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Unit von C++ nach Delphi

Ein Thema von Zacherl · begonnen am 30. Okt 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 30. Okt 2007
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Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2004
4.629 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter

Unit von C++ nach Delphi

  Alt 30. Okt 2007, 15:56

ich habe folgende interesante Unit gefunden:

Könnte mir jemand helfen die nach Delphi zu portieren?

Habe schon angefangen, komme nun aber absoult nicht weiter. Auch die PEB Deklaration ist noch nicht korrekt. Habe ich aus den JEDI Headern kopiert, aber in meiner Unit macht er keine Unterscheidung zwischen den OS Versionen:

    nLength: DWord;
    lpSecurityDescriptor: Pointer;
    bInheritHandle: Boolean;


  _UNICODE_STRING = record
    Length: Word;
    MaximumLength: Word;
    Buffer: PWideChar;

    Length: ULONG;
    RootDirectory: Cardinal;
    ObjectName: PUNICODE_STRING;
    Attributes: ULONG;
    SecurityDescriptor: Pointer;
    SecurityQualityOfService: Pointer;

  _CLIENT_ID = record
    UniqueProcess: Cardinal;
    UniqueThread: Cardinal;

  _INITIAL_TEB = record
    StackCommit: ULong;
    StackReserve: ULong;
    StackBase: Pointer;
    StackLimit: Pointer;
    StackAllocate: Pointer;


  _LDR_MODULE = record
    InLoadOrderModuleList: LIST_ENTRY;
    InOrderModuleList: LIST_ENTRY;
    InInitializationOrderModuleList: LIST_ENTRY;
    BaseAddress: Pointer;
    EntryPoint: ULong;
    SizeOfImage: ULong;
    FullDllName: UNICODE_STRING;
    BaseDllName: UNICODE_STRING;
    Flags: ULong;
    LoadCount: Word;
    TlsIndex: Word;
    SectionHandle: Cardinal;
    CheckSum: ULong;
    TimeDateStamp: ULong;

  _DLLMAIN_FUNC = function(hInst: Cardinal; ul_reason_for_call: ULong;
    lpReserved: Pointer): BOOl; stdcall;


  _STRING = record
    Length: Word;
    MaximumLength: Word;
    Buffer: PCHAR;

// =================================================================
// =================================================================

// Verified in XP using WinDbg
  _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY = record // not packed!
    case Integer of
  (*   *)0: (
  (*000*)InLoadOrderLinks: LIST_ENTRY
  (*   *)1: (
  (*000*)InMemoryOrderLinks: LIST_ENTRY
  (*   *)2: (
  (*000*)InInitializationOrderLinks: LIST_ENTRY;
  (*008*)DllBase: Pointer;
  (*00c*)EntryPoint: Pointer;
  (*010*)SizeOfImage: ULONG;
  (*014*)FullDllName: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*01c*)BaseDllName: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*024*)Flags: ULONG;
  (*028*)LoadCount: Word;
  (*02a*)TlsIndex: Word;
  (*02c*)HashLinks: LIST_ENTRY;
  (*034*)SectionPointer: Pointer;
  (*038*)CheckSum: ULONG;
  (*03C*)TimeDateStamp: ULONG;
  (*040*)LoadedImports: Pointer;
  (*044*)EntryPointActivationContext: Pointer; // PACTIVATION_CONTEXT
  (*048*)PatchInformation: Pointer;
  TLdrDataTableEntry = _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY;
  PLdrDataTableEntry = ^_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY;

// Verified in XP using WinDbg
  _PEB_LDR_DATA = record // not packed!
  (*000*)Length: ULONG;
  (*004*)Initialized: BOOLEAN;
  (*008*)SsHandle: Pointer;
  (*00c*)InLoadOrderModuleList: LIST_ENTRY;
  (*014*)InMemoryOrderModuleList: LIST_ENTRY;
  (*01c*)InInitializationOrderModuleList: LIST_ENTRY;
  (*024*)EntryInProgress: Pointer;
  TPebLdrData = _PEB_LDR_DATA;
  PPebLdrData = ^_PEB_LDR_DATA;

// Verified in XP using WinDbg
  _RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR = record // not packed!
  (*000*)Flags: Word;
  (*002*)Length: Word;
  (*004*)TimeStamp: ULONG;
  (*008*)DosPath: _STRING;
  TRtlDriveLetterCurdir = _RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR;
  PRtlDriveLetterCurdir = ^_RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR;

  _CURDIR = record // not packed!
  (*000*)DosPath: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*008*)Handle: Cardinal;
  TCurdir = _CURDIR;
// PCurdir = ^_CURDIR; // <--- Pascal is case-insensitive

// Verified in XP using WinDbg
  _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS = record // not packed!
  (*000*)MaximumLength: ULONG;
  (*004*)Length: ULONG;
  (*008*)Flags: ULONG; // Bit 0: all pointers normalized
  (*00c*)DebugFlags: ULONG;
  (*010*)ConsoleHandle: Cardinal;
  (*014*)ConsoleFlags: ULONG;
  (*018*)StandardInput: Cardinal;
  (*01c*)StandardOutput: Cardinal;
  (*020*)StandardError: Cardinal;
  (*024*)CurrentDirectory: CURDIR;
  (*030*)DllPath: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*038*)ImagePathName: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*040*)CommandLine: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*048*)Environment: Pointer;
  (*04c*)StartingX: ULONG;
  (*050*)StartingY: ULONG;
  (*054*)CountX: ULONG;
  (*058*)CountY: ULONG;
  (*05c*)CountCharsX: ULONG;
  (*060*)CountCharsY: ULONG;
  (*064*)FillAttribute: ULONG;
  (*068*)WindowFlags: ULONG;
  (*06c*)ShowWindowFlags: ULONG;
  (*070*)WindowTitle: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*078*)DesktopInfo: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*080*)ShellInfo: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*088*)RuntimeData: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*090*)CurrentDirectories: array[0..31] of RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR;
  TRtlUserProcessParameters = _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS;
  PRtlUserProcessParameters = ^_RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS;

  _SYSTEM_STRINGS = record // not packed!
  (*000*)SystemRoot: UNICODE_STRING; // %SystemRoot%
  (*008*)System32Root: UNICODE_STRING; // %SystemRoot%\System32
  (*010*)BaseNamedObjects: UNICODE_STRING; // \BaseNamedObjects
  TSystemStrings = _SYSTEM_STRINGS;
  PSystemStrings = ^_SYSTEM_STRINGS;

// Verified in XP using WinDbg
  _TEXT_INFO = record // not packed!
  (*000*)Reserved: Pointer;
  (*004*)SystemStrings: PSYSTEM_STRINGS;
  TTextInfo = _TEXT_INFO;
  PTextInfo = ^_TEXT_INFO;

// Verified in XP using WinDbg
  _PEB_FREE_BLOCK = record // not packed!
  (*000*)Next: PPEB_FREE_BLOCK;
  (*004*)Size: ULONG;
  TPebFreeBlock = _PEB_FREE_BLOCK;
  PPebFreeBlock = ^_PEB_FREE_BLOCK;

// Verified in W2K, WXP and W2K3 using WinDbg
  _PEB_W2K = packed record // packed!
  (*000*)InheritedAddressSpace: BOOLEAN;
  (*001*)ReadImageFileExecOptions: BOOLEAN;
  (*002*)BeingDebugged: BOOLEAN;
  (*003*)SpareBool: BOOLEAN;
  (*004*)Mutant: Pointer;
  (*008*)ImageBaseAddress: Pointer;
  (*00c*)Ldr: PPEB_LDR_DATA;
  (*010*)ProcessParameters: PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS;
  (*014*)SubSystemData: Pointer;
  (*018*)ProcessHeap: Pointer;
  (*01c*)FastPebLock: PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION;
  (*020*)FastPebLockRoutine: Pointer; // RtlEnterCriticalSection
  (*024*)FastPebUnlockRoutine: Pointer; // RtlLeaveCriticalSection
  (*028*)EnvironmentUpdateCount: ULONG;
  (*02c*)KernelCallbackTable: Pointer; // List of callback functions
  (*030*)SystemReserved: array[0..0] of ULONG;
  (*034*)d034: ULONG;
  (*038*)FreeList: PPEB_FREE_BLOCK;
  (*03c*)TlsExpansionCounter: ULONG;
  (*040*)TlsBitmap: Pointer; // ntdll!TlsBitMap of type PRTL_BITMAP
  (*044*)TlsBitmapBits: array[0..1] of ULONG; // 64 bits
  (*04c*)ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase: Pointer;
  (*050*)ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap: Pointer;
  (*054*)ReadOnlyStaticServerData: PTEXT_INFO;
  (*058*)AnsiCodePageData: Pointer;
  (*05c*)OemCodePageData: Pointer;
  (*060*)UnicodeCaseTableData: Pointer;
  (*064*)NumberOfProcessors: ULONG;
  (*068*)NtGlobalFlag: ULONG;
  (*06C*)Unknown01: ULONG; // Padding or something
  (*070*)CriticalSectionTimeout: LARGE_INTEGER;
  (*078*)HeapSegmentReserve: ULONG;
  (*07c*)HeapSegmentCommit: ULONG;
  (*080*)HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold: ULONG;
  (*084*)HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold: ULONG;
  (*088*)NumberOfHeaps: ULONG;
  (*08c*)MaximumNumberOfHeaps: ULONG;
  (*090*)ProcessHeaps: Pointer;
  (*094*)GdiSharedHandleTable: Pointer;
  (*098*)ProcessStarterHelper: Pointer;
  (*09c*)GdiDCAttributeList: ULONG;
  (*0a0*)LoaderLock: PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION;
  (*0a4*)OSMajorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0a8*)OSMinorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0ac*)OSBuildNumber: Word;
  (*0ae*)OSCSDVersion: Word;
  (*0b0*)OSPlatformId: ULONG;
  (*0b4*)ImageSubsystem: ULONG;
  (*0b8*)ImageSubsystemMajorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0bc*)ImageSubsystemMinorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0c0*)ImageProcessAffinityMask: ULONG;
  (*0c4*)GdiHandleBuffer: array[0..33] of Cardinal;
  (*14c*)PostProcessInitRoutine: Pointer;
  (*150*)TlsExpansionBitmap: Pointer;
  (*154*)TlsExpansionBitmapBits: array[0..31] of ULONG;
  (*1d4*)SessionId: ULONG;
  // Windows 2000
  (*1d8*)AppCompatInfo: Pointer;
  (*1dc*)CSDVersion: UNICODE_STRING;

// Verified in W2K, WXP and W2K3 using WinDbg
  _PEB_WXP = packed record // packed!
  (*000*)InheritedAddressSpace: BOOLEAN;
  (*001*)ReadImageFileExecOptions: BOOLEAN;
  (*002*)BeingDebugged: BOOLEAN;
  (*003*)SpareBool: BOOLEAN;
  (*004*)Mutant: Pointer;
  (*008*)ImageBaseAddress: Pointer;
  (*00c*)Ldr: PPEB_LDR_DATA;
  (*010*)ProcessParameters: PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS;
  (*014*)SubSystemData: Pointer;
  (*018*)ProcessHeap: Pointer;
  (*01c*)FastPebLock: PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION;
  (*020*)FastPebLockRoutine: Pointer; // RtlEnterCriticalSection
  (*024*)FastPebUnlockRoutine: Pointer; // RtlLeaveCriticalSection
  (*028*)EnvironmentUpdateCount: ULONG;
  (*02c*)KernelCallbackTable: Pointer; // List of callback functions
  (*030*)SystemReserved: array[0..0] of ULONG;
  (*034*)AtlThunkSListPtr32: Pointer; // (Windows XP)
  (*038*)FreeList: PPEB_FREE_BLOCK;
  (*03c*)TlsExpansionCounter: ULONG;
  (*040*)TlsBitmap: Pointer; // ntdll!TlsBitMap of type PRTL_BITMAP
  (*044*)TlsBitmapBits: array[0..1] of ULONG; // 64 bits
  (*04c*)ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase: Pointer;
  (*050*)ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap: Pointer;
  (*054*)ReadOnlyStaticServerData: PTEXT_INFO;
  (*058*)AnsiCodePageData: Pointer;
  (*05c*)OemCodePageData: Pointer;
  (*060*)UnicodeCaseTableData: Pointer;
  (*064*)NumberOfProcessors: ULONG;
  (*068*)NtGlobalFlag: ULONG;
  (*06C*)Unknown01: ULONG; // Padding or something
  (*070*)CriticalSectionTimeout: LARGE_INTEGER;
  (*078*)HeapSegmentReserve: ULONG;
  (*07c*)HeapSegmentCommit: ULONG;
  (*080*)HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold: ULONG;
  (*084*)HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold: ULONG;
  (*088*)NumberOfHeaps: ULONG;
  (*08c*)MaximumNumberOfHeaps: ULONG;
  (*090*)ProcessHeaps: Pointer;
  (*094*)GdiSharedHandleTable: Pointer;
  (*098*)ProcessStarterHelper: Pointer;
  (*09c*)GdiDCAttributeList: ULONG;
  (*0a0*)LoaderLock: PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION;
  (*0a4*)OSMajorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0a8*)OSMinorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0ac*)OSBuildNumber: Word;
  (*0ae*)OSCSDVersion: Word;
  (*0b0*)OSPlatformId: ULONG;
  (*0b4*)ImageSubsystem: ULONG;
  (*0b8*)ImageSubsystemMajorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0bc*)ImageSubsystemMinorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0c0*)ImageProcessAffinityMask: ULONG;
  (*0c4*)GdiHandleBuffer: array[0..33] of Cardinal;
  (*14c*)PostProcessInitRoutine: Pointer;
  (*150*)TlsExpansionBitmap: Pointer;
  (*154*)TlsExpansionBitmapBits: array[0..31] of ULONG;
  (*1d4*)SessionId: ULONG;
  // Windows XP
  (*1d8*)AppCompatFlags: ULARGE_INTEGER;
  (*1e0*)AppCompatFlagsUser: ULARGE_INTEGER;
  (*1e8*)pShimData: Pointer;
  (*1ec*)AppCompatInfo: Pointer;
  (*1f0*)CSDVersion: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*1f8*)ActivationContextData: Pointer; // PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA
  (*1fc*)ProcessAssemblyStorageMap: Pointer; // PASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP
  (*200*)SystemDefaultActivationContextData: Pointer; // PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA
  (*204*)SystemAssemblyStorageMap: Pointer; // PASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP
  (*208*)MinimumStackCommit: ULONG;

// Verified in W2K, WXP and W2K3 using WinDbg
  _PEB_2K3 = packed record // packed!
  (*000*)InheritedAddressSpace: BOOLEAN;
  (*001*)ReadImageFileExecOptions: BOOLEAN;
  (*002*)BeingDebugged: BOOLEAN;
  (*003*)SpareBool: BOOLEAN;
  (*004*)Mutant: Pointer;
  (*008*)ImageBaseAddress: Pointer;
  (*00c*)Ldr: PPEB_LDR_DATA;
  (*010*)ProcessParameters: PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS;
  (*014*)SubSystemData: Pointer;
  (*018*)ProcessHeap: Pointer;
  (*01c*)FastPebLock: PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION;
  (*020*)FastPebLockRoutine: Pointer; // RtlEnterCriticalSection
  (*024*)FastPebUnlockRoutine: Pointer; // RtlLeaveCriticalSection
  (*028*)EnvironmentUpdateCount: ULONG;
  (*02c*)KernelCallbackTable: Pointer; // List of callback functions
  (*030*)SystemReserved: array[0..0] of ULONG;
  (*034*)ExecuteOptions: ULONG; // 2 Bits used (Windows 2003)
  (*038*)FreeList: PPEB_FREE_BLOCK;
  (*03c*)TlsExpansionCounter: ULONG;
  (*040*)TlsBitmap: Pointer; // ntdll!TlsBitMap of type PRTL_BITMAP
  (*044*)TlsBitmapBits: array[0..1] of ULONG; // 64 bits
  (*04c*)ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase: Pointer;
  (*050*)ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap: Pointer;
  (*054*)ReadOnlyStaticServerData: PTEXT_INFO;
  (*058*)AnsiCodePageData: Pointer;
  (*05c*)OemCodePageData: Pointer;
  (*060*)UnicodeCaseTableData: Pointer;
  (*064*)NumberOfProcessors: ULONG;
  (*068*)NtGlobalFlag: ULONG;
  (*06C*)Unknown01: ULONG; // Padding or something
  (*070*)CriticalSectionTimeout: LARGE_INTEGER;
  (*078*)HeapSegmentReserve: ULONG;
  (*07c*)HeapSegmentCommit: ULONG;
  (*080*)HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold: ULONG;
  (*084*)HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold: ULONG;
  (*088*)NumberOfHeaps: ULONG;
  (*08c*)MaximumNumberOfHeaps: ULONG;
  (*090*)ProcessHeaps: Pointer;
  (*094*)GdiSharedHandleTable: Pointer;
  (*098*)ProcessStarterHelper: Pointer;
  (*09c*)GdiDCAttributeList: ULONG;
  (*0a0*)LoaderLock: PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION;
  (*0a4*)OSMajorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0a8*)OSMinorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0ac*)OSBuildNumber: Word;
  (*0ae*)OSCSDVersion: Word;
  (*0b0*)OSPlatformId: ULONG;
  (*0b4*)ImageSubsystem: ULONG;
  (*0b8*)ImageSubsystemMajorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0bc*)ImageSubsystemMinorVersion: ULONG;
  (*0c0*)ImageProcessAffinityMask: ULONG;
  (*0c4*)GdiHandleBuffer: array[0..33] of Cardinal;
  (*14c*)PostProcessInitRoutine: Pointer;
  (*150*)TlsExpansionBitmap: Pointer;
  (*154*)TlsExpansionBitmapBits: array[0..31] of ULONG;
  (*1d4*)SessionId: ULONG;
  // Windows XP
  (*1d8*)AppCompatFlags: ULARGE_INTEGER;
  (*1e0*)AppCompatFlagsUser: ULARGE_INTEGER;
  (*1e8*)pShimData: Pointer;
  (*1ec*)AppCompatInfo: Pointer;
  (*1f0*)CSDVersion: UNICODE_STRING;
  (*1f8*)ActivationContextData: Pointer; // PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA
  (*1fc*)ProcessAssemblyStorageMap: Pointer; // PASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP
  (*200*)SystemDefaultActivationContextData: Pointer; // PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA
  (*204*)SystemAssemblyStorageMap: Pointer; // PASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP
  (*208*)MinimumStackCommit: ULONG;
  // New members in Windows 2003
  (*20c*)FlsCallback: Pointer;
  (*210*)FlsListHead: LIST_ENTRY;
  (*218*)FlsBitmap: Pointer;
  (*21c*)FlsBitmapBits: array[0..3] of ULONG;
  (*22c*)FlsHighIndex: ULONG;

  _PEB = _PEB_W2K; // Exact layout for NT4 unknown

{$IFDEF WIN2000}
  _PEB = _PEB_W2K;

{$IFDEF WINXP}    *)

  _PEB = _PEB_WXP;

{$IFDEF WIN2003}
  _PEB = _PEB_2K3;
{$ENDIF}   *)

  PEB = _PEB;
  PPEB = ^_PEB;

function CreateRemoteThread(hProcess: Cardinal;
  lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; dwStackSize: DWord;
  lpStartAddress: LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE; lpParameter: Pointer;
  dwCreationFlags: DWord; var lpThreadId: LPDWord): Cardinal;


function NT_SUCCESS(Status: Longint): Boolean;
  Result := Status >= 0;

function NtCurrentPEB: PPEB;
  mov EAX, FS:[018h]
  mov EAX, [EAX+030h]

function NtAllocateVirtualMemory(
    ProcessHandle: Cardinal;
    BaseAddress: Pointer;
    ZeroBits: ULong;
    AllocationSize: PULong;
    AllocationType: ULong;
    Protect: ULong
  ): Longint; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll';
function NtFreeVirtualMemory(
    ProcessHandle: Cardinal;
    BaseAddress: Pointer;
    FreeSize: PULong;
    FreeType: ULong
  ): Longint; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll';
function NtProtectVirtualMemory(
    ProcessHandle: Cardinal;
    BaseAddress: Pointer;
    ProtectSize: PULong;
    NewProtect: ULong;
    OldProtect: PULong
  ): Longint; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll';
procedure RtlEnterCriticalSection(
    lpCriticalSection : PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION
  ); stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll';

function CreateRemoteThread(hProcess: Cardinal;
  lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; dwStackSize: DWord;
  lpStartAddress: LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE; lpParameter: Pointer;
  dwCreationFlags: DWord; var lpThreadId: LPDWord): Cardinal;

procedure ThreadAttachDlls;
  ModuleListHead: PLISTENTRY;
  Module: PLDR_MODULE;
  EntryPointer: PDLLMAIN_FUNC;

   ModuleListHead := @NtCurrentPeb.Ldr.InInitializationOrderModuleList;
   Entry := ModuleListHead.Blink;

   while (Entry <> ModuleListHead) do
     Module := CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, LDR_MODULE, InInitializationOrderModuleList);

      if (Module.EntryPoint <> 0) then
        Entrypoint := PDLLMAIN_FUNC(Module.EntryPoint);
        Entrypoint(Module.BaseAddress, DLL_THREAD_ATTACH, nil);

      Entry := Entry.Blink;


procedure ThreadStartup(lpStartAddress: LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE;
  lpParameter: Pointer); stdcall;
  uExitCode: UInt;
  uExitCode := (lpStartAddress)(lpParameter);

  ThreadHandle: Cardinal;
  ObjectAttributes: OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES;
  ClientId: CLIENT_ID;
  ThreadContext: CONTEXT;
  InitialTeb: INITIAL_TEB;
  CreateSuspended: Boolean;
  BaseAddress: Pointer;
  OldPageProtection: ULong;
  Status: Cardinal;
  ObjectAttributes.Length := sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES);
  ObjectAttributes.RootDirectory := 0;
  ObjectAttributes.ObjectName := nil;
  ObjectAttributes.Attributes := 0;
  if (Assigned(lpThreadAttributes)) then
     if (lpThreadAttributes.bInheritHandle) then
       ObjectAttributes.Attributes := $00000002;
     ObjectAttributes.SecurityDescriptor :=
  ObjectAttributes.SecurityQualityOfService := nil;

  { 1 } if ((dwCreationFlags or CREATE_SUSPENDED) = CREATE_SUSPENDED) then
    CreateSuspended := true;
    CreateSuspended := false;

  {InitialTeb.StackReserve = 0x100000; /* 1MByte */
  /* FIXME: use correct commit size */
  #if 0
    InitialTeb.StackCommit = (dwStackSize == 0) ? PAGESIZE : dwStackSize;
    InitialTeb.StackCommit = InitialTeb.StackReserve - PAGESIZE;

  /* size of guard page */
  InitialTeb.StackCommit += PAGESIZE;}

  InitialTeb.StackAllocate := nil;

  Status := NtAllocateVirtualMemory(hProcess, @InitialTeb.StackAllocate, 0,
    @InitialTeb.StackReserve, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
  if (not NT_SUCCESS(Status)) then
    Result := 0;

  {InitialTeb.StackBase = (PVOID)((ULONG)InitialTeb.StackAllocate + InitialTeb.StackReserve);
  InitialTeb.StackLimit = (PVOID)((ULONG)InitialTeb.StackBase - InitialTeb.StackCommit);}

  Status := NtAllocateVirtualMemory(hProcess, @InitialTeb.StackLimit, 0,
    @InitialTeb.StackCommit, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
  if (not NT_SUCCESS(Status)) then
    NtFreeVirtualMemory(hProcess, InitialTeb.StackAllocate,
      @InitialTeb.StackReserve, MEM_RELEASE);

    Result := 0;

  Status := NtProtectVirtualMemory(hProcess, InitialTeb.StackLimit,
  if (not NT_SUCCESS(Status)) then
    NtFreeVirtualMemory(hProcess, InitialTeb.StackAllocate,
      @InitialTeb.StackReserve, MEM_RELEASE);

    Result := 0;

  memset(@ThreadContext, 0, sizeof(CONTEXT));
  ThreadContext.Eip := Longint(ThreadStartup);
  ThreadContext.SegGs := USER_DS;
  ThreadContext.SegFs := TEB_SELECTOR;
  ThreadContext.SegEs := USER_DS;
  ThreadContext.SegDs := USER_DS;
  ThreadContext.SegCs := USER_CS;
  ThreadContext.SegSs := USER_DS;
  {ThreadContext.Esp = (ULONG)InitialTeb.StackBase - 12;
  ThreadContext.EFlags = (1<<1) + (1<<9);

  *((PULONG)((ULONG)InitialTeb.StackBase - 4)) = (ULONG)lpParameter;
  *((PULONG)((ULONG)InitialTeb.StackBase - 8)) = (ULONG)lpStartAddress;
  *((PULONG)((ULONG)InitialTeb.StackBase - 12)) = 0xdeadbeef;}

  Status := NtCreateThread(@ThreadHandle, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS,
    @ObjectAttributes, hProcess, @ClientId, @ThreadContext,
    @InitialTeb, CreateSuspended);

  Status = NtCreateThread(&ThreadHandle,
  if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))

      DPRINT("NtCreateThread() failed!\n");

  if (lpThreadId != NULL)
    memcpy(lpThreadId, &ClientId.UniqueThread,sizeof(ULONG));

  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat
Benutzerbild von SirThornberry

Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2003
Ort: Bockwen
12.235 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Professional

Re: Unit von C++ nach Delphi

  Alt 30. Okt 2007, 18:41
warum definierst du _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES etc.? das gibts doch schon alles.
Mit Source ist es wie mit Kunst - Hauptsache der Künstler versteht's
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat
Benutzerbild von Zacherl

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2004
4.629 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter

Re: Unit von C++ nach Delphi

  Alt 30. Okt 2007, 22:07
Einige Sachen allerdings nicht .. Security Attributes schon, das war wohl überflüssig. Besonders die PEB Deklaration allerdings macht mir schwierigkeiten =/

Zumdem halt einige C++ spezifische Syntaxelemente.
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Re: Unit von C++ nach Delphi

  Alt 30. Okt 2007, 22:28

Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich ReactOS 0.3.3 noch in der alpha-Phase befindet und es derzeit nicht empfehlenswert ist, es für die tägliche Arbeit zu verwenden.

Was willst Du mit ReactOS? Läuft DELPHI auf diesem BS?
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Registriert seit: 27. Mai 2005
Ort: Baden
315 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: Unit von C++ nach Delphi

  Alt 30. Okt 2007, 22:54
Zitat von hathor:

Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich ReactOS 0.3.3 noch in der alpha-Phase befindet und es derzeit nicht empfehlenswert ist, es für die tägliche Arbeit zu verwenden.

Was willst Du mit ReactOS? Läuft DELPHI auf diesem BS?
Dir ist möglicherweise entgangen das ReactOS ein Betriebssystem ist das Windows sehr ähnlich ist, es kann unter anderem Exe-Dateien ausführen (hat einen eigenen Windows Loader, etc.) und es ist Open Source. Und mit diesem Code kannst du manche Windows (Native) Api's leichter verstehen, was sie machen und wozu. Mir hat zum Beispiel ReactOS sehr geholfen bei der Entwicklung von diversen PE-sachen.

Danke und Gute Nacht.
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