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Memory Manager in Delphi 2007

Ein Thema von FaNIX · begonnen am 4. Feb 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 4. Feb 2008
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Memory Manager in Delphi 2007

  Alt 4. Feb 2008, 10:46
Does anyone know if Delphi 2007 has it's own memory manager?

I want to check my application for memory leaks, so i wish to report all memory leaks when i close my application. Any help?

PS: I know the ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown works for Win32 Applications in Delphi2007, but im using a VCL.NET Application.

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Benutzerbild von Khabarakh

Registriert seit: 18. Aug 2004
Ort: Brackenheim VS08 Pro
2.876 Beiträge

Re: Memory Manager in Delphi 2007

  Alt 4. Feb 2008, 11:09
There's no such thing as a memory leak in a (fully managed) .Net application. If you're experiencing some memory issues, could you describe them?
Whenever you have created, say, 20 new objects (i.e. generation 0 is full) since the last garbage collection, the garbage collector will reclaim any unreferenced objects (slightly simplified). The only thing you can do to help the GC is to dispose every IDisposable object as soon as you don't need it anymore.
Moderator in der EE
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Re: Memory Manager in Delphi 2007

  Alt 4. Feb 2008, 11:39
Zitat von Khabarakh:
There's no such thing as a memory leak in a (fully managed) .Net application. If you're experiencing some memory issues, could you describe them?
Whenever you have created, say, 20 new objects (i.e. generation 0 is full) since the last garbage collection, the garbage collector will reclaim any unreferenced objects (slightly simplified). The only thing you can do to help the GC is to dispose every IDisposable object as soon as you don't need it anymore.

mmm ok, so if i do the following:

procedure TForm3.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

  oConn := TADOConnection.Create(nil);

in a VCL.NET Application, then that object will automaticly be disposed? So there is no need to FeeAndNil(oConn)?

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