I don't know how to blend two bitmaps if these bitmaps are not layers. For layers I'm using OnPixelCombine with assigned procedures like this:
procedure Multiply(F: TColor32; var B: TColor32; M: TColor32);
I tried this:
function ColorAlgebra(F, B, M: TColor32): TColor32;
BlendMode.Multiply(F, B, M); // the same procedure for OnPixelCombine
Result := BlendRegEx(F, B, M);
BlendTransfer(Blended, 0, 0, Blended.BoundsRect, ImageMap, ImageMap.BoundsRect,
ShapeMap, ShapeMap.BoundsRect, ColorAlgebra, 200
but MasterAlpha parasm work diffrent than master alpha in top layer (opacity). This param decide which bitmap should be more visible (0 = first, 255 = second). How to blend bitmaps like layers?