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Registriert seit: 2. Jun 2008
Ort: Köln
43 Beiträge
Delphi XE Architect

AW: Stored Procedure größen limitiert?

  Alt 9. Apr 2011, 22:07
Currently the maximum size of a stored procedure or trigger in Firebird and InterBase® is 48 KB of BLR (the size of the byte code language compiled from stored procedure or trigger language and not the source code itself, which may include comments). However, as this comprises well over 1,000 lines of code, it is wiser to split any procedures of this size into smaller ones anyway, as this will improve not just the readibility and ease of maintenance but also, more often than not, the efficiency

Ich würde in diesem Fall versuchen alles in mehrere Prozeduren aufzuteilen.
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