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Registriert seit: 25. Mai 2009
322 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

AW: Kollision mit Reflektion - Ich raffs net...

  Alt 11. Feb 2011, 20:42
...solangsam gehn mir die Ideen aus... jetz funktionierts nix mehr ^^

procedure TFormMain.MoveBall(pCollisionObject: array of TPanel);
var tempObject,CollisionRect: TRect;
    I,J,a,b,c,d: Integer;
    if sball.left < (PLinks.Left+PLinks.Width) then
      sball.left := (PLinks.Left+PLinks.Width);
      Xcor := -Xcor;
    if sball.left > PRechts.Left - sball.width then
      sball.left := (PRechts.Left - sball.width);
      XCor := -XCor;
for J := 0 to SBall.Width - 1 do
    if InterSectRect(CollisionRect,Ball,tempObject) then
        if not (pCollisionObject[J]=nil) then
            if (sball.Left < (pCollisionObject[J].Left+pCollisionObject[J].Width)) then
                XCor := -XCor;
            if ((sball.Left+sball.Width)>pCollisionObject[J].Left) then
                XCor:= -XCor;

  sball.top := sball.top+YCor;
    if sball.top < (POben.Top+POben.Height) then
      sball.Top := (POben.Top+POben.Height);
      YCor := -YCor;
    if sball.top > (self.height - sball.height) then
      sball.top := (self.height - sball.height);
      YCor := -YCor;
    if IntersectRect(Collision,Ball,Stick) then
        sball.top := (PStick.top - sball.height);
        YCor:= -YCor;
        XCor:= XCor-1;
    if Sball.Top > PStick.Top then
        MessageDLG('Game Over!',mtWarning,[mbOk],0);
for I := 0 to SBall.Height - 1 do
    if InterSectRect(CollisionRect,Ball,tempObject) then
        if not (pCollisionObject[I]=nil) then
            if (sball.Top < (pCollisionObject[I].Top+pCollisionObject[I].Height)) then
                YCor := -YCor;
            if ((sball.Top+sball.Height)>pCollisionObject[I].Top) then
                YCor:= -YCor;