Thema: Delphi Division durch 0 -> NAN

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Registriert seit: 8. Apr 2008
18 Beiträge
Delphi 2009 Professional

Re: Division durch 0 -> NAN

  Alt 28. Mai 2010, 17:00
Hallo Hans,

habe folgendes:

I think I gave you the wrong code. A clear bit allows the exception, a
set bit masks it. Try the following instead:

SetExceptionMask(GetExceptionMask - [exZeroDivide]);

Now it should give you a divide by zero error. What did Format('$%.4X',
[Get8087CW]) result in, in your case?

hier gefunden:

Hoffe dies hilft dir weiter.

Gruss, Jörn
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