Vielen Dank für das Update!
Unter Delphi XE gibt es noch folgende Hinweise/Warnungen:
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1771): W1000 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is deprecated: 'Use TFormatSettings.Create(Locale)'
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1771): W1002 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is specific to a platform
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1779): W1000 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is deprecated: 'Use TFormatSettings.Create(Locale)'
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1779): W1002 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is specific to a platform
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1787): W1000 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is deprecated: 'Use TFormatSettings.Create(Locale)'
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1787): W1002 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is specific to a platform
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1795): W1000 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is deprecated: 'Use TFormatSettings.Create(Locale)'
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncDateTime.pas(1795): W1002 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is specific to a platform
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncSCriptInfo.pas(48): W1000 Symbol 'DecimalSeparator' is deprecated: 'Use FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator'
[DCC Warning] uSE2IncSCriptInfo.pas(53): W1000 Symbol 'DecimalSeparator' is deprecated: 'Use FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator'
[DCC Hint] uSE2ExecutionContext.pas(218): H2164 Variable 'r4' is declared but never used in 'TSE2ExecutionContext.Process'
Unter Delphi 2009:
[DCC Hint] uSE2Types.pas(1827): H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameStr' has not been expanded because
unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
[DCC Hint] uSE2PEData.pas(826): H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameStr' has not been expanded because
unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
[DCC Hint] uSE2RunAccess.pas(197): H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameText' has not been expanded because
unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list