDateTimeStr(dt_orig_oset,InTime); if dt_digi_oset > 0 then SetDateTimeStr(dt_digi_oset,InTime); end; Function CvtTime(instr:string) :string; var i,sl:integer; tb:string; tHours,tMin,tSec:double; begin sl := length(DexifDataSep); result := instr; // if error return input string i := pos(DexifDataSep,instr); tb := copy(instr,1,i-1); // get first irrational number tHours := CvtIrrational(tb); // bottom of lens speed range instr := copy(instr,i+sl-1,64); i := pos(DexifDataSep,instr); tb := copy(instr,1,i-1); // get second irrational number tMin := CvtIrrational(tb); // minimum focal length instr := copy(instr,i+1,64); tSec := CvtIrrational(instr); // maximum focal length // Ok we'll send the result back as Degrees with // Decimal Minutes. Alternatively send back as Degree // Minutes, Seconds or Decimal Degrees. result := format('%0.0f:%0.0f:%0.0f', [tHours,tMin,tSec]); end; Function GenCompConfig(instr:string) :string; var i,ti:integer; ts:string; begin ts := ''; for i := 1+1 to 4+1 do // skip first char... begin ti := integer(instr[i]); case ti of 1: ts := ts+'Y'; 2: ts := ts+'Cb'; 3: ts := ts+'Cr'; 4: ts := ts+'R'; 5: ts := ts+'G'; 6: ts := ts+'B'; else end; end; result := ts; end; Function GpsPosn(instr:string) :string; var i,sl:integer; tb:string; gDegree,gMin,gSec:double; begin sl := length(DexifDataSep); result := instr; // if error return input string i := pos(DexifDataSep,instr); tb := copy(instr,1,i-1); // get first irrational number gDegree := CvtIrrational(tb); // degrees instr := copy(instr,i+sl-1,64); i := pos(DexifDataSep,instr); tb := copy(instr,1,i-1); // get second irrational number gMin := CvtIrrational(tb); // minutes instr := copy(instr,i+sl-1,64); gSec := CvtIrrational(instr); // seconds if gSec = 0 then // camera encoded as decimal minutes begin gSec := ((gMin-trunc(gMin))*100); // seconds as a fraction of degrees gSec := gSec * 0.6; // convert to seconds gMin := trunc(gMin); // minutes is whole portion end; // Ok we'll send the result back as Degrees with // Decimal Minutes. Alternatively send back as Degree // Minutes, Seconds or Decimal Degrees. case GpsFormat of gf_DD: result := format('%1.4f Decimal Degrees',[gDegree + ((gMin + (gSec/60))/60)]); gf_DM: result := format('%0.0f Degrees %1.2f Minutes',[gDegree, gMin + (gsec/60)]); gf_DMS: result := format('%0.0f Degrees %0.0f Minutes %0.0f Seconds', [gDegree,gMin,gSec]); else end; end; function DecodeField(DecodeStr,idx:string):string; var stPos:integer; ts:string; begin result := ''; idx := DexifDecodeSep+trim(idx)+':'; // ease parsing decodeStr := DexifDecodeSep+decodeStr+DexifDecodeSep; stPos := pos(idx,DecodeStr); if stPos > 0 then begin ts := copy(DecodeStr,stPos+length(idx),length(decodeStr)); result := copy(ts,1,pos(DexifDecodeSep,ts)-1); end end; function TImageInfo.AddTagToArray(nextTag:iTag):integer; begin if nextTag.tag <> 0 then // Empty fields are masked out begin if fITagCount >= MaxTag-1 then begin inc(MaxTag,TagArrayGrowth); SetLength(fITagArray,MaxTag); end; fITagArray[fITagCount] := nextTag; inc(fITagCount); end; result := fITagCount-1; end; function TImageInfo.AddTagToThumbArray(nextTag: iTag): integer; begin if nextTag.tag <> 0 then // Empty fields are masked out begin if fIThumbCount >= MaxThumbTag-1 then begin inc(MaxThumbTag,TagArrayGrowth); SetLength(fIThumbArray,MaxThumbTag); end; fIThumbArray[fIThumbCount] := nextTag; inc(fIThumbCount); end; result := fIThumbCount-1; end; function TImageInfo.CvtInt(buff:string):longint; var i:integer; r:Int64; begin r := 0; try if MotorolaOrder then for i := 1 to length(buff) do r := r*256+ord(buff[i]) else for i := length(buff) downto 1 do r := r*256+ord(buff[i]); except end; result := longint(r); end; function TImageInfo.FormatNumber(buffer:string;fmt:integer; fmtStr:string;decodeStr:string=''):string; var buff2,os:string; i,vlen:integer; tmp,tmp2:longint; dv:double; begin os := ''; vlen := BytesPerFormat[fmt]; if vlen = 0 then begin result := '0'; exit; end; for i := 0 to min((length(buffer) div vlen),8)-1 do begin if os <> '' then os := os+DexifDataSep; // Used for data display buff2 := copy(buffer,(i*vlen)+1,vlen); case fmt of FMT_SBYTE, FMT_BYTE, FMT_USHORT, FMT_ULONG, FMT_SSHORT, FMT_SLONG: begin tmp := CvtInt(buff2); if (decodeStr = '') or not DexifDecode then os := os + defIntFmt(tmp) // IntToStr(tmp) else os := os + DecodeField(decodeStr,IntToStr(tmp)); //+ // ' ('+IntToStr(tmp)+')'; end; FMT_URATIONAL, FMT_SRATIONAL: begin tmp := CvtInt(copy(buff2,1,4)); tmp2 := CvtInt(copy(buff2,5,4)); os := os + defFracFmt(tmp,tmp2); //format('%d/%d',[tmp,tmp2]); if (decodeStr <> '') or not DexifDecode then os := os + DecodeField(decodeStr,os); // +' ('+os+')'; end; FMT_SINGLE, FMT_DOUBLE: begin // not used anyway os := os+ '-9999.99'; // not sure how to end; // interpret endian issues else os := os + '?'; end; end; if fmtStr <> '' then begin if pos('%s', fmtStr) > 0 then begin os := format(fmtStr,[os]); end else begin dv := GetNumber(buffer,fmt); os := format(fmtStr,[dv]); end; end; result := os; end; function TImageInfo.GetNumber(buffer:string;fmt:integer):double; var os:double; tmp:longint; dbl:double absolute tmp; tmp2:longint; begin try case fmt of FMT_SBYTE, FMT_BYTE, FMT_USHORT, FMT_ULONG, FMT_SSHORT, FMT_SLONG: os := CvtInt(buffer); FMT_URATIONAL, FMT_SRATIONAL: begin tmp := CvtInt(copy(buffer,1,4)); tmp2 := CvtInt(copy(buffer,5,4)); os := tmp / tmp2; end; FMT_SINGLE: os := dbl; FMT_DOUBLE: os := dbl; else os := 0; end; except os := 0; end; result := os; end; function MakePrintable(s:string):string; var r:string; i:integer; begin for i := 1 to min(length(s),50) do if not (ord(s[i]) in [32..255]) then r := r+'.' else r := r+s[i]; result := r; end; function MakeHex(s:string):string; var r:string; i:integer; begin for i := 1 to min(length(s),16) do r := r+IntToHex(ord(s[i]),2)+' '; if length(s) > 16 then r := r+'...'; result := r; end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Process one of the nested EXIF directories. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TImageInfo.ProcessExifDir(DirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength: longint; tagType:integer = ExifTag; prefix:string=''); var ByteCount:integer; tag,TFormat,components:integer; de,DirEntry,OffsetVal,NumDirEntries,ValuePtr,subDirStart:Longint; RawStr,Fstr,transStr:string; msInfo: tmsInfo; lookupE, newE: TTagEntry; tmpTR:string; begin NumDirEntries := Get16u(DirStart); if (ExifTrace > 0) then TraceStr := TraceStr +#13#10+ format('Directory: Start, entries = %d, %d',[DirStart, NumDirEntries]); if (DirStart+2+(NumDirEntries*12)) > (DirStart+OffsetBase+ExifLength) then begin Parent.ErrStr := 'Illegally sized directory'; exit; end; //Parent.ErrStr:= //format('%d,%d,%d,%d+%s',[DirStart,NumDirEntries,OffsetBase,ExifLength, //parent.errstr]); // Uncomment to trace directory structure if (tagType = ExifTag) and (ThumbStart = 0) and not TiffFmt then begin DirEntry := DirStart+2+12*NumDirEntries; ThumbStart := Get32u(DirEntry); ThumbLength := OffsetBase+ExifLength-ThumbStart; end; for de := 0 to NumDirEntries-1 do begin DirEntry := DirStart+2+12*de; Tag := Get16u(DirEntry); TFormat := Get16u(DirEntry+2); Components := Get32u(DirEntry+4); ByteCount := Components * BytesPerFormat[TFormat]; if ByteCount = 0 then continue; If ByteCount > 4 then begin OffsetVal := Get32u(DirEntry+8); ValuePtr := OffsetBase+OffsetVal; end else ValuePtr := DirEntry+8; RawStr := copy(parent.EXIFsegment^.data,ValuePtr,ByteCount); fstr := ''; if BuildList in [GenString,GenAll] then begin LookUpE := FetchTagByID(tag,tagType); with LookUpE do begin case tformat of FMT_UNDEFINED: fStr := '"'+StrBefore(RawStr,#0)+'"'; FMT_STRING: fStr := copy(parent.EXIFsegment^.data, ValuePtr,ByteCount-1); else fStr := FormatNumber(RawStr, TFormat, FormatS, Code); end; if (Tag > 0) and assigned(callback) and DexifDecode then fstr := Callback(fStr) else fstr := MakePrintable(fstr); transStr := Desc; end; Case tag of TAG_USERCOMMENT: begin // here we strip off comment header Comments := trim(copy(RawStr,9,ByteCount-9)); fStr := Comments; // old one is erroneous CommentPosn := ValuePtr; CommentSize := ByteCount-9; end; else end; tmpTR := #13#10+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,'tag[$'+inttohex(tag,4)+']: ','')+ transStr+DexifDelim+fstr+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,' [size: '+inttostr(ByteCount)+']','')+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,' [start: '+inttostr(ValuePtr)+']',''); if tagType = ThumbTag then Thumbtrace := ThumbTrace + tmpTR else TraceStr := TraceStr + tmpTR; end; // Additional processing done here: Case tag of TAG_SUBIFD_OFFSET, TAG_EXIF_OFFSET, TAG_INTEROP_OFFSET: begin try SubdirStart := OffsetBase + LongInt(Get32u(ValuePtr)); ProcessExifDir(SubdirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength, ExifTag); except end; end; TAG_GPS_OFFSET: begin try SubdirStart := OffsetBase + LongInt(Get32u(ValuePtr)); ProcessExifDir(SubdirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength, GpsTag); except end; end; TAG_MAKE: CameraMake := fstr; TAG_MODEL: CameraModel := fstr; TAG_EXIFVER: ExifVersion := rawstr; TAG_DATETIME: begin dt_oset := ValuePtr; DateTime := fstr; end; TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL: begin dt_orig_oset := ValuePtr; DateTime := fstr; end; TAG_DATETIME_DIGITIZED: begin dt_digi_oset := ValuePtr; end; TAG_MAKERNOTE: begin MakerNote := RawStr; MakerOffset := ValuePtr; Msinfo := tmsinfo.create(TiffFmt,self); msAvailable := msInfo.ReadMSData(self); FreeAndNil(msinfo); end; TAG_FLASH: FlashUsed := round(getNumber(RawStr, TFormat)); TAG_IMAGELENGTH, TAG_EXIF_IMAGELENGTH: begin HPosn := DirEntry+8; Height := round(getNumber(RawStr, TFormat)); end; TAG_IMAGEWIDTH, TAG_EXIF_IMAGEWIDTH: begin WPosn := DirEntry+8; Width := round(getNumber(RawStr, TFormat)); end; TAG_THUMBTYPE: if tagType = ThumbTag then ThumbType := round(getNumber(RawStr, TFormat)); else // no special processing end; if BuildList in [GenList,GenAll] then begin try NewE := LookupE; NewE.Data := fstr; NewE.Raw := RawStr; NewE.Size := length(RawStr); NewE.PRaw := ValuePtr; NewE.TType := tFormat; if tagType = ThumbTag then AddTagToThumbArray(NewE) else AddTagToArray(NewE); except // if we're here: unknown tag. // item is recorded in trace string end; end; end; end; Procedure TImageInfo.AddMSTag(fname,fstr:string;fType:word); var {lookupE,} newE: TTagEntry; begin if BuildList in [GenList,GenAll] then begin try newE.Name := fname; newE.Desc := fname; NewE.Data := fstr; NewE.Raw := fStr; NewE.Size := length(fStr); NewE.PRaw := 0; NewE.TType := fType; NewE.TID := 1; // MsSpecific AddTagToArray(NewE); except // if we're here: unknown tag. // item is recorded in trace string end; end; end; Procedure TImageInfo.ProcessThumbnail; var start:integer; begin start := ThumbStart+9; ProcessExifDir(start, 9, ThumbLength-12,ThumbTag,'Thumbnail'); end; Procedure TImageInfo.removeThumbnail; var newSize:integer; begin newSize := ThumbStart-6; with parent do begin SetLength(ExifSegment^.data,newSize); ExifSegment^.size := newSize; // size calculations should really be moved to save routine ExifSegment^.data[1] := char(newSize div 256); ExifSegment^.data[2] := char(newSize mod 256); end; end; procedure TImageInfo.ProcessHWSpecific(MakerBuff:string; TagTbl:Array of TTagEntry; DirStart:longint; MakerOffset:Longint; spOffset:integer = 0); var NumDirEntries:integer; de,ByteCount,TagID:integer; DirEntry,tag,TFormat,components:integer; OffsetVal,ValuePtr:Longint; RawStr,Fstr,Fstr2,TagStr,ds:string; OffsetBase: longint; NewE:TTagEntry; begin DirStart := DirStart+1; OffsetBase := DirStart-MakerOffset+1; SetDataBuff(MakerBuff); try NumDirEntries := Get16u(DirStart); for de := 0 to NumDirEntries-1 do begin DirEntry := DirStart+2+12*de; Tag := Get16u(DirEntry); TFormat := Get16u(DirEntry+2); Components := Get32u(DirEntry+4); ByteCount := Components * BytesPerFormat[TFormat]; OffsetVal := 0; If ByteCount > 4 then begin OffsetVal := Get32u(DirEntry+8); ValuePtr := OffsetBase+OffsetVal; end else ValuePtr := DirEntry+8; // Adjustment needed by Olympus Cameras if ValuePtr+ByteCount > length(MakerBuff) then RawStr := copy(parent.DataBuff,OffsetVal+spOffset,ByteCount) else RawStr := copy(MakerBuff,ValuePtr,ByteCount); TagID := LookupMTagID(tag,TagTbl); if TagID < 0 then TagStr := 'Unknown' else TagStr := TagTbl[TagID].Desc; fstr := ''; if UpperCase(TagStr) = 'SKIP' then continue; if BuildList in [GenList,GenAll] then begin case tformat of FMT_STRING: fStr := '"'+strbefore(RawStr,#0)+'"'; FMT_UNDEFINED: fStr := '"'+RawStr+'"'; // FMT_STRING: fStr := '"'+copy(MakerBuff,ValuePtr,ByteCount-1)+'"'; else try ds := siif(dEXIFdecode, LookupCode(tag,TagTbl),''); if TagID < 0 then fStr := FormatNumber(RawStr, TFormat, '', '') else fStr := FormatNumber(RawStr, TFormat, TagTbl[TagID].FormatS, ds); except fStr := '"'+RawStr+'"'; end; end; rawDefered := false; if (TagID > 0) and assigned(TagTbl[TagID].CallBack) and DexifDecode then fstr2 := TagTbl[TagID].CallBack(fstr) else fstr2 := MakePrintable(fstr); if (ExifTrace > 0) then begin if not rawDefered then msTraceStr := msTraceStr +#13#10+ 'tag[$'+inttohex(tag,4)+']: '+ TagStr+DexifDelim+fstr2+ ' [size: '+inttostr(ByteCount)+']'+ ' [raw: '+MakeHex(RawStr)+']'+ ' [start: '+inttostr(ValuePtr)+']' else msTraceStr := msTraceStr +#13#10+ 'tag[$'+inttohex(tag,4)+']: '+ TagStr+DexifDelim+ ' [size: '+inttostr(ByteCount)+']'+ ' [raw: '+MakeHex(RawStr)+']'+ ' [start: '+inttostr(ValuePtr)+']'+ fstr2; end else begin if not rawDefered then msTraceStr := msTraceStr +#13#10+ TagStr+DexifDelim+fstr2 else msTraceStr := msTraceStr+ fstr2+ // has cr/lf as first element #13#10+TagStr+DexifDelim+fstr; end; (* msTraceStr := msTraceStr +#13#10+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,'tag[$'+inttohex(tag,4)+']: ','')+ TagStr+DexifDelim+fstr+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,' [size: '+inttostr(ByteCount)+']','')+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,' [raw: '+MakeHex(RawStr)+']','')+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,' [start: '+inttostr(ValuePtr)+']',''); *) end; if (BuildList in [GenList,GenAll]) and (TagID > 0) then begin try NewE := TagTbl[TagID]; NewE.Data := fstr; NewE.Raw := RawStr; NewE.TType := tFormat; NewE.TID := 1; // MsSpecific AddTagToArray(NewE); except // if we're here: unknown tag. // item is recorded in trace string end; end; end; except on e:exception do Parent.ErrStr := 'Error Detected = '+e.message; end; SetDataBuff(parent.DataBuff); end; Function ExtractComment(instr: string): string; begin // CommentHeader := copy(instr,1,8); // fixed length string result := copy(instr,9,maxint); end; Function FlashCallBack(instr: string): string; var tmp: integer; tmpS: string; begin tmp := strToInt(instr); tmps := siif(tmp and 1 = 1,'On','Off'); // bit0 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 6 = 2,', UNKNOWN'); // bit1 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 6 = 4,', no strobe return'); // bit2 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 6 = 6,', strobe return'); // bit1+2 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 24 = 8,', forced'); // bit3 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 24 = 16,', surpressed'); // bit4 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 24 = 24,', auto mode'); // bit3+4 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 32 = 32,', no flash function'); // bit5 tmps := tmps+siif(tmp and 64 = 64,', red-eye reduction'); // bit6 result := tmps; end; function ExposCallBack(instr: string):string; var expoTime:double; begin expoTime := strToFloat(instr); result := Format('%4.4f sec',[expoTime])+ siif(ExpoTime <= 0.5, format(' (1/%d)',[round(1/ExpoTime)]),''); // corrected by M. Schwaiger - adding ".5" is senseless when using "round"! end; function SSpeedCallBack(instr: string):string; var expoTime:double; begin expoTime := CvtIrrational(instr); expoTime := (1/exp(expoTime*ln(2))); result := Format('%4.4f sec',[expoTime])+ siif(ExpoTime <= 0.5, format(' (1/%d)',[round(1/ExpoTime)]),''); end; function xpTranslate(instr: string):string; var i:integer; ts:string; cv:char; begin ts := ''; for i := 1 to StrCount(instr,',') do if odd(i) then begin cv := chr(strtoint(StrNth(instr,',',i))); if cv <> #0 then ts := ts+cv; end; result := ts; end; function TImageInfo.toLongString: string; var tmpStr:string; begin if parent.ExifSegment = nil then result := '' else if Parent.errstr <> '<none>' then result := 'File Name: ' + ExtractFileName(parent.Filename) + crlf + 'Exif Error: '+Parent.errstr else begin result := 'File Name: ' + ExtractFileName(parent.Filename) + crlf + 'File Size: ' + IntToStr(parent.FileSize div 1024)+ 'k' + crlf + 'File Date: ' + dateToStr(parent.FileDateTime) + crlf + 'Photo Date: ' + DateTime + crlf + 'Make (Model): ' + CameraMake + ' ('+CameraModel+')' + crlf + 'Dimensions: ' + IntToStr(Width) + ' x '+ IntToStr(Height); if BuildList in [GenString,GenAll] then begin tmpStr := LookupTagVal('ExposureTime'); if tmpStr <> '' then result := result+crlf+'Exposure Time: '+tmpStr else begin tmpStr := LookupTagVal('ShutterSpeedValue'); if tmpStr <> '' then result := result+crlf+'Exposure Time: '+tmpStr end; tmpStr := LookupTagVal('FocalLength'); if tmpStr <> '' then result := result+crlf+'Focal Length: '+tmpStr; tmpStr := LookupTagVal('FocalLengthin35mm'); if tmpStr <> '' then result := result+crlf+'Focal Length (35mm): '+tmpStr; tmpStr := LookupTagVal('FNumber'); if tmpStr <> '' then result := result+crlf+'FNumber: '+tmpStr; tmpStr := LookupTagVal('ISOSpeedRatings'); if tmpStr <> '' then result := result+crlf+'ISO: '+tmpStr; end; result := result + crlf + 'Flash: ' + siif(odd(FlashUsed),'Yes','No'); end; end; function TImageInfo.toString: string; begin if parent.ExifSegment = nil then result := '' else if Parent.errstr <> '<none>' then result := ExtractFileName(parent.Filename) + ' Exif Error: '+Parent.errstr else result := ExtractFileName(parent.Filename) + ' ' + IntToStr(parent.FileSize div 1024)+'k '+ Copy(DateTime,1,10) + ' '+ IntToStr(Width)+'w '+IntToStr(Height)+'h ' +siif(odd(FlashUsed),' Flash',''); end; (************************************************* The following methods write data back into the EXIF buffer. *************************************************) procedure TImageInfo.SetExifComment( newComment:string); begin WriteThruString('UserComment','ASCII'#0#0#0+newComment); end; procedure TImageInfo.AdjExifSize(nh,nw:longint); begin if (Height <=0) or (Width <=0) then exit; if (nw <> Width) or (nh <> Height) then begin parent.WriteInt32(parent.ExifSegment^.data,nh,hPosn); parent.WriteInt32(parent.ExifSegment^.data,nw,wPosn); end; end; procedure TImageInfo.TagWriteThru16(te:ttagentry;NewVal16:word); begin parent.WriteInt16(parent.ExifSegment^.data,newVal16,te.praw); end; procedure TImageInfo.TagWriteThru32(te:ttagentry;NewVal32:longint); begin parent.WriteInt16(parent.ExifSegment^.data,newVal32,te.praw); end; function TImageInfo.WriteThruInt(tname:string;value:longint):boolean; var te:ttagentry; vlen:integer; begin result := false; // failure te := Data[tname]; if te.Tag = 0 then exit; result := true; // success vlen := BytesPerFormat[te.TType]; if vlen = 2 then TagWriteThru16(te,word(value)) else if vlen = 4 then TagWriteThru32(te,value) else result := false; // don't recognize the type end; function TImageInfo.WriteThruString(tname:string;value:String):boolean; var te:ttagentry; i,sPosition:integer; begin result := false; // failure te := Data[tname]; if te.Tag = 0 then exit; with parent.ExifSegment^ do begin sPosition := te.PRaw; for i := 0 to te.Size-2 do if i > length(value)-1 then data[i+sPosition] := #0 else data[i+sPosition] := value[i+1]; data[te.Size-1] := #0; // strings are null terminated end; result := true; // success end; // // Sample call - // ImgData.ExifObj.WriteThruInt('Orientation',3); // //********************************************* constructor TImageInfo.Create(p: timgdata; buildCode: integer = GenAll); begin inherited create; LoadTagDescs(True); // initialize global structures FITagCount := 0; buildList := BuildCode; parent := p; end; constructor TImgData.Create(buildCode: integer = GenAll); begin inherited create; buildList := BuildCode; reset; end; function TImageInfo.GetTagElement(TagID: integer): TTagEntry; begin result := fITagArray[TagID] end; procedure TImageInfo.SetTagElement(TagID: integer; const Value: TTagEntry); begin fITagArray[TagID] := Value; end; function TImageInfo.GetTagByName(TagName: string): TTagEntry; var i:integer; begin i := LookupTag(TagName); if i >= 0 then result := fITagArray[i] else result := EmptyEntry; end; procedure TImageInfo.SetTagByName(TagName: string; const Value: TTagEntry); var i:integer; begin i := LookupTag(TagName); if i >= 0 then fITagArray[i] := Value else begin AddTagToArray(value); end; end; function TImageInfo.IterateFoundTags(TagId: integer; var retVal:TTagEntry):boolean; begin FillChar(retVal,sizeof(retVal),0); while (iterator < FITagCount) and (FITagArray[iterator].TID <> TagId) do inc(iterator); if (iterator < FITagCount) then begin retVal := FITagArray[iterator]; inc(iterator); result := true; end else result := false; end; procedure TImageInfo.ResetIterator; begin iterator := 0; end; function TImageInfo.IterateFoundThumbTags(TagId: integer; var retVal:TTagEntry):boolean; begin FillChar(retVal,sizeof(retVal),0); while (iterThumb < FIThumbCount) and (FITagArray[iterThumb].TID <> TagId) do inc(iterThumb); if (iterThumb < FIThumbCount) then begin retVal := FIThumbArray[iterThumb]; inc(iterThumb); result := true; end else result := false; end; procedure TImageInfo.ResetThumbIterator; begin iterThumb := 0; end; function TImageInfo.GetRawFloat( tagName: string ):double; var tiq :TTagEntry; begin tiq := GetTagByName( tagName ); if tiq.Tag = 0 // EmptyEntry then result := 0.0 else result := GetNumber(tiq.Raw, tiq.TType); end; function TImageInfo.GetRawInt( tagName: string ):integer; begin result := round(GetRawFloat(tagName)); end; // Unfortunatly if we're calling this function there isn't // enough info in the EXIF to calculate the equivalent 35mm // focal length and it needs to be looked up on a camera // by camera basis. - next rev - maybe Function TImageInfo.LookupRatio:double; var estRatio:double; upMake,upModel:string; begin upMake := copy(uppercase(cameramake),1,5); upModel := copy(uppercase(cameramodel),1,5); estRatio := 4.5; // ballpark for *my* camera - result := estRatio; end; procedure TImageInfo.Calc35Equiv; const Diag35mm : double = 43.26661531; // sqrt(sqr(24)+sqr(36)) var tmp:integer; CCDWidth, CCDHeight, fpu, fl, fl35, ratio : double; NewE, LookUpE : TTagEntry; begin if LookUpTag('FocalLengthin35mmFilm') >= 0 then exit; // no need to calculate - already have it CCDWidth := 0.0; CCDHeight := 0.0; tmp := GetRawInt('FocalPlaneResolutionUnit'); if (tmp <= 0) then tmp := GetRawInt('ResolutionUnit'); case tmp of 2: fpu := 25.4; // inch 3: fpu := 10; // centimeter else fpu := 0.0 end; fl := GetRawFloat('FocalLength'); if (fpu = 0.0) or (fl = 0.0) then exit; tmp := GetRawInt('FocalPlaneXResolution'); if (tmp > 0) then CCDWidth := Width * fpu / tmp; tmp := GetRawInt('FocalPlaneYResolution'); if (tmp > 0) then CCDHeight := Height * fpu / tmp; if CCDWidth*CCDHeight <= 0 then // if either is zero begin if not estimateValues then exit; ratio := LookupRatio() end else ratio := Diag35mm / sqrt (sqr (CCDWidth) + sqr (CCDHeight)); fl35 := fl * ratio; // now load it into the tag array tmp := LookupTagDefn('FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'); LookUpE := TagTable[tmp]; NewE := LookupE; NewE.Data := Format('%5.2f',[fl35]); NewE.Raw := ''; NewE.FormatS := '%s mm'; NewE.TType := FMT_SRATIONAL; AddTagToArray(NewE); TraceStr := TraceStr+#13#10+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,'tag[$'+inttohex(tmp,4)+']: ','')+ NewE.Desc+DexifDelim+NewE.Data+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,' [size: 0]','')+ siif(ExifTrace > 0,' [start: 0]',''); end; function TImageInfo.EXIFArrayToXML: tstringlist; var buff:tstringlist; i:integer; begin buff := TStringList.Create; buff.add(' <EXIFdata>'); for i := 0 to fiTagCount-1 do with fITagArray[i] do begin buff.add(' <'+name+'>'); if tag in [105,120] // headline and image caption then buff.add(' <![CDATA['+data+']]>') else buff.add(' '+data); buff.add(' </'+name+'>'); end; buff.add(' </EXIFdata>'); result := buff; end; function getbyte( var f : tstream) : byte; var a : byte; begin f.Read(a,1); result := a; end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Here we implement the Endian Independent layer. Outside // of these methods we don't care about endian issues. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function tEndInd.GetDataBuff: string; begin result := llData; end; procedure tEndInd.SetDataBuff(const Value: string); begin llData := Value; end; procedure tEndInd.WriteInt16(var buff:string;int,posn:integer); begin if MotorolaOrder then begin buff[posn+1] := char(int mod 256); buff[posn] := char(int div 256); end else begin buff[posn] := char(int mod 256); buff[posn+1] := char(int div 256); end end; procedure tEndInd.WriteInt32(var buff:string;int,posn:longint); begin if MotorolaOrder then begin buff[posn+3] := char(int mod 256); buff[posn+2] := char((int shr 8) mod 256); buff[posn+1] := char((int shr 16) mod 256); buff[posn] := char((int shr 24) mod 256); end else begin buff[posn] := char(int mod 256); buff[posn+1] := char((int shr 8) mod 256); buff[posn+2] := char((int shr 16) mod 256); buff[posn+3] := char((int shr 24) mod 256); end end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert a 16 bit unsigned value from file's native byte order //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function tEndInd.Get16u(oset:integer):word; // var hibyte,lobyte:byte; begin // To help debug, uncomment the following two lines // hibyte := byte(llData[oset+1]); // lobyte := byte(llData[oset]); if MotorolaOrder then result := (byte(llData[oset]) shl 8) or byte(llData[oset+1]) else result := (byte(llData[oset+1]) shl 8) or byte(llData[oset]); end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert a 32 bit signed value from file's native byte order //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function tEndInd.Get32s(oset:integer):Longint; begin if MotorolaOrder then result := (byte(llData[oset]) shl 24) or (byte(llData[oset+1]) shl 16) or (byte(llData[oset+2]) shl 8) or byte(llData[oset+3]) else result := (byte(llData[oset+3]) shl 24) or (byte(llData[oset+2]) shl 16) or (byte(llData[oset+1]) shl 8) or byte(llData[oset]); end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert a 32 bit unsigned value from file's native byte order //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function tEndInd.Put32s(data:Longint):string; var data2:integer; buffer:string[4] absolute data2; bbuff:char; begin data2 := data; if MotorolaOrder then begin bbuff := buffer[1]; buffer[1] := buffer[4]; buffer[4] := bbuff; bbuff := buffer[2]; buffer[2] := buffer[3]; buffer[3] := bbuff; end; result := buffer; end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert a 32 bit unsigned value from file's native byte order //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function tEndInd.Get32u(oset:integer):Longword; begin result := Longword(Get32S(oset)) and $FFFFFFFF; end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following methods implement the outer parser which // decodes the segments. Further parsing isthen passed on to // the TImageInfo (for EXIF) and TIPTCData objects //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TImgData.MakeIPTCSegment(buff:string); var bl:integer; begin bl := length(buff)+2; if IPTCSegment = nil then begin inc(SectionCnt); IPTCSegment := @(sections[SectionCnt]); end; IPTCSegment^.data := char(bl div 256)+char(bl mod 256)+buff; IPTCSegment^.size := bl; IPTCSegment^.dtype := M_IPTC; end; Procedure TImgData.MakeCommentSegment(buff:string); var bl:integer; begin bl := length(buff)+2; if CommentSegment = nil then begin inc(SectionCnt); CommentSegment := @(sections[SectionCnt]); end; CommentSegment^.data := char(bl div 256)+char(bl mod 256)+buff; CommentSegment^.size := bl; CommentSegment^.dtype := M_COM; end; Function TImgData.GetCommentSegment:string; begin result := ''; if CommentSegment <> nil then result := copy(CommentSegment^.data,2,maxint); end; function TImgData.SaveExif(var jfs2:tstream):longint; var cnt:longint; buff:string; begin cnt:=0; buff := #$FF#$D8; jfs2.Write(pointer(buff)^,length(buff)); if ExifSegment <> nil then with ExifSegment^ do begin buff := #$FF+chr(Dtype)+data; cnt := cnt+jfs2.Write(pointer(buff)^,length(buff)); end else if HeaderSegment <> nil then with HeaderSegment^ do begin buff := chr($FF)+chr(Dtype)+data; // buff := #$FF+chr(Dtype)+#$00#$10'JFIF'#$00#$01#$02#$01#$01','#$01','#$00#$00; cnt := cnt+jfs2.Write(pointer(buff)^,length(buff)); end else if (cnt = 0) then begin // buff := chr($FF)+chr(Dtype)+data; buff := #$FF+chr(M_JFIF)+#$00#$10'JFIF'#$00#$01#$02#$01#$01','#$01','#$00#$00; cnt := cnt+jfs2.Write(pointer(buff)^,length(buff)); end; if IPTCSegment <> nil then with IPTCSegment^ do begin buff := chr($FF)+chr(Dtype)+data; cnt := cnt+jfs2.Write(pointer(buff)^,length(buff)); end; if CommentSegment <> nil then with CommentSegment^ do begin buff := chr($FF)+chr(Dtype)+data; cnt := cnt+jfs2.Write(pointer(buff)^,length(buff)); end; result := cnt; end; function TImgData.ExtractThumbnailBuffer: String; var STARTmarker,STOPmarker:integer; tb:string; begin result := ''; if HasThumbnail then begin try tb := copy(DataBuff,ExifObj.ThumbStart,ExifObj.ThumbLength); STARTmarker := pos(#$ff#$d8#$ff#$db,tb); if Startmarker = 0 then STARTmarker := pos(#$ff#$d8#$ff#$c4,tb); if STARTmarker <= 0 then exit; tb := copy(tb,STARTmarker,length(tb)); // strip off thumb data block // ok, this is fast and easy - BUT what we really need // is to read the length bytes to do the extraction... STOPmarker := pos(#$ff#$d9,tb)+2; tb := copy(tb,1,STOPmarker); result := tb; except // result will be empty string... end; end; end; {$IFNDEF dExifNoJpeg} function TImgData.ExtractThumbnailJpeg: TJpegImage; var ti:TJPEGImage; x:TStringStream; tb:string; begin result := nil; if HasThumbnail and (ExifObj.ThumbType = JPEG_COMP_TYPE) then begin tb := ExtractThumbnailBuffer(); if (tb = '') then exit; x := TStringStream.Create(tb); ti := TJPEGImage.Create; x.Seek(0,soFromBeginning); ti.LoadFromStream(x); x.Free; result := ti; end; end; procedure TImgData.WriteEXIFJpeg(j:tjpegimage;fname:string;origName:string; adjSize:boolean = true); begin if origName = '' then origName := fname; if not ReadExifInfo(origName) then begin j.SaveToFile(fname); exit; end; WriteEXIFJpeg(j,fname,adjSize); end; procedure TImgData.WriteEXIFJpeg(fname:string); var img:tjpegimage; begin img := TJPEGImage.Create; img.LoadFromFile(Filename); WriteEXIFJpeg(img,fname,false); img.Free; end; procedure TImgData.WriteEXIFJpeg(j:tjpegimage;fname:string; adjSize:boolean = true); var jms:tmemorystream; jfs:TFileStream; pslen:integer; tb:array[0..12] of byte; begin pslen := 2; jms := tmemorystream.Create; try { Thanks to Erik Ludden... } jfs := tfilestream.Create(fname,fmCreate or fmShareExclusive); try if adjSize and (EXIFobj <> nil) then EXIFobj.AdjExifSize(j.height,j.width); SaveExif(tstream(jfs)); j.SaveToStream(jms); jms.Seek(2,soFromBeginning); jms.Read(tb,12); // a little big to help debug... if tb[1] = M_JFIF then // strip header pslen := pslen+(tb[2]*256)+tb[3]+2; // size+id bytes jms.Seek(pslen,soFromBeginning); jms.Read(tb,12); if tb[1] = M_EXIF then // strip exif pslen := pslen+tb[2]*256+tb[3]+2; // size+id bytes jms.Seek(pslen,soFromBeginning); jms.Read(tb,12); if tb[1] = M_IPTC then // strip iptc pslen := pslen+tb[2]*256+tb[3]+2; // size+id bytes jms.Seek(pslen,soFromBeginning); jms.Read(tb,12); if tb[1] = M_COM then // strip comment pslen := pslen+tb[2]*256+tb[3]+2; // size+id bytes jms.Seek(pslen,soFromBeginning); jfs.Seek(0,soFromEnd); jfs.CopyFrom(jms,jms.Size-pslen); finally jfs.Free; end finally jms.Free; end end; {$ENDIF} function TImgData.GetCommentStr:string; var buffer:string; bufLen:integer; begin buffer := CommentSegment^.Data; bufLen := (byte(buffer[1]) shl 8) or byte(buffer[2]); result := copy(buffer,3,bufLen-2); end; function TImgData.ReadExifInfo(fname:string):boolean; begin ProcessFile(fname); result := HasMetaData(); end; function TImgData.FillInIptc:boolean; begin if IPTCSegment = nil then CreateIPTCObj else IPTCObj.ParseIPTCArray(IPTCSegment^.Data); // filename := FName; result := IPTCObj.HasData(); end; function TImgData.ProcessFile( const FileName :String):boolean; var extn:string; begin reset; result := false; if not FileExists(FileName) then exit; SetFileInfo(FileName); try errstr := 'Not an EXIF file'; extn := lowercase(ExtractFileExt(filename)); if (extn = '.jpg') or (extn = '.jpeg') or (extn = '.jpe') then begin if not ReadJpegFile(FileName) then exit; end else if (extn = '.tif') or (extn = '.tiff') or (extn = '.nef') then begin if not ReadTiffFile(FileName) then exit; end else begin exit; end; errstr := '<none>'; // msAvailable := ReadMSData(Imageinfo); // msName := gblUCMaker; result := true; except errstr := 'Illegal Exif construction'; end; end; procedure TImgData.SetFileInfo(fname:string); var s:tsearchrec; stat:word; begin stat := findfirst(fname,faAnyFile,s); if stat = 0 then begin Filename := fname; FileDateTime := FileDateToDateTime(s.Time); FileSize := s.Size; end; FindClose(s); end; procedure TImgData.CreateIPTCObj; begin MakeIPTCSegment(''); IPTCobj := TIPTCdata.Create(self); // IPTCdata := IPTCobj; // old style global pointer end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse the marker stream until SOS or EOI is seen; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TImgData.ReadJpegSections (var f: tstream):boolean; var a,b:byte; ll,lh,itemlen,marker:integer; begin a := getbyte(f); b := getbyte(f); if (a <> $ff) or (b <> M_SOI) then begin result := FALSE; exit; end; SectionCnt := 0; while SectionCnt < 20 do // prevent overruns on bad data begin repeat marker := getByte(f); until marker <> $FF; Inc(SectionCnt); // Read the length of the section. lh := getByte(f); ll := getByte(f); itemlen := (lh shl 8) or ll; with Sections[SectionCnt] do begin DType := marker; Size := itemlen; setlength(data,itemlen); data[1] := chr(lh); data[2] := chr(ll); try F.Read(data[3],itemlen-2); except continue; end; end; if (SectionCnt = 5) and not HasMetaData() then break; // no exif by 8th - let's not waste time case marker of M_SOS: begin break; end; M_EOI: begin // in case it's a tables-only JPEG stream break; end; M_COM: begin // Comment section CommentSegment := @sections[SectionCnt]; end; M_IPTC: begin // IPTC section if (IPTCSegment = nil) then begin IPTCSegment := @sections[SectionCnt]; IPTCobj := TIPTCdata.Create(self); // IPTCdata := IPTCobj; // old style global pointer end; end; M_JFIF: begin // Regular jpegs always have this tag, exif images have the exif // marker instead, althogh ACDsee will write images with both markers. // this program will re-create this marker on absence of exif marker. // dec(SectionCnt); HeaderSegment := @sections[SectionCnt]; // break; end; M_EXIF: begin if ((SectionCnt <= 5) and (EXIFsegment = nil) )then begin // Seen files from some 'U-lead' software with Vivitar scanner // that uses marker 31 later in the file (no clue what for!) EXIFsegment := @sections[SectionCnt]; EXIFobj := TImageInfo.Create(self,BuildList); EXIFobj.TraceLevel := TraceLevel; // ImageInfo := EXIFobj; // old style global pointer SetDataBuff(EXIFsegment^.data); ProcessEXIF; end else begin // Discard this section. dec(SectionCnt); end; end; M_SOF0..M_SOF15: begin // process_SOFn(Data, marker); end; else // break; end; end; result := HasMetaData(); end; function TImgData.ReadJpegFile(const FileName:string):boolean; var F: tfilestream; begin TiffFmt := false; // default mode F := TFileStream.Create(filename,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try result := ReadJpegSections(tstream(F)); except result := false; end; F.Free; end; function TImgData.ReadTiffSections (var f: tstream):boolean; var // lh,ll, itemlen:integer; fmt:string; begin result := true; fmt := char(getbyte(f))+char(getbyte(f)); if (fmt <> 'II') and (fmt <> 'MM') then begin result := FALSE; exit; end; setlength(Sections[1].data,6); F.Read(Sections[1].data[1],6); { // length calculations are inconsistant for TIFFs lh := byte(Sections[1].data[1]); ll := byte(Sections[1].data[2]); if MotorolaOrder then itemlen := (lh shl 8) or ll else itemlen := (ll shl 8) or lh; } // itemlen := (ll shl 8) or lh; itemlen := TiffReadLimit; setlength(Sections[1].data,itemlen); F.Read(Sections[1].data[1],itemlen); SectionCnt := 1; EXIFsegment := @(sections[1]); EXIFobj := TImageInfo.Create(self,BuildList); EXIFobj.TraceLevel := TraceLevel; ExifObj.TiffFmt := TiffFmt; ExifObj.TraceStr := ''; EXIFsegment := @sections[SectionCnt]; ExifObj.DataBuff := Sections[1].data; ExifObj.parent.DataBuff := Sections[1].data; ExifObj.MotorolaOrder := fmt = 'MM'; EXIFobj.ProcessExifDir(1, -7 , itemlen); EXIFobj.Calc35Equiv(); end; function TImgData.ReadTiffFile(const FileName:string):boolean; var F: tfilestream; begin TiffFmt := true; F := TFileStream.Create(filename,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try result := ReadTiffSections(tstream(F)); except result := false; end; F.Free; TiffFmt := false; end; Procedure TImgData.ProcessEXIF; var hdr:string; toset:integer; begin if not assigned(ExifObj) then ExifObj := TImageInfo.Create(self,BuildList); hdr := copy(EXIFsegment^.Data,3,length(validHeader)); if hdr <> validHeader then begin errStr := 'Incorrect Exif header'; exit; end; if copy(EXIFsegment^.Data,9,2) = 'II' then MotorolaOrder := false else if copy(EXIFsegment^.Data,9,2) = 'MM' then MotorolaOrder := true else begin errStr := 'Invalid Exif alignment marker'; exit; end; ExifObj.TraceStr := ''; ExifObj.DataBuff := DataBuff; ExifObj.MotorolaOrder := MotorolaOrder; toset := Get32u(17-4); if toset = 0 then ExifObj.ProcessExifDir(17, 9, EXIFsegment^.Size-6) else ExifObj.ProcessExifDir(9+toset, 9, EXIFsegment^.Size-6); if errstr <> '' then begin EXIFobj.Calc35Equiv(); end; end; procedure TImgData.Reset; begin SectionCnt := 0; ExifSegment := nil; IPTCSegment := nil; CommentSegment := nil; HeaderSegment := nil; Filename := ''; FileDateTime := 0; FileSize := 0; ErrStr := ''; FreeAndNil(ExifObj); FreeAndNil(IptcObj); MotorolaOrder := false; end; function TImgData.HasMetaData: boolean; begin result := (EXIFsegment <> nil) or (CommentSegment <> nil) or (IPTCsegment <> nil); end; function TImgData.HasEXIF: boolean; begin result := (EXIFsegment <> nil); end; function TImgData.HasThumbnail: boolean; begin result := (EXIFsegment <> nil) and EXIFobj.hasThumbnail; end; function TImgData.HasIPTC: boolean; begin result := (IPTCsegment <> nil); end; function TImgData.HasComment: boolean; begin result := (Commentsegment <> nil); end; function TImageInfo.HasThumbnail: boolean; begin // 19 is minimum valid starting position result := (ThumbStart > 21) and (ThumbLength > 256); end; function TImgData.ReadIPTCStrings(fname: string): tstringlist; begin if ProcessFile(fname) and HasIPTC then result := IPTCObj.ParseIPTCStrings(IPTCSegment^.Data) else result := nil; end; function TImgData.MetaDataToXML: tstringlist; var buff,buff2:tstringlist; s:tsearchrec; begin if FindFirst(Filename,faAnyFile,s) <> 0 then begin FindClose(s); result := nil; exit; end; buff := TStringList.Create; buff.add('<dImageFile>'); buff.add(' <OSdata>'); buff.add(' <name> '+ExtractFileName(s.Name)+' </name>'); buff.add(' <path> '+ExtractFilePath(Filename)+' </path>'); buff.add(' <size> '+inttostr(s.Size)+' </size>'); buff.add(' <date> '+DateToStr(FileDateToDateTime(s.time))+' </date>'); buff.add(' </OSdata>'); if ExifObj <> nil then begin buff2 := ExifObj.EXIFArrayToXML; if buff2 <> nil then begin buff.AddStrings(buff2); buff2.Clear; buff2.Free; end; end; if IptcObj <> nil then begin buff2 := IptcObj.IPTCArrayToXML; if buff2 <> nil then begin buff.AddStrings(buff2); buff2.Clear; buff2.Free; end; end; buff.add('</dImagefile>'); result := buff; end; function defIntFmt (inInt:integer):string; begin result := IntToStr(inInt) end; function defRealFmt(inReal:double):string; begin result := FloatToStr(inReal); end; function GCD(a, b : integer):integer; begin try if (b mod a) = 0 then Result := a else Result := GCD(b, a mod b); except result := 1 end; end; function fmtRational( num,den:integer):string; var gcdVal,intPart,fracPart,newNum,newDen: integer; outStr:String; begin // first, find the values gcdVal := GCD(num,den); newNum := num div gcdVal; // reduce the numerator newDen := den div gcdVal; // reduce the denominator intPart := newNum div newDen; fracPart := newNum mod newDen; // now format the string outStr := ''; if intPart <> 0 then outStr := inttostr(intPart)+' '; if fracPart <> 0 then outStr := outStr + inttostr(fracPart)+'/'+inttostr(newDen); result := trim(outstr); // trim cleans up extra space end; function defFracFmt(inNum,inDen:integer):string; begin result := format('%d/%d',[inNum,inDen]); // result := fmtRational(inNum,inDen); // // It turns out this is not a good idea generally // because some std. calculation use rational // representations internally end; {$IFDEF dEXIFpredeclare} initialization ImgData := TImgData.create; finalization ImgData.Free; {$ENDIF} end. |
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// Program to pull the IPTC (Photoshop) information out of various
// types of digital camera files. This information can coexist in // files containing EXIF data. See README.TXT and LICENSE.TXT for // information regarding the lawful use of this code. // // Initial Delphi unit - Gerry McGuire September 2001 - V 0.9 beta //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is based on an example provided by Earl F. Glynn. // His web pages on graphics and Delphi programming at http://www.efg2.com // have no equal! //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I have found several often conflicting IPTC definitions in use. // This code is designed to be easily extended. For each new field // enter one line in the IPTCTable and increment the TagCnt constant. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit dIPTC; interface uses classes, windows, sysutils {$IFNDEF dExifNoJpeg} ,jpeg {$ENDIF}; const dIPTCVersion = '1.02a'; TagArrayGrowth = 25; type StrFunct = function (instr:string): string; TTagEntry = record TID: integer; // TagTableID - EXIF use TType: word; // tag type ICode: Word; // iptc code Tag: word; // primary key Name: string; // searchable Desc: string; // translatable Code: string; // decode capability Data: string; // display value Raw: string; // unprocessed value PRaw: integer; // pointer to unprocessed FormatS:string; // Format string Size: integer; // used by ITPC module CallBack: StrFunct; // formatting string end; TTagDefArray = array of TTagEntry; { ITag = record ICode: word; Tag: word; Name: string; Desc: string; Size: word; Data: string; end; } ITag = TTagEntry; TIPTCdata = class private function getTimeZoneStr: string; protected MaxTag: integer; parent: tobject; fITagCount : integer; fITagArray: array of iTag; function GetTagElement(TagID: integer): ITag; procedure SetTagElement(TagID: integer; const Value: ITag); function GetCount: integer; procedure SetCount(const Value: integer); procedure SetDateTimePrim(TimeIn: TDateTime; prefix:string); public // Filename : string; constructor Create(p:tobject); procedure Reset; property ITagArray[TagID:integer]: ITag read GetTagElement write SetTagElement; default; property Count : integer read GetCount write SetCount; function HasData: boolean; Function Clone(source:TIPTCdata):TIPTCdata; Function ParseIPTCStrings(buff:string):tstringlist; Procedure ParseIPTCArray; overload; Procedure ParseIPTCArray(buff:string); overload; function IPTCArrayToBuffer:string; function IPTCArrayToXML:tstringlist; function LookupTag(SearchStr:string):integer; virtual; Function LookupTagDefn(item: string): integer; function LookupTagByDesc(SearchStr: string): integer; procedure RemoveTag( tagstr: string ); virtual; function AddTag(tagstr: string; dataval:string = ''):integer; virtual; function AppendToTag(tagstr: string; dataval:string):integer; virtual; function AddOrAppend(tagstr: string; dataval:string):integer; virtual; function UpdateTag(tagstr, dataval: string): integer; procedure SetTagByIdx(idx:integer; val:string); function GetTag(tagstr: string; defval: string=''):string; virtual; function ReadFile(fname:string):boolean; virtual; function ReadFileStrings(fname: string):tstringlist; function AddTagToArray(nextTag: iTag): integer; function GetDateTime: TDateTime; procedure SetDateTime(TimeIn: TDateTime); procedure SetDateTimeExt(TimeIn: TDateTime; prefix:string); function GetMultiPartTag(tagName:string):tstringlist; procedure WriteFile(fname:string;origname:string = ''); overload; {$IFNDEF dExifNoJpeg} procedure WriteFile(fname:string;memImage:tjpegimage); overload; {$ENDIF} end; const IPTCTAGCNT = 49; MultiTagSep = ','; var rawDefered : boolean = false; defaultTimeZone: string = '_0000'; IPTCMultiTags: set of byte = [20,25]; IPTCTable : array [0..IPTCTAGCNT-1] of ITag = (( ICode: 2; Tag: 0; Name:'SKIP'; Desc:'Record Version'; Size:64), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 3; Name:'ObjectType'; Desc:'Object Type Ref'; Size:67), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 4; Name:'ObjectAttr'; Desc:'Object Attribute Ref'; Size:67), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 5; Name:'ObjectName'; Desc:'Object name'; Size:64), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 7; Name:'EditStatus'; Desc:'Edit Status'; Size:64), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 8; Name:'EditorialUpdate'; Desc:'Editorial Update'; Size:2), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 10; Name:'Urgency'; Desc:'Urgency'; Size:1), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 12; Name:'SubRef'; Desc:'Subject Reference'; Size:236), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 15; Name:'Category'; Desc:'Category'; Size:3), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 20; Name:'SuppCategory'; Desc:'Supplemental category'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 22; Name:'FixtureID'; Desc:'Fixture ID'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 25; Name:'Keywords'; Desc:'Keywords'; Size:64), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 26; Name:'ContentLocCode'; Desc:'Content Location Code'; Size: 3), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 27; Name:'ContentLocName'; Desc:'Content Location Name'; Size: 64), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 30; Name:'ReleaseDate'; Desc:'Release Date'; Size:8), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 35; Name:'ReleaseTime'; Desc:'Release Time'; Size:11), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 37; Name:'ExpireDate'; Desc:'Expiration Date'; Size:8), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 38; Name:'ExpireTime'; Desc:'Expiration Time'; Size:11), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 40; Name:'SpecialInstru'; Desc:'Special Instructions'; Size:256), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 42; Name:'ActionAdvised'; Desc:'Action Advised'; Size:2), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 45; Name:'RefService'; Desc:'Reference Service'; Size:10), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 47; Name:'RefDate'; Desc:'Reference Date'; Size:8), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 50; Name:'RefNumber'; Desc:'Reference Number'; Size:8), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 55; Name:'DateCreated'; Desc:'Date created'; Size:8), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 60; Name:'TimeCreated'; Desc:'Time created'; Size:11), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 62; Name:'DigitizeDate'; Desc:'Digital Creation Date'; Size:8), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 63; Name:'DigitizeTime'; Desc:'Digital Creation Time'; Size:11), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 65; Name:'OriginatingProgram'; Desc:'Originating Program'; Size: 32), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 70; Name:'ProgramVersion'; Desc:'Program version'; Size: 10), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 75; Name:'ObjectCycle'; Desc:'Object Cycle'; Size:1), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 80; Name:'ByLine'; Desc:'ByLine'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 85; Name:'ByLineTitle'; Desc:'ByLine Title'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 90; Name:'City'; Desc:'City'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 92; Name:'SubLocation'; Desc:'Sublocation'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag: 95; Name:'State'; Desc:'Province/State'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag:100; Name:'LocationCode'; Desc:'Country/Primary Location Code'; Size: 3), ( ICode: 2; Tag:101; Name:'LocationName'; Desc:'Country/Primary Location Name'; Size: 64), ( ICode: 2; Tag:103; Name:'TransmissionRef'; Desc:'Original Transmission Reference'; Size: 32), ( ICode: 2; Tag:105; Name:'ImageHeadline'; Desc:'Image headline'; Size:256), ( ICode: 2; Tag:110; Name:'ImageCredit'; Desc:'Image credit'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag:115; Name:'Source'; Desc:'Source'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag:116; Name:'Copyright'; Desc:'Copyright Notice'; Size:128), ( ICode: 2; Tag:118; Name:'Contact'; Desc:'Contact'; Size:128), ( ICode: 2; Tag:120; Name:'ImageCaption'; Desc:'Image caption'; Size:2000), ( ICode: 2; Tag:122; Name:'ImageCaptionWriter'; Desc:'Image caption writer'; Size:32), ( ICode: 2; Tag:130; Name:'ImageType'; Desc:'Image type'; Size:2 ), ( ICode: 2; Tag:131; Name:'Orientation'; Desc:'Image Orientation'; Size:1 ), ( ICode: 2; Tag:135; Name:'LangID'; Desc:'Language ID'; Size:3 ), ( ICode: 8; Tag:10; Name:'Subfile'; Desc:'Subfile'; Size:2 ) ); procedure IPTCWriteTransFile(fname:string); function IPTCReadTransFile(fname:string):boolean; implementation uses dEXIF; var buffer:string; constructor TIPTCdata.Create(p:tobject); begin inherited create; fITagCount := 0; parent := p; end; function TIPTCdata.GetCount: integer; begin result := fITagCount; end; procedure TIPTCdata.SetCount(const Value: integer); begin fITagCount := value; end; function TIPTCdata.GetTagElement(TagID: integer): ITag; begin result := fITagArray[TagID] end; procedure TIPTCdata.SetTagElement(TagID: integer; const Value: ITag); begin fITagArray[TagID] := Value; end; Function ExtractTag(var start:integer):iTag; var blen,x,tagId,code,i:integer; tmp:iTag; begin FillChar(tmp,sizeof(iTag),0); code := byte(buffer[start]); tagId := byte(buffer[start+1]); // should be #$1C blen := (byte(buffer[start+2]) shl 8 ) or byte(buffer[start+3]); x := blen; inc(start,4); // skip length bytes if code in [2,8] then begin tmp.Tag := 65534; for i := 0 to IPTCTAGCNT-1 do if (IPTCTable[i].Tag = tagid) and (IPTCTable[i].ICode = code) then begin if IPTCTable[i].name <> 'SKIP' then begin tmp := IPTCTable[i]; tmp.Data := copy(buffer,start,x); end; break; end; if tmp.Tag = 65534 then begin tmp.name := 'Custom_'+inttostr(tagid); tmp.Desc := 'Custom_'+inttostr(tagid); tmp.Tag := tagid; tmp.ICode := code; tmp.Data := copy(buffer,start,x); tmp.Size := 64; // length for unknown fields ? end; end; start := start+x+1; result := tmp; end; // This function returns the index of a tag name // in the tag buffer. Function TIPTCdata.LookupTag(SearchStr:string):integer; var i: integer; begin SearchStr := UpperCase(SearchStr); result := -1; for i := 0 to Count-1 do if UpperCase(iTagArray[i].Name) = SearchStr then begin result := i; break; end; end; // This function returns the index of a tag name // in the tag buffer. It searches by the description // which is most likely to be used as a label Function TIPTCdata.LookupTagByDesc(SearchStr:string):integer; var i: integer; begin SearchStr := UpperCase(SearchStr); result := -1; for i := 0 to Count-1 do if UpperCase(iTagArray[i].Desc) = SearchStr then begin result := i; break; end; end; // This function returns the index of a tag definition // for a given tag name. function TIPTCdata.LookupTagDefn(item: string): integer; var i:integer; begin result := -1; for i := 0 to IPTCTAGCNT-1 do begin if lowercase(item) = lowercase(IPTCtable[i].Name) then begin result := i; break; end; end; end; Function TIPTCdata.ParseIPTCStrings(buff:string):tstringlist; var ts:tstringlist; tmpItem:itag; start,i,j:Integer; begin ts := tstringlist.Create; buffer := buff; i := pos('Photoshop 3.0',buff)+13; for j := i to length(buffer) do // Look for first field marker if ( byte(buffer[j]) = $1C) and ( byte(buffer[j+1]) in [2,8]) then break; start := j+1; while (start < length(buffer)-2) do // Work through buffer begin tmpItem := ExtractTag(start); if tmpItem.Name <> '' then // Empty fields are masked out ts.Add(tmpItem.Desc+DexifDelim+tmpItem.Data); end; result := ts; end; function TIPTCdata.AddTagToArray(nextTag:iTag):integer; begin if nextTag.tag <> 0 then // Empty fields are masked out begin if fITagCount >= MaxTag-1 then begin inc(MaxTag,TagArrayGrowth); SetLength(fITagArray,MaxTag); end; fITagArray[fITagCount] := nextTag; inc(fITagCount); end; result := fITagCount-1; end; Procedure TIPTCdata.ParseIPTCArray; begin ParseIPTCArray(timgdata(parent).IPTCsegment^.data); end; Procedure TIPTCdata.ParseIPTCArray(buff:string); var nextTag:itag; start,i,j:Integer; begin reset; buffer := buff; i := pos('Photoshop 3.0',buff)+13; for j := i to length(buffer) do // Look for first field marker if ( byte(buffer[j]) = $1C) and ( byte(buffer[j+1]) in [2,8]) then break; start := j+1; while (start < length(buffer)-2) do // Work through buffer begin nextTag := ExtractTag(start); // Start is incremented by function if nextTag.Tag in IPTCMultiTags then begin AppendToTag(nextTag.Name,nextTag.Data) end else AddTagToArray(nextTag); end; end; function MakeEntry(code,tag:integer;data:string):string; var buff,sLen:string; bLen:integer; begin bLen := length(Data); sLen := char(blen div 256)+char(blen mod 256); result := buff+char($1C)+char(code)+char(tag)+sLen+Data; end; function TIPTCdata.IPTCArrayToXML: tstringlist; var buff:tstringlist; i:integer; begin buff := TStringList.Create; buff.add(' <ITPCdata>'); for i := 0 to Count-1 do with ITagArray[i] do begin buff.add(' <'+name+'>'); if tag in [105,120] // headline and image caption then buff.add(' <![CDATA['+data+']]>') else buff.add(' '+data); buff.add(' </'+name+'>'); end; buff.add(' </ITPCdata>'); result := buff; end; function SplitMultiTag(code, tag:integer; buff:string):string; var tmps:string; j:integer; begin result := ''; while trim(buff) <> '' do begin j := pos(MultiTagSep,buff); if j > 0 then begin tmps := trim(copy(buff,1,j-1)); buff := trim(copy(buff,j+1,maxint)); end else begin tmps := buff; buff := ''; end; result := result+MakeEntry(code,tag,tmps); end; end; function TIPTCdata.IPTCArrayToBuffer:string; var buff,slen,h2:string; blen,i:integer; begin buff := ''; // load up the particular data for i := 0 to Count-1 do with ITagArray[i] do if (icode=2) and (tag in IPTCMultiTags) then buff := buff+SplitMultiTag(icode,tag,data) else buff := buff+MakeEntry(icode,tag,data); // Photoshop requires the following headers: if not odd(length(buff)) then buff := buff+#0; h2 := MakeEntry(2,0,#0#2); bLen := length(buff)+length(h2); sLen := char(blen div 256)+char(blen mod 256); buff := 'Photoshop 3.0'#0'8BIM'#4#4#0#0#0#0+slen+h2+buff; // Photoshop requires the following End-of-data marker: result := buff+'8BIM'#$04#$0B#0#0#0#0#0#0; end; function TIPTCdata.Clone(source: TIPTCdata): TIPTCdata; var newie:TIPTCdata; begin newie := TIPTCdata.Create(parent); newie.fITagArray := copy(source.fITagArray,0,MaxTag); newie.fITagCount := source.fITagCount; result := newie; end; function TIPTCdata.AddOrAppend(tagstr, dataval: string): integer; var nextTag:iTag; i:integer; begin result := -1; i := LookupTagDefn(tagStr); if i >= 0 then begin nextTag := ITagArray[i]; if (nextTag.icode = 2) and (nextTag.Tag in IPTCMultiTags) then result := AddTag(tagstr,dataval) else result := AppendToTag(tagstr,dataVal); end; end; function TIPTCdata.AppendToTag(tagstr, dataval: string): integer; var inspt:integer; // INSertion PoinT begin inspt := LookupTag(tagstr); if (inspt >= 0) then begin if dataval <> '' then fITagArray[inspt].Data := fITagArray[inspt].Data+MultiTagSep+dataval end else inspt := AddTag(tagstr,dataval); result := inspt; end; function TIPTCdata.UpdateTag(tagstr, dataval: string): integer; var inspt:integer; // INSertion PoinT begin inspt := LookupTag(tagstr); if (inspt >= 0) then begin if dataval <> '' then fITagArray[inspt].Desc := dataval end; result := inspt; end; function TIptcData.GetMultiPartTag(tagName:string):tstringlist; var tmp:tstringlist; begin tmp := tstringlist.create; tmp.CommaText := StringReplace( GetTag(tagname),MultiTagSep,',',[rfReplaceAll]); result := tmp; end; function TIPTCdata.AddTag(tagstr, dataval: string): integer; var inspt,defidx:integer; newTag:itag; begin inspt := LookupTag(tagstr); if (inspt >= 0) then begin if dataval <> '' then fITagArray[inspt].Data := dataval end else begin defidx := LookupTagDefn(tagstr); if defidx < 0 then begin result := -1; exit; // not a defined node, do not insert end; newTag := IPTCTable[defidx]; newTag.Data := dataVal; inspt := AddTagToArray(newTag); end; result := inspt; end; procedure TIPTCdata.RemoveTag(tagstr: string); var rempt,i:integer; begin rempt := LookupTag(tagstr); if (rempt >= 0) then begin for i := rempt to fITagCount-2 do fITagArray[i] := fITagArray[i+1]; dec(fITagCount); end; end; procedure TIPTCdata.Reset; begin Count := 0 ; FillChar(fITagArray[0],sizeof(iTag)*MaxTag,0); // clear out old data end; function TIPTCdata.GetTag(tagstr: string; defval: string=''): string; var i:integer; begin result := defval; i := LookupTag(tagstr); if i >=0 then result := ITagArray[i].Data; end; Function TIPTCdata.HasData:boolean; begin result := Count > 0; end; function TIPTCdata.ReadFile(fname: string):boolean; var p:tImgData; begin p := tImgData(parent); Reset; p.ProcessFile(FName); // Get data from file. if p.IPTCSegment <> nil then // If IPTC segment detected begin ParseIPTCArray(p.IPTCSegment^.Data); // filename := FName; end; result := HasData(); end; function TIPTCdata.ReadFileStrings(fname: string):tstringlist; begin result := ParseIPTCStrings(timgdata(parent).IPTCSegment^.Data); end; {$IFNDEF dExifNoJpeg} procedure TIPTCdata.WriteFile(fname:string;memImage:tjpegimage); var tmp:string; begin tmp := IPTCArrayToBuffer; // Create temp buffer timgdata(parent).MakeIPTCSegment(tmp); // Create IPTC segment timgdata(parent).WriteEXIFjpeg(memImage,FName); // Write to disk end; procedure TIPTCdata.WriteFile(FName: string; OrigName : string = ''); var tmp:string; Orig:tjpegimage; begin Orig := TJPEGImage.Create; if OrigName = '' then OrigName := FName; Orig.LoadFromFile(OrigName); // Get the image tmp := IPTCArrayToBuffer; // Create temp buffer timgdata(parent).MakeIPTCSegment(tmp); // Create IPTC segment timgdata(parent).WriteEXIFjpeg(Orig,FName); // Write to disk Orig.free; end; {$ELSE} procedure TIPTCdata.WriteFile(fname: string; origname : string = ''); begin // if you're not using Borland's jpeg unit // then you should override/avoid this method raise exception.create('WriteIPTCfile does nothing!'); // I suppose I should make this method abstract... end; {$ENDIF} procedure TIPTCdata.SetTagByIdx(idx: integer; val: string); begin fITagArray[idx].Data := val; end; function GetTimeZoneBias:longint; var TZoneInfo: TTimeZoneInformation; //TimeZoneBias: longint; begin GetTimeZoneInformation(TZoneInfo); result := TZoneInfo.Bias; end; function TIPTCdata.getTimeZoneStr:string; var tmp,h,m:integer; sign:string; begin result := defaultTimeZone; if defaultTimeZone <> '_0000' then exit; tmp := GetTimeZoneBias(); h := abs(tmp) div 60; // hours m := abs(tmp) mod 60; // minutes if tmp < 0 // local time correction: invertsign then sign := '+' else sign := '-'; result := Format('%s%.2d%.2d',[sign,h,m]); end; procedure TIPTCdata.SetDateTimePrim(TimeIn:TDateTime; prefix:string); var dateStr, timeStr, timeZone:string; begin if lowercase(prefix) = 'default' then begin datestr := 'DateCreated'; timestr := 'TimeCreated'; end else begin datestr := prefix+'Date'; timestr := prefix+'Time'; end; timeZone := getTimeZoneStr(); // use local time zone AddTag(datestr,FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd',TimeIn)); AddTag(timestr,FormatDateTime('hhnnss',TimeIn)+timeZone); end; procedure TIPTCdata.SetDateTime(TimeIn:TDateTime); begin SetDateTimePrim(TimeIn,'Default'); end; procedure TIPTCdata.SetDateTimeExt(TimeIn:TDateTime; prefix:string); begin SetDateTimePrim(TimeIn,prefix); end; function TIPTCdata.GetDateTime:TDateTime; type TConvert= packed record year: Array [1..4] of char; mon, day, hr, min, sec: Array [1..2] of Char; end; PConvert= ^TConvert; var tsd,tst:string; begin try tsd := GetTag('DateCreated','00000000'); tst := tsd+GetTag('TimeCreated','000000'); with PConvert( @tst[1] )^ do Result := EncodeDate( StrToInt( year ), StrToInt( mon ), StrToInt( day )) + EncodeTime( StrToInt( hr ), StrToInt( min ), StrToInt( sec ), 0); except result := 0; end; end; procedure IPTCWriteTransFile(fname:string); var tmp:tstringlist; i: integer; begin tmp := tstringlist.Create; for i := 0 to IPTCTAGCNT-1 do tmp.Add( IPTCTable[i].Name+'='+ IPTCTable[i].Desc); tmp.SaveToFile(fname); tmp.Free; end; function IPTCReadTransFile(fname:string):boolean; var tmp:tstringlist; i: integer; ts:string; begin result := false; if not fileexists(fname) then exit; tmp := tstringlist.Create; tmp.LoadFromFile(fname); for i := 0 to IPTCTAGCNT-1 do begin ts := tmp.Values[IPTCTable[i].Name]; if ts > '' then IPTCTable[i].Desc := ts; end; tmp.Free; end; end. |
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Von Michael Puff:
![]() dEXIF - Copyright 2001-2004, Gerry McGuire: ![]() CCR Exif is a Delphi library to read and write Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata from JPEG, TIFF and PSD images: ![]() ![]() Geändert von hathor (30. Jul 2015 um 20:28 Uhr) |
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