Thema: Delphi TListView.OnDrawItem

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AW: TListView.OnDrawItem

  Alt 17. Nov 2010, 15:42
One thing I immediately spotted:
procedure TForm20.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  SetWindowTheme(lvRecentFiles.Handle, 'Explorer', nil);
  Theme := OpenThemeData(0, 'ListView');
has to be
procedure TForm20.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  SetWindowTheme(lvRecentFiles.Handle, 'Explorer', nil);
  Theme := OpenThemeData(lvRecentFiles.Handle, 'ListView');
Because, as I said, you have to manually activate the "explorer style" for each window by calling SetWindowTheme. If you do this for a specific window, but then open the theme data of a different window handle (0), of course it won't work.

Not saying, that this is the only issue (might be, might not be), but at least it's one reason why it can't work. If it doesn't work after changing this, try to set DefaultDraw to False because it's possible that the default drawing routine overdraws the background again (I don't know about that and I'm too lazy to look it up in the VCL sources).

Also, I don't know what the difference between OnDrawItem and OnCustomDrawItem is, and in which order they are called. But I would suggest moving the DrawThemedBackground -code to the OnDrawItem routine.

Geändert von Namenloser (17. Nov 2010 um 19:28 Uhr)
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