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Registriert seit: 13. Jan 2004
Ort: Hamm(Westf)
1.981 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Instabile Sprach features?

  Alt 15. Jan 2011, 01:23
Also ich war auf der suche nach einen IW ersatzt oder Port ...nach FPC/Lazarus...
fand Powutils...keine ahnung ob das das gesucht ist ABER ich fan dieses statement

after working on these utilties for years, more bugs and errors have shown up in the FPC rtl, fpc compiler, unit finalization/initialization, threads, sockets units, and system runtime. It seems like an impossible task to fix them all from our end. What can we do?


Automatic unit finalization and initialization, as an example, will be avoided where possible since it it causes so many problems. This is a feature Pascal has had since Turbo Pascal days, and yet it still doesn't work properly in FPC, nor in DLL's either. Since it is such an old language feature, we thought it would be stable decades later. However it is not, so manual style init procedures may need to be used in each web program, as it was in version 1.3.x (WebInit, WebFini, or similar)


Threads will have to be avoided for now in all examples and fpc based web servers, since threads have proven to be buggy.

IST DAS SO? Initialization und finalization sind in FPC instabil...Threads auch? Wie soll irgendein Server programm ohne Thread arbeiten?
Monads? Wtf are Monads?
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