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Inhalt eines Blobfeldes nur bei Abruf laden

Ein Thema von Moony · begonnen am 24. Apr 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 25. Apr 2008
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Benutzerbild von Olli73

Registriert seit: 25. Apr 2008
Ort: Neunkirchen
772 Beiträge

Re: Inhalt eines Blobfeldes nur bei Abruf laden

  Alt 25. Apr 2008, 14:13
Prüf mal bei den ODAC-Komponenten folgende Einstellungen:

TOraDataSet.OptionsDS ->

If True (default value) then local memory buffer is allocated to hold a copy of the Lob content. See notes below for further details.

If True then all Oracle 8 Lob values are only fetched when they are explicitly requested. Otherwise entire record set with any Lob values is returned when dataset is opened. Whether Lob values are cached locally to be reused later or not is controlled by CacheLobs option.

CacheLobs option controls the way Lob objects are handled while the application fetches records from the database. Setting CacheLobs to False may bring up the following benefits for time-critical applications: reduced traffic over the network since Lob objects are only transferred on demand; less memory is needed on the client side because returned record sets do not hold contents of Lob fields. Actual value for the Lob field is passed to the client only when a data-aware control requests it.

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