a DateEditPackage.dpk, added the .pas to it and installed.
I actually still get class TDateEdit not found
I also get TSctReport not found, and there's probably more on different apps.
Is there not a
package I can install which contains many common components like these?
Try to install the TDateEdit component again, but not about "Komponents" --> New Component, Install Component, Install
Package, Import
ActiveX Control.
Choose the first menu from left "Data" click on New and choose the last option More. Then scroll down till you find
Package and create a new
package. Add the DataEdit.pas to the
package, press compile and then install.
I think you will get many more erros, that a component does not exist.
And TSctReport is also not free. For more infos visit:
I don't think that there is any
package which contains all components you need.