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Timeoutzeit für Mapi-Mail verlängern (D5 Pro)

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Ein Thema von little_budda · begonnen am 16. Nov 2007
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Registriert seit: 5. Mai 2006
Ort: Velbert
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Delphi 2006 Professional

Timeoutzeit für Mapi-Mail verlängern (D5 Pro)

  Alt 16. Nov 2007, 10:48

ich verwende folgenden Code unter Delphi 5 Pro um E-Mails zu verschicken.

Klappt normalerweise auch richtig klasse.
Nur auf einem recht langsamen PC schafft der Rechner es nicht den E-Mail-Client zu öffnen
um die Mail zu verschicken befor die SendMail-Funktion in timeout läuft.
In einem von 10 Fällen "friert" meine Anwendung auch beim verschicken der Mail ein.

Hier der Code:
function SendFileMail(const FileName: TStrArray; const Subject, BodyText, RecipAdress, CopyConAdress: string): string;
  mMessage : TMapiMessage;
  mlpFiles : array of TMapiFileDesc;
  mRecips : array of TMapiRecipDesc;
  ix : integer;
  SetLength(mRecips, 2);
  with mRecips[0] do
      ulRecipClass := MAPI_TO;
      lpszName := PChar(RecipAdress);
      lpszAddress := PChar(RecipAdress);
      ulEIDSize := 0;
      lpEntryID := nil;
  with mRecips[1] do
      ulRecipClass := MAPI_CC;
      lpszName := PChar(CopyConAdress);
      lpszAddress := PChar(CopyConAdress);
      ulEIDSize := 0;
      lpEntryID := nil;

  SetLength(mlpFiles, Length(FileName));

  for ix := 0 to High(mlpFiles) do
      with mlpFiles[ix] do
          flFlags := 0;
          nPosition := Cardinal(-1);
          // nPosition := 0;
          lpszPathName := PChar(FileName[ix]);
          lpszFileName := nil;
          lpFileType := nil;

  with mMessage do
      lpszSubject := PChar(Subject);
      lpszNoteText := PChar(BodyText);
      lpszMessageType := nil;
      lpszDateReceived := nil;
      lpszConversationID := nil;
      flFlags := 0;
      lpOriginator := nil;
      nRecipCount := 2;
      lpRecips := @mRecips[0];

      nFileCount := Length(FileName);

      if (nFileCount > 0)
        then lpFiles := @mlpFiles[0]
        else lpFiles := nil;

      // nFileCount := 1;
      // lpFiles := @mlpFiles;

  case MapiSendMail(0, 0, mMessage, MAPI_LOGON_UI or MAPI_NEW_SESSION, 0) of
      Result := 'A recipient matched more than one of the recipient descriptor structures and MAPI_DIALOG was not set!';
      Result := 'The specified attachment was not found!';
      Result := 'The specified attachment could not be open!';
      Result := 'The type of a recipient was not MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, or MAPI_BCC!';
      Result := 'One or more unspecified errors occurred!';
      Result := 'There was insufficient memory to proceed!';
      Result := 'There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on successfully when the logon dialog box was displayed!';
      Result := 'The text in the message was too large to sent!';
      Result := 'There were too many file attachments!';
      Result := 'There were too many recipients!';
      Result := 'A recipient did not appear in the address list!';
      Result := 'The user canceled one of the dialog boxes!';
Hat jemand eine Idee für mich wie ich die Timeout-Zeit für die SendMail-Funktion setzen kann
oder wie ich mein "einfrieren" behebe?

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