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Benutzerbild von rollstuhlfahrer

Registriert seit: 1. Aug 2007
Ort: Ludwigshafen am Rhein
1.529 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Professional

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

  Alt 3. Jan 2011, 11:36
Then search for all ways how to terminate a process and block them. The easiest way to do so is to block OpenProcess for all matters (and to handle OnCloseQuery). To let Windows shutdown, Windows is issuing a broadcast message on WM_ENDSESSION. After this message (and the check, that this message came from Windows and not from anybody else issuing WM_ENDSESSION to your window) your program needs to be terminatable.


ADD: Which implies: If someone hooks GetSystemMetrics, and tells your program after issuing the WM_ENDSESSION-Message to your window, your process becomes terminateable even if Windows does not really shut down.
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