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an Exe Packer

Ein Thema von micha2330 · begonnen am 5. Nov 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 5. Nov 2007
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an Exe Packer

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 01:49
Hi every body .
i really want to create an Exe Packer , is there any help .
or could someone point me to an Open source Exe Packer developped in Delphi .
I really need your help .

many thanks

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Re: an Exe Packer

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 03:22
Afaik is UPX open source, but written in C++ and Asm.

There was a question here shortly containing a PEEncrypt program written in Delphi along with its source. This could also be a good study object (->

But dude, no offense, asking such a question automatically somehow disqualifies you from completing such a task. This subject is quite delicate and nothing for neophytes. It's like asking "I want to write an operating system in Delphi. Are there any example sources?" - hope you got what I mean.
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Re: an Exe Packer

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 08:23
/me slaps Nuclear-Ping around a bit with a large trout.
You can't write an OS in Delphi. (yes, I know you know that. Simply could not resist )
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
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Re: an Exe Packer

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 09:10
Yes - And so you can't write an Exe Packer in Delphi. Or at least not the unpacker.
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Re: an Exe Packer

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 12:04

{this program strips any unnecessary info from exe header and add exe-filesize
info to win32 programs (need for win32 sfx to work)}

uses b_crypt;
 sec:array[1..3] of longint=($1f8,$220,$248);
 #10#0'$Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer [url][/url] $'#10+
 #0'$Id: UPX 0.94 Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Laszlo Molnar & Markus Oberhumer $'#10+
 #0'$Id: NRV 0.61 Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer $'#10;
 #0'$License: NRV for UPX is distributed under special license $'#10+
 writeln('UPX header strip v0.1 by Bilbo');
 writeln('Usage: UPXS <file.exe>');
 if paramcount<1 then halt;
 Writeln('Trying DOS UPX...');
 if s=UPX then begin
  writeln('DOS: UPX signature removed.');
 end else writeln('Error: Not DOS upx exe (',hexl(s),'<>',hexl(UPX),')');
 Writeln('Trying WIN32 UPX...');
 if t=$00004550 then begin
  Writeln('WIN32: Exe filesize written');
  if ss=shitty then begin
   Writeln('WIN32: UPX Comment1 removed');
  end else Writeln('WIN32: UPX Comment1 not found');
  if ioresult<>0 then writeln('WIN32: IO Error.');
  if ss=shitty2 then begin
   Writeln('WIN32: UPX Comment2 removed');
  end else Writeln('WIN32: UPX Comment2 not found');
  if ioresult<>0 then writeln('WIN32: IO Error.');
  {Section rename}
  for i:=1 to sizeof(sec) div 4 do begin
   if (s=UPX1) or (s=UPX2) or (s=UPX3) then begin
    writeln('UPX section renamed (',i,').');
   end else writeln('Error: Not UPX section(',hexl(s),')');
  if ioresult<>0 then writeln('WIN32: IO Error.');
 end else writeln('Error: Not WIN32 PE executable');
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Re: an Exe Packer

  Alt 5. Nov 2007, 17:06
It is possible to compress only the DFM-Resources but not the code itself.
This task can be done with delphi. But it isn't easy.
I've seen this sharware tool on the Delphi Additional CD-ROM.
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