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Delphi 12 Athens
AW: For-loop from C to Delphi
18. Sep 2011, 18:25
Since we cannot know the type of Data, here are 2 suggestions:
//If Data is a string:
i := 1;
while i < Length(Data) do
//If Data is a dynamic array of Char:
i := 0;
while i < High(Data) do
//Anyway, I hope this is right in both cases:
if Data[i] = ' X' then
raise Exception.Create(' Invalid position of X in Telepen data');
if Data[i + 1] = ' X' then
Count := Count + Ord(Data[i]) + 17
Count := Count + 27 + (Ord(Data[i]) * 10) + Ord(Data[i + 1]);
inc(i, 2);
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