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AW: GDI+ oder graphics32

  Alt 10. Sep 2010, 07:10

bezüglich GDI+ schau dir mal das hier an:

Delphi 2009 GDI+ Library

Das ist eine der besten Implementationen der GDI+ API, die mir bis dato in Delphi untergekommen ist. Ich nutze sie selbst in einigen Anwendungen.

Von der Website:

It differs from other Delphi GDI+ libraries in the following ways:

* It is modeled more after the .NET System.Drawing namespace instead of the C++ GDI+ classes. As a result, this library is a bit more high level and easier to use.
* It uses object interfaces for automatic memory management and ease of use. You don't have to keep track of your graphics objects anymore.
* It uses exceptions instead of error codes to handle errors the Delphi way.
* It comes with sample applications that demonstrate the usage of GDI+ through examples from the Windows Platform SDK.
* It supports the GDI+ version 1.1 extensions that were added with Windows Vista and certain Office versions.
* Optionally provides class helpers for interoperability with Delphi's TBitmap and TCanvas.
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