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TerminateProcess not working correctly....

Ein Thema von FaNIX · begonnen am 22. Okt 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 22. Okt 2007
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 08:30
Hi, i wonder if anyone can help me:

When i create a process, i use TerminateProcess to terminate the given process. This works fine, the process is killed correctly. Now i want to check to see if the process as killed, by using the OpenProcess API call, but for some FUNNY reason, OpenProcess does return a value, which should not happen, as the process does not exist.. Please can anyone help me with this?

procedure TForm1.btnCreateProcessClick(Sender: TObject);
    sinfo: TStartupInfo;
    pinfo: TProcessInformation;
    FillChar(sinfo, SizeOf(sinfo), 0);
    sinfo.cb := SizeOf(sinfo);

    //Run the Message Sending Application on the new Desktop
    CreateProcess(PChar('c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe'),nil, nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, sinfo, pinfo);
    pID := pinfo.dwProcessId;
    hProcess := pinfo.hProcess;//GetProcessHandle(pID);

procedure TForm1.btnTerminateProcessClick(Sender: TObject);
    NewHandle : THandle;
    i : integer;
    if TerminateProcess(hProcess,ExitCode) then

    NewHandle := OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, False, pID);

    if NewHandle = 0 then
        ShowMessage('Process not found')
        ShowMessage('Process Found');

This is the results i get: If i click on the TerminateProcess button(btnTerminateProcessClick) before created the process with btnCreateProcessClick, then "Process not found" is returned, which is correct, because OpenProcess will return 0 if the process is not found.

But now: When you first click on the btnCreateProcessClick button, then on the btnTerminateProcessClick button, then "Terminated" is displayed, indicating that the process was terminated, but THEN for some reason "Process FOUND" is displayed, where "Process not found" should actually be displayed since the process was already killed...

Does anyone agree that this is strange, am i doing something wrong? All i want to do is check if the process exist by using a PID of Handle to check it...

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Benutzerbild von sirius

Registriert seit: 3. Jan 2007
Ort: Dresden
3.443 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 09:02
Could it be that you r a little bit to fast? You have to wait after terminating the process. Use waitforsingleobject or just sleep a few milliseconds.
Dieser Beitrag ist für Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren nicht geeignet.
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Re: TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 09:45
Zitat von sirius:
Could it be that you r a little bit to fast? You have to wait after terminating the process. Use waitforsingleobject or just sleep a few milliseconds.
I wish it was that, but it's not, even after 10s it still picks up the process, even though it's not running... Maybe it's because im using the same hProcess Handle? And the crap part of this is, is that the GetProcessID DOESN'T work in Windows 2000
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Benutzerbild von Luckie

Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2002
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Delphi 2006 Professional

Re: TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 09:52
TerminateProcess returns immediately no matter whether the process was killed or not. You have to verify the terminations of the process. And if you get a valid process handle the process is still alive.

*  Procedure : KillProcess
*  Author    : Michael Puff
*  Date      : 2006-09-15
*  Terminates a process identified by its PID

function KillProcess(dwProcID, Wait: DWORD): Integer;
  hProcess : Cardinal;
  dw : DWORD;
  // open the process and store the process-handle
  hProcess := OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE or PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, dwProcID);
  // kill it
  if hProcess <> 0 then
    dw := Integer(TerminateProcess(hProcess, 1));
    if dw <> 0 then
      // TerminateProcess returns immediately, so we have to verify the result via
      // WaitForSingleObject
      dw := WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, Wait);
      if dw = WAIT_FAILED then
        dw := GetLastError;
    else // TerminateProcess = 0
      dw := GetLastError;
  else // hProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
    dw := GetLastError;
  result := dw;
Ein Teil meines Codes würde euch verunsichern.
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Re: TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 09:57
Thanks for your reply, but im not sure how to use this code?

What im trying to accomplish is this:

I have 2 applications, Application 1 will create a process(Application 2). A timer inside application 1 will then check every 3seconds if application 2 is still running, thats basicly what i want to do, it's quite simple. So Application 1 does have the ProcessID and the Handle of Application 2, so i just want to check if application 2 is still running or not...
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Re: TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 10:00
Let me just clear something:

I don't want to Terminate Application 2 inside Application 1, i basiclly just want to check inside application 1 if application 2 is still running or not?
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Benutzerbild von sirius

Registriert seit: 3. Jan 2007
Ort: Dresden
3.443 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 10:05
Just use MSDN-Library durchsuchenwaitforsingleobject with a time out intervall of 0 milliseconds
Dieser Beitrag ist für Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren nicht geeignet.
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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2007
36 Beiträge

Re: TerminateProcess not working correctly....

  Alt 22. Okt 2007, 10:24
Zitat von sirius:
Just use MSDN-Library durchsuchenwaitforsingleobject with a time out intervall of 0 milliseconds
Ahhh genius!!! It work's perfectly... thanks mate!

        //Create the Desktop

        FillChar(sinfo, SizeOf(sinfo), 0);
        sinfo.cb := SizeOf(sinfo);
        sinfo.lpDesktop := PChar(VIRTUAL_DESKTOP);

        sFileName := ExtractFilePath(Application.EXEName) + 'c_IPU_Sender_Appl.exe';
        sFileName := sFileName +' '+ VIRTUAL_DESKTOP +' '+ Fs_LANUser;

        //Run the Message Sending Application on the new Desktop
        CreateProcess(nil,PChar(sFileName), nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, sinfo, pinfo);
        Fi_ProcessID := pinfo.dwProcessId;

        //Which to the new Desktop
        WaitForSingleObject(pinfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
        on E: Exception do
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