Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional
Int32 on input should have specified numbers count on output
14. Okt 2010, 10:48
Delphi-Version: 5
I have another question for you.
On input I have a number <> 0, eg. -542, 4558846, 95423, -55487130 (Int32). On output I want to specified number of input digits whithout converting to string (trim or extend if needed), eg. if digits count = 5 for above numbers output will be:
-55487130 --> 55487 (if < 0 then call Abs())
-542 --> 54200 (if number is < than counter then fill with 0)
4558846 --> 45588
95423 --> 95423
Do you have some idea how can do it?