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Application non responsive with Progress Bar

Ein Thema von FaNIX · begonnen am 1. Feb 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 1. Feb 2008
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Application non responsive with Progress Bar

  Alt 1. Feb 2008, 07:25
Hi guys!

Hope you all doing well. I have a question, hope someone can guide me in the right direction.

I have a VCL.Net form, with a progress bar on it, nothing out of the ordinary... I then have a another class, lets call it updatelibrary.pas, which is a normal TObject class. What the UpdateLibrary.pas class does is:

It opens a FTP connection, get a list of all files,and then download them from the ftp site to the application folder, now this works just fine, but the problem is, when the ftp transfer begins, the main application becomes unresponsive, like most application that doesn't use threads. I added some code to the UpdateLibrary class so that it updates a progress bar on the main form, but because the main form is unresponsive, the progress bar doesn't move at all.

Any advice on what I can do? Please note that i don't have to use the FTP onProgress/onTransfer(whatever it is) event to indicate the transfer progress, I will control the progress bar with my own code, i just want the progress to reflect on the main form.

If threads is the answer, please give me an example of how my class can be converted of including in a thread, as I've thread to work with threads, but for some reason my application still remains unresponsive, so im not doing it correctly, lol...

Thanks, hope to get some feedback on this.
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Registriert seit: 12. Dez 2004
Ort: Wien, Österriech
893 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Enterprise

Re: Application non responsive with Progress Bar

  Alt 1. Feb 2008, 07:34
I am pretty much sure that threads are the answer to your problem. It would be very helpfull if you could show some of your code so that one could give you more specific answer.
Katura Haris
Es (ein gutes Wort) ist wie ein guter Baum, dessen Wurzel fest ist und dessen Zweige in den Himmel reichen.
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Re: Application non responsive with Progress Bar

  Alt 1. Feb 2008, 07:53

Button code that creates an instance of the class, and calls the Update_Appl_Libraries method that connects to the ftp, transfers the files, and updates the progress bar on the main form.

  TForm3 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    MainProgress: TProgressBar;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
      fo_Conn : TADOConnection;
    { Public declarations }

  Form3: TForm3;

Button code that creates the instance of the class
procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  oUpdateLib : Tdte_Update_Library_DB;

   oUpdateLib := Tdte_Update_Library_DB.Create(Fo_Conn);

   //Set the Progress Bar on the main form to a class reference
   oUpdateLib.Set_Progress_Bar := MainProgress;

   if oUpdateLib.Update_Appl_Libraries then
      ShowMessage('Updates was installed, application will now restart.');


Class Method:

    Fo_ProgressBar : TProgressBar;

    property Set_Progress_Bar : TProgressBar READ Fo_ProgressBar WRITE Fo_ProgressBar;

function Tdte_Update_Library_DB.Update_Appl_Libraries : Boolean;
  oQry : TADOQuery;
  sResult : String;
  oFile_Version : Assembly;
  oDBFile_Version : System.Version;
  iPosInc : Integer;
  iPos : Integer;

  if Flst_Libraries.Count = 0 then
    //Calculate the Directory structure of the source Directory.


    oQry := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
    oQry.Connection := Fo_Connection;
    oQry.SQL.Add('select * from lvr_Lib_Version_Ref');

    Fo_ProgressBar.Position := 0;
    iPosInc := Round(100 / oQry.RecordCount);
    iPos := iPosInc;

    while not oQry.Eof do
      Fo_ProgressBar.Position := iPos;

      if FileExists(sExePath + oQry.FieldByName('lvr_Library').AsString) then

        oDBFile_Version := System.Version.Create(oQry.FieldByName('lvr_Version').AsString);
        oFile_Version := Assembly.LoadFrom(sExePath + oQry.FieldByName('lvr_Library').AsString);

        if oDBFile_Version.CompareTo(oFile_Version.GetName.Version) > 0 then

                           Fs_FTP_Folder_Get + oQry.FieldByName('lvr_Library').AsString,
                           sExePath + oQry.FieldByName('lvr_Library').AsString,
          Result := True;

      begin //File does not exist on local machine,so just copy it.

                         Fs_FTP_Folder_Get + oQry.FieldByName('lvr_Library').AsString,
                         sExePath + oQry.FieldByName('lvr_Library').AsString,
        Result := True;



      iPos := iPos + iPosInc;
    Fo_ProgressBar.Position := 0;

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Re: Application non responsive with Progress Bar

  Alt 1. Feb 2008, 10:56
1) Thats no .NET code
2) Tryed Application.ProcessMessages?
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