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developping AntiVirus program suggestions

Ein Thema von mohfa · begonnen am 12. Feb 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 12. Feb 2008
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007
97 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

developping AntiVirus program suggestions

  Alt 12. Feb 2008, 18:19
Hi every body :
i'm planning to developpe an AntiVirus software using Delphi ,i need all your suggestions and directions .
except for the polymorphic viruses and the other complicated ones , is an antivirus software looks for a simple virus by comparing the Virus Signature with the infected File using a HexToStr function ?
i mean can i use the Function HexToStr to look for a simple virus signature in an infected File .
to give more details :
Let's suppose the following Virus Eicar Signature: 58354f2150254041505b345c505a58353428505e2937434329

to look in file should i use simply the Function HexToStr to get this Virus or i must use other functions ?

need all your help and suggestions .

many thanks .
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Re: developping AntiVirus program suggestions

  Alt 12. Feb 2008, 18:39
Zitat von mohfa:
need all your help and suggestions .
please look for a project that suits your abilities.

But well: I doubt that Eicar would be too happy having someone using their signature database for their own anti-virus-programs.
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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

Registriert seit: 13. Aug 2002
17.208 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: developping AntiVirus program suggestions

  Alt 12. Feb 2008, 19:46
Zitat von Dax:
But well: I doubt that Eicar would be too happy having someone using their signature database for their own anti-virus-programs.
Why not? Is developed to be a Test File
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Re: developping AntiVirus program suggestions

  Alt 12. Feb 2008, 19:51
Zitat von Bernhard Geyer:
Why not? Is developed to be a Test File
That specific one set aside I assumed, that the *whole* Eicar DB was supposed to be used
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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

Registriert seit: 13. Aug 2002
17.208 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: developping AntiVirus program suggestions

  Alt 12. Feb 2008, 20:16
Zitat von Dax:
That specific one set aside I assumed, that the *whole* Eicar DB was supposed to be used
The hole DB means somethink different.

But beside this: Why do you think you must develop a own AntiVirus Programm? There are some Open Source Project where you can participate.
Windows Vista - Eine neue Erfahrung in Fehlern.
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