Thema: Delphi Delphi XE Komponenten

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Delphi 10 Seattle Professional

AW: Delphi XE Komponenten

  Alt 1. Apr 2011, 16:15
madExcept 3.0m ist am 27.03.2011 mit Delphi XE Unterstützung erschienen.

Today I'm releasing madExcept 3.0m, with full BDS XE support, of course.

(1) fixed: "%exceptClass/Msg%" were not always resolved
(2) made IMEException.ExceptMessage writable
(3) fixed: SendShellMail didn't work with Delphi 2009/2010
(4) improved "GetCrashStackTrace" result quality
(5) fixed bug in WM_SYSCOMMAND handling
(6) improved BCB stack tracing quality
(7) improved dll unloading stability
(8) changes to make MS verifying happy for dll projects
(9) private threads are named in the IDE debugger now
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