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find Hex value

Ein Thema von salim · begonnen am 22. Feb 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 23. Feb 2008
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find Hex value

  Alt 22. Feb 2008, 01:28
HI , i want to be able find an Hex Value into a binary file

let's suppose i have a File named : test.exe or what ever so i want to find the the Hex Value : 546869732070726F6772616D which is the ' This program ' in ASCII in this test.exe .

is there any way .

thank you
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Re: find Hex value

  Alt 22. Feb 2008, 02:46
Hi and welcome to this board!

First of all, one basic hint: hexadecimal, decimal, binary, octal or whatever you want, are only different ways to display values. The values themself are always the same but the display differs. You also shows this in your question, because 546869732070726F6772616D is the same as "This program", only the display format differs.

Due this fact: don't care about the display format, just look for the values. So whatever you want to search, convert all inputs (in what display format it ever is entered) to the values it self and search for the given value.

For looking in a binary file, take a look in the help about Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenTFilestream. This class will offer you all needed for this.
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Re: find Hex value

  Alt 22. Feb 2008, 03:07
thank you Muetze1
Due this fact: don't care about the display format, just look for the values. So whatever you want to search, convert all inputs (in what display format it ever is entered) to the values it self and search for the given value.

i really don't understand you , could you please drop me an exemple using this : 546869732070726F6772616D

thank you agin
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Re: find Hex value

  Alt 22. Feb 2008, 04:30
You got a hexadecimal sring. In hexadecimal there are two characters one byte (each char represents one nibble (4 Bits)). So split the string into pairs of two characters. After this, evaluate these pairs to their respective values (IntToStr() also converts hexadecimal values. But to decide the decimal and hexadecimal representation, IntToStr() needs a $ as prefix). Look in the help for further information: Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenCopy(), Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenPos(), Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenDelete, Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenIntToStr() etc.
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Re: find Hex value

  Alt 23. Feb 2008, 00:19
Hi Muetze1 , when trying the conversion :
i have a little confusion :

when i read my file into an Hexeditor : i found the ASCII value ( MZ ) is 4D5A in hex , but in this article it's written ' if Signature = $5A4D { 'MZ' } then ' why it's changed from 4D5A into the Value

really in confusion :
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Re: find Hex value

  Alt 23. Feb 2008, 00:26
Zitat von salim:
why it's changed from 4D5A into the Value $5A4D
In my opinion, this happens because of the Endianness.

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