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Registriert seit: 7. Jun 2006
Ort: Karlsruhe
3.724 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: Crop with GR32 - need better interface

  Alt 2. Okt 2010, 16:03
So, you want to have everything darkened except for a specific rectangular area, is that correct?
I'd just fetch the pixel pointer of the top left pixel and then iterate over all the pixels, checking if they are in the rectangle and darken them where applicable.

The following was supposed to be pseudo code but turned out to be actual code... it's untested as I just wrote it here in the browser, so it most likely won't compile without a few adjustments.
procedure HighlightCropRect(Bmp32: TBitmap32; CropRect: TRect);
  Ptr: PColor32;
  LastPtr: PColor32;
  X,Y: Integer;
  // Get pointers of first and last pixel
  Ptr := Bmp32.PixelPtr[0,0];
  LastPtr := Bmp32.PixelPtr[Bmp32.Width-1, Bmp32.Height-1];
  // Init Pixel coordinates
  X := 0;
  Y := 0;

  // Iterate over all pixels
  // (We need to do a typecast here because we can't compare pointers in Delphi)
  while Integer(Ptr) < Integer(LastPtr) do
    // Check if pixel is outside of crop rect
    if (X < CropRect.Left) or (X > CropRect.Right) or
       (Y < CropRect.Top) or (Y > CropRect.Bottom) then
      // Darken pixel by 50%
      Ptr^ := Lighten(Ptr^, -127);

    // Move to next pixel
    // Reached end of scanline?
    if X >= Bmp32.Width then
      X := 0;

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