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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010
25 Beiträge
Delphi 2 Desktop

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

  Alt 3. Jan 2011, 03:45
Zitat von rollstuhlfahrer:
So, why do the users need administrative privileges?
Zitat von Assarbad:
Well, in this case it's neither secure nor is it the right approach. Sorry to say
Policy from that place. I can't say any reason about this because I just make the program. I am not the boss :p

I guess by writing service, my problem easier to solve. Thanks for the mini-filter.

Zitat von Assarbad:
but the OP might appreciate to get his hands on a copy
Ehmmm... no thanks , I can't use product from other.

Zitat von Assarbad:
That's the answers!

I am still trying to block End Task, if I found the way, I'll post to this board
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