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Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.214 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Zwei Werte [0..16] in einem Integer festhalten

  Alt 15. Mai 2010, 17:56
Notfalls hätte ich noch etwas:
Var P: TIntegerPack;

P.Add(MIN_X, MAX_X, X);
P.Add(MIN_Y, MAX_Y, Y);
i := P.Result;

P.Add(MIN_X, MAX_X);
P.Add(MIN_Y, MAX_Y);
P.Result := i;
X := P.Value[0];
Y := P.Value[1];
Das Ergebnis dürfte Binär die kleinste Darstellung ergeben.

  SysConst, RTLConsts, SysUtils;

  MinInt = Low(Integer);

  TIntegerPack = Record
    FList: Array of Record
              Min, Max: Integer;
              Value: Integer;
    FResult: UInt64;
    FResSize: UInt64;
    Function GetMin (Index: Integer): Integer;
    Function GetMax (Index: Integer): Integer;
    Function GetVal (Index: Integer): Integer;
    Procedure SetVal (Index, X: Integer);
    Procedure SetResult( X: UInt64);
    Function GetSize (Bits: Integer): Integer;
    Function Add(Min, Max: Integer; Value: Integer = MinInt): Integer;
    Property Min [Index: Integer]: Integer Read GetMin;
    Property Max [Index: Integer]: Integer Read GetMax;
    Property Value[Index: Integer]: Integer Read GetVal Write SetVal;

    Property Result: UInt64 Read FResult Write SetResult;
    Property ResSize: UInt64 Read FResSize;
    Property Bytes: Integer Index 8 Read GetSize;
    Property Bits: Integer Index 1 Read GetSize;

    Procedure Clear;

Function TIntegerPack.GetMin(Index: Integer): Integer;
    If Cardinal(Index) >= Length(FList) Then
      Raise Exception.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
    Result := FList[Index].Min;

Function TIntegerPack.GetMax(Index: Integer): Integer;
    If Cardinal(Index) >= Length(FList) Then
      Raise Exception.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
    Result := FList[Index].Max;

Function TIntegerPack.GetVal(Index: Integer): Integer;
    If Cardinal(Index) >= Length(FList) Then
      Raise Exception.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
    Result := FList[Index].Value;

Procedure TIntegerPack.SetVal(Index, X: Integer);
    If Cardinal(Index) >= Length(FList) Then
      Raise Exception.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
    If (X < FList[Index].Min) or (X > FList[Index].Max) Then
      Raise Exception.CreateRes(@SArgumentOutOfRange);
    FList[Index].Value := X;

    FResult := 0;
    For Index := High(FList) downto 0 do
      With FList[Index] do
        FResult := FResult * Cardinal(Max - Min + 1) + Cardinal(Value - Min);

Procedure TIntegerPack.SetResult(X: UInt64);
  Var Index: Integer;

    For Index := 0 to High(FList) do
      With FList[Index] do Begin
        Value := X mod Cardinal(Max - Min + 1) + Min;
        X := X div Cardinal(Max - Min + 1);
    //If X <> 0 Then Raise ...;
    FResult := 0;
    For Index := High(FList) downto 0 do
      With FList[Index] do
        FResult := FResult * Cardinal(Max - Min + 1) + Cardinal(Value - Min);

Function TIntegerPack.GetSize(Bits: Integer): Integer;
  Var X: UInt64;

    Result := 0;
    X := FResSize;
    While X <> 0 do Begin
      X := X shr Bits;

Function TIntegerPack.Add(Min, Max: Integer; Value: Integer = MinInt): Integer;
  Var Index: Integer;
    X, T: Int64;

    Result := Length(FList);
    SetLength(FList, Result + 1);
      FList[Result].Min := Min;
      FList[Result].Max := Max;

      X := 1;
      For Index := High(FList) downto 0 do
        With FList[Index] do Begin
          T := X;
          X := X * Cardinal(Max - Min + 1);
          If X div Cardinal(Max - Min + 1) <> T Then
            Raise EIntOverflow.CreateRes(@SIntOverflow);
      FResSize := X;
      SetLength(FList, High(FList));
    If Value = MinInt Then Value := Min;
    SetVal(Result, Value);

Procedure TIntegerPack.Clear;
    FList := nil;
    FResult := 0;
    FResSize := 0;
und noch'n Beispiel:
Uses Dialogs;

Var P: TIntegerPack;

  P.Add(1, 13);
  P.Add(0, 5);
  P.Add(-2, 3);
  P.Value[0] := 7;
  P.Value[1] := 3;
  P.Value[2] := 1;
  ShowMessage(Format('%d Bytes > %d Bits > $%.*x',
    [P.Bytes, P.Bits, P.Bytes * 2, P.Result]));

  P.Add(1, 13);
  P.Add(0, 5);
  P.Add(-2, 3);
  P.Result := $0117;
  ShowMessage(Format('%d > %d %d %d',
    [P.Result, P.Value[0], P.Value[1], P.Value[2]]));
$2B or not $2B
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat