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Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 19. Nov 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 19. Nov 2007
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  Alt 19. Nov 2007, 07:06
Now dont get on me when i ask multiple questions in this thread...i thought it will be better to ask here than spam the whole forum..

Questions are>

-CPUID how do we recognize a cpu that it is really for e.g. Core 2 Duo e6600 and not celeron M.For example!
-Fsb speeds how are they recognized or read..and where to find info?
-Delphi 2007 is it worth upgrading?Does it supports vista?
-Whats the diffrence fsb and bus speed?

And please answer with -

Thank you!

Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Questions

  Alt 19. Nov 2007, 07:42
-Delphi 2007 is it worth upgrading?Does it supports vista?
One look at the product page und you can answer your question yourself.
Zitat von
Power up your Win32 development and rapidly create native code applications compatible with Windows 2000, XP, and Vista™
Zitat von
New support for Windows Vista includes themed applications and VCL support for glassing, file dialogs, and Task Dialog components.
Have a look at JCLSysInfo
Markus Kinzler
Benutzerbild von Phoenix

Registriert seit: 25. Jun 2002
Ort: Hausach
7.643 Beiträge

Re: Questions

  Alt 19. Nov 2007, 09:04
Zitat von Razor:
Now dont get on me when i ask multiple questions in this thread...
Yes, we Do!

And actually I will have a talk with our admin. You clearly show - even after the 'break' - that you won't stick to our rules, and that's a thing we absolutely don't tolerate.

1.) Choose a good title for your question.
2.) 1 Question per thread

=== CLOSED ===
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
Über mich: Sebastian Gingter @ Thinktecture Mein Blog:
Thema geschlossen


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