Thema: Mini-SHA1

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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.316 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens


  Alt 2. Jun 2010, 14:50
Vielleicht hat es schonmal jemand gesehn (hab's ja in einigen Projekten verbaut).
  SHA_CTX = packed Record
    Unknown: Array[0.. 5] of LongWord;
    State: Array[0.. 4] of LongWord;
    Count: UInt64;
    Buffer: Array[0..63] of Byte;
  SHA_RES = Array[0..4] of LongWord;

Procedure SHA_CTX.Init(Var Context: SHA_CTX); StdCall;
  External 'advapi32.dllName 'A_SHAInit';

Procedure SHA_CTX.Update(Var Context: SHA_CTX; Input: Pointer; inLen: LongWord); StdCall;
  External 'advapi32.dllName 'A_SHAUpdate';

Procedure SHA_CTX.GetResult(Var Context: SHA_CTX; Out Result: SHA_RES); StdCall;
  External 'advapi32.dllName 'A_SHAFinal';
Und da ich Records so sehr mag, hatte ich's jetzt nochmal etwas überarbeitet
{$ALIGN 4}
  TSHA1Res = Array[0..4] of LongWord;
  TSHA1 = Packed Record
    Procedure Init; StdCall;
    Procedure Update (Input: Pointer; inLen: LongWord); StdCall;
    Procedure Finalize(Result: TSHA1Res); StdCall;
    Function doFinalize: TSHA1Res; Inline;

    Class Function toBase64(Res: TSHA1Res): String; Static;
    Class Function Calc (Input: Pointer; inLen: LongWord): TSHA1Res; Static;
    Class Function CalcX (Input: Pointer; inLen: LongWord): String; Static;
    Unknown: Array[0.. 5] of LongWord;
    State: Array[0.. 4] of LongWord;
    Count: UInt64;
    Buffer: Array[0..63] of Byte;
  {$ALIGN 8}

Procedure TSHA1.Init{Var Context: SHA_CTX}; StdCall;
  External 'advapi32.dllName 'A_SHAInit';

Procedure TSHA1.Update{Var Context: SHA_CTX; Input: Pointer; inLen: LongWord}; StdCall;
  External 'advapi32.dllName 'A_SHAUpdate';

Procedure TSHA1.Finalize{Var Context: SHA_CTX; Out Result: SHA_RES}; StdCall;
  External 'advapi32.dllName 'A_SHAFinal';

Function TSHA1.doFinalize: TSHA1Res;

Class Function TSHA1.toBase64(Res: TSHA1Res): String;
  Const Base64: Array[0..63] of Char = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';

  Var R: packed Record Res: TSHA1Res; Fill: AnsiChar; End;
    A: packed Array[0..20] of Byte absolute R;
    i: Integer;

    R.Res := Res;
    R.Fill := '=';
    SetLength(Result, 28);
    For i := 0 to 6 do Begin
      Result[i * 4 + 1] := Base64[ (A[i * 3 + 0] shr 2) and 63];
      Result[i * 4 + 2] := Base64[((A[i * 3 + 0] shl 4) or (A[i * 3 + 1] shr 4)) and 63];
      Result[i * 4 + 3] := Base64[((A[i * 3 + 1] shl 2) or (A[i * 3 + 2] shr 6)) and 63];
      Result[i * 4 + 4] := Base64[ A[i * 3 + 2] and 63];
    Result[28] := '=';

Class Function TSHA1.Calc(Input: Pointer; inLen: LongWord): TSHA1Res;
  Var X: TSHA1;

    X.Update(Input, inLen);

Class Function TSHA1.CalcX(Input: Pointer; inLen: LongWord): String;
     Result := toBase64(Calc(Input, inLen));
  SHA1: TSHA1;
  Result: TSHA1Res

SHA1.Update(P, len);
// irgendwas mit Result machen
ShowMessage(TSHA1.CalcX(P, len));
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