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Benutzerbild von mschaefer

Registriert seit: 4. Feb 2003
Ort: Hannover
2.032 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: OBJ files from Delphi - can't link

  Alt 22. Jun 2011, 11:52
Possible is
share the Delphi obj-Files with the gcc and with other Delphi-Versions.

Impossible is
to share Delphi-obj-Files with actual Visua-Studio-Projects. The reason is quite simple: the coff-Format has information included which is not available in the obj-File-omf-format which is produced by Delphi and CBuilder. The way to include Delphi-Code in VST-Projects would be as dll or as seperate exe.
Martin Schaefer
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