Thema: Delphi Rgb <---> ryb

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Registriert seit: 2. Okt 2009
Ort: Sachsen
63 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Professional

AW: Rgb <---> ryb

  Alt 16. Jun 2010, 12:06
converting ryb and rgb is only a mathematical construct. the way to convert is by a color wheel or the cubic interpolation method. you need to have a look at what the javascript does, and why.
if you understood, how to transform ryb to rgb you can possibly rearange the term for rgb to ryb.

the 0..1 is because only the propotions count in ryb/cmy/cmyk (historical because of mixing paint)
the rgb (0..255) is only because they are used for computerlanguage (hex) 00 to FF

Geändert von tkone (16. Jun 2010 um 12:15 Uhr)
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