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David Martens

Registriert seit: 29. Sep 2003
205 Beiträge
Delphi XE Enterprise

AW: Strafzeitenverwaltung in eigener Unit

  Alt 21. Jun 2010, 14:31
Entschuldigt wenn ich mich einmische, aber ich hätte da ein paar Ideen einzuwerfen.

@TE: in der TPenalty Klasse speichers du die Zeit als string

4. Ja. Das ist aktuell meinem internen Zeitverfahren geschuldet und der Frage, an welcher Stelle ich denn dann nun die Zeiten (aktuell Spielzeit und jede einzelne laufende Strafzeit) intern und später dann auch extern aktualisieren lassen soll. Aktuell läuft auf dem Hauptform einfach nur ein Timer, der die Sekunden und Minuten hoch- oder runterzählt.
, aber bei deinem Timer benutzt du original.wSecond / wMinute. Da hast du deine eigene Argumentation wiederlegt.

Aber jetzt zu meinem Vorschlag:

  TPenalty = class(TObject)
    Team : boolean; // Team (A oder B) (there will be no more than 2 teams a game)
    Start, // start of penalty
    Ende : LongInt; // end of penalty (oder auch Dauer, wenn man will)

    constructor Create; overload;
    constructor Create(fTeam : boolean; fStart, fEnde : LongInt); overload;

  TPenalties = class(TObjectList)
    function GetItem(Index: integer): TPenalty;
    procedure SetItem(Index: integer; Value: TPenalty);
    property Items[Index: integer]: TPenalty read GetItem write SetItem; default;

  TGameClock = class
    PenaltyList : TPenalties;
    max_RunningPenalties : byte;
    isPowerplay : boolean;
    GameClock : TTimer;
    Clock : LongInt;

    procedure Tick(Sender: TObject);
    constructor Create;

    procedure StartGame;
    procedure StartClock;
    procedure StopClock;

    // will hold the logic of no more than 2 penalties a team
    procedure AddPenalty(fTeam : boolean; fDuration : LongInt);


{$R *.dfm}

function TPenalties.GetItem(Index: Integer): TPenalty;
  Result := (inherited GetItem(Index)) as TPenalty;

procedure TPenalties.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TPenalty);
  inherited SetItem(Index, Value);

constructor TGameClock.Create;
  //create timer and init
  GameClock := TTimer.Create(nil);
  max_RunningPenalties := 2;
  isPowerplay := False;

procedure TGameClock.StartClock;
  GameClock.OnTimer := Tick;
  GameClock.Enabled := True;

procedure TGameClock.StartGame;
  Clock := 0;
  GameClock.Enabled := True;

procedure TGameClock.StopClock;
  GameClock.Enabled := False;

procedure TGameClock.AddPenalty(fTeam : boolean; fDuration : LongInt);
  i : integer;
  FirstRunning, Last, New : TPenalty;
  for i := 0 to PenaltyList.Count - 1 do
    if (PenaltyList.Items[i].Start < Clock) and
       (PenaltyList.Items[i].Ende > Clock) and
       (PenaltyList.Items[i].Team = fTeam) then
      if not Assigned(FirstRunning) then
        FirstRunning := PenaltyList.Items[i];
        Last := PenaltyList.Items[i];
  // FirstRunning is now the first running penalty and
  // Last is the last given penalty besides the first running

  // first set standard values
  New := TPenalty.Create(fTeam, Clock, Clock + fDuration);

  if Assigned(FirstRunning) then
    if Assigned(Last) then
      // if two or more add penalty time at end of last penalty
      New.Start := Last.Ende;
      New.Ende := Last.Ende + fDuration;


procedure TGameClock.Tick(Sender: TObject);
  i, ListOffset : integer;
  int_team_a, int_team_b : byte;
  PP_OnTeam : byte;
  //init of variables
  int_team_a := 0;
  int_team_b := 0;

  // next Tick of clock
  Clock := Clock + GameClock.Interval; // add intervall to our clock

  for i := 0 to PenaltyList.Count - 1 do
    if (PenaltyList.Items[i].Start <= Clock) and
       (PenaltyList.Items[i].Ende > Clock) then
      if PenaltyList.Items[i].Team then

  //here we check, if we have a powerplay-situation
  if ((int_team_a <= max_RunningPenalties) and (int_team_b <= max_RunningPenalties)) then
    IsPowerplay := int_team_a <> int_team_b;

    //set the team, which is on powerplay
    if IsPowerplay then
      if int_team_a > int_team_b then
        PP_OnTeam := 1
        PP_OnTeam := 2;

  //walk over all penalties
  for i := 0 to PenaltyList.Count - 1 do
    // only running ones
    if (PenaltyList.Items[i].Start <= Clock) and
       (PenaltyList.Items[i].Ende > Clock) then
      // show penalties
      // assign to whatever it should display (differentiation not done)

      // start of penalty
      TimeToStr(PenaltyList.Items[i].Start / 1000); // "/ 1000" because all times are stored in milliseconds

      // start of penalty
      TimeToStr(PenaltyList.Items[i].Ende / 1000);

      // if the clock is running the backwards then
      // TimeToStr(gamelength - PenaltyList.Items[i].Ende / 1000); // gamelength is the length of the game in milliseconds
  // at the end show current time

   TimeToStr(Clock / 1000);

{ TPenalty }

constructor TPenalty.Create;

constructor TPenalty.Create(fTeam: boolean; fStart, fEnde: LongInt);

  Team := fTeam;
  Start := fStart;
  Ende := fEnde;
Was haltet ihr davon?
Ich gehe die Sache andersherum an. Die Penalty Klassen sind nur für die "Datenablage" und die Timerklasse koordiniert alles. Damit habe ich dann auch gleich eine Historie aller Strafen und kann später eine Auswertung implementieren wenn ich will.

Gruß David
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