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44.226 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Klasse für FindFirstFile/FindNextFile

  Alt 29. Apr 2010, 16:51
Bei den Folders wäre es wohl besser '*' oder '*.*' als Maske zu nehmen.
(sonst klappt es mit dem rekursiven Suchen eventuell nicht wie geplant)

Es wäre auch ganz praktisch, wenn TWin32FindData auch mit in den Event-Prozeduren (TOnFindFile und Co.) verfügbar wäre.
So hätte man da dann auch gleich einige Zusatzdaten zur Verfügung.
(Dateigröße oder einige Datumangaben sind doch oftmals recht brauchbar und wenn man sie hier schonmal zu Hand hat ...)

Eine Möglichkeit zum Abbrechen ist auch nie verkehrt.

PS: Warum greifst du von innen auf "externe" Property (z.B. Self.SubFolders) zu, obwohl du direkten Zugriff auf das Feld hast?

PSS: Bei RootFolder einen Leerstring zu übergeben, ergibt bestimmt einen netten Effekt.
(auch wenn man ja eh keine relativen Pfade verwenden soll )

Und wie war das nochmal mit den =False- oder =True-Verleichen?

// FindFiles - Klasse zum Durchsuchen von Ordnern
// Michael Puff [[url]http://www.michael-puff.de][/url]
// Weitere Autoren: himitsu, omata

unit FindFiles;

{.$DEFINE UsesSysUtils}


  {$IFDEF UseSysUtils} , SysUtils, DateUtils {$ENDIF}
  {$IFDEF UseClasses} , Classes {$ENDIF};

  TFindFiles = class;
  TOnFindFile = procedure(Sender: TFindFiles; Directory, FileName: string;
                          Level: Integer; const Info: TWin32FindData;
                          var Cancel: Boolean) of object;
  TOnFindDirectory = procedure(Sender: TFindFiles; Directory, DirName: string;
                               Level: Integer; const Info: TWin32FindData;
                               var Cancel: Boolean; var IgnoreDirectory: Boolean) of object;
  TOnDirectoryUp = procedure(Sender: TFindFiles; FromDirectory, ToDirectory: string;
                             var Cancel: Boolean) of object;

  // Cancel > Cancels the entire search process.
  // IgnoreDirectory > Skips the reading of this directory and all its subdirectories.
  // Errors (HRESULT) > NO_ERROR = S_OK = 0
  // > ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2 > The system cannot find the file.
  // > ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3 > The system cannot find the path.
  // > ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES = 18 > The user set "Cancel" in the callback to TRUE.

  TFindFiles = class
    FMask: string;
    FSubfolders: Boolean;
    FOnFindFile: TOnFindFile;
    FOnFindDirectory: TOnFindDirectory;
    FOnDirectoryUp: TOnDirectoryUp;
    FCountFiles: Integer;
    FCountDirectories: Integer;
    FMaxDirectoryLevel: Integer;
    FCancel: Boolean;
    {$IF Declared(TStrings)}
      FStrings: TStrings;
      procedure StringsFindFile(Sender: TFindFiles; Directory, FileName: string;
        Level: Integer; const Info: TWin32FindData; var Cancel: Boolean);
    function Search(RootFolder: string; Level: Integer): HRESULT;
    constructor Create;

    property Mask: string read FMask write FMask;
    property SubFolders: Boolean read FSubFolders write FSubFolders;
    property OnFindFile: TOnFindFile read FOnFindFile write FOnFindFile;
    property OnFindDirectory: TOnFindDirectory read FOnFindDirectory write FOnFindDirectory;
    property OnDirectoryUp: TOnDirectoryUp read FOnDirectoryUp write FOnDirectoryUp;

    function Find(RootFolder: string): HRESULT;

    // This can also be accessed via "Sender" by the callbacks from.
    property CountOfFiles: Integer read FCountFiles;
    property CountOfDirectories: Integer read FCountDirectories;
    property MaximumDirectoryLevel: Integer read FMaxDirectoryLevel;
    property Cancel: Boolean read FCancel;

    class function FindEx(RootFolder, Mask: string; SubFolders: Boolean; OnFindFile: TOnFindFile;
      OnFindDirectory: TOnFindDirectory = nil; OnDirectoryUp: TOnDirectoryUp = nil): HRESULT;
    class function isOK(E: HRESULT): Boolean;
    class function GetErrorStr(E: HRESULT): String;
    class function DecodeFiletime(const FileTime: TFileTime): TDateTime;

    {$IF Declared(TStrings)}
      class function FindEx(RootFolder, Mask: string; SubFolders: Boolean; SL: TStrings): HRESULT; overload;


{$IF Declared(TStrings)}
  procedure TFindFiles.StringsFindFile(Sender: TFindFiles; Directory, FileName: string;
    Level: Integer; const Info: TWin32FindData; var Cancel: Boolean);
    FStrings.Add(Directory + FileName);

function TFindFiles.Search(RootFolder: string; Level: Integer): HRESULT;
  wfd: TWin32FindData;
  hFile: THandle;
  Ignore: Boolean;
  Error: HRESULT;
  Result := NO_ERROR;
  if (RootFolder <> '') and (RootFolder[Length(RootFolder)] <> '\') then
    RootFolder := RootFolder + '\';
  if Level > FMaxDirectoryLevel then
    FMaxDirectoryLevel := Level;
  if FSubFolders then
    hFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(RootFolder + '*.*'), wfd);
    if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
          if wfd.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY <> 0 then
            if (string(wfd.cFileName) <> '.')
               and (string(wfd.cFileName) <> '..') then
              Ignore := False;
              if Assigned(FOnFindDirectory) then
                FOnFindDirectory(Self, RootFolder, wfd.cFileName, Level, wfd, FCancel, Ignore);
              if not FCancel and not Ignore then
                Error := Search(RootFolder + wfd.cFileName + '\', Level + 1);
                if Error <> S_OK then Result := Error;
              if not FCancel and Assigned(FOnDirectoryUp) then
                FOnDirectoryUp(Self, RootFolder + wfd.cFileName, RootFolder, FCancel);
        until FCancel or not FindNextFile(hFile, wfd);
      if GetLastError <> ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND then
        Result := GetLastError;
  if not FCancel then
    hFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(RootFolder + FMask), wfd);
    if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
          if wfd.dwFileAttributes and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY or FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE) = 0 then
            if Assigned(FOnFindFile) then
              FOnFindFile(Self, RootFolder, wfd.cFileName, Level, wfd, FCancel);
        until FCancel or not FindNextFile(hFile, wfd);
      if GetLastError <> ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND then
        Result := GetLastError;

constructor TFindFiles.Create;
  FMask := '*.*';
  FSubFolders := True;

function TFindFiles.Find(RootFolder: string): HRESULT;
  FCountFiles := 0;
  FCountDirectories := 0;
  FMaxDirectoryLevel := 0;
  FCancel := False;
  Result := Search(RootFolder, 0);
  if (Result = NO_ERROR) and (FCountFiles = 0) then
  if FCancel then Result := ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES;

class function TFindFiles.FindEx(RootFolder, Mask: string; SubFolders: Boolean; OnFindFile: TOnFindFile;
  OnFindDirectory: TOnFindDirectory = nil; OnDirectoryUp: TOnDirectoryUp = nil): HRESULT;
  FF: TFindFiles;
  FF := TFindFiles.Create;
    FF.Mask := Mask;
    FF.SubFolders := SubFolders;
    FF.OnFindFile := OnFindFile;
    FF.OnFindDirectory := OnFindDirectory;
    FF.OnDirectoryUp := OnDirectoryUp;
    Result := FF.Find(RootFolder);

class function TFindFiles.isOK(E: HRESULT): Boolean;
  Result := (E <> NO_ERROR) and (E <> ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);

class function TFindFiles.GetErrorStr(E: HRESULT): String;
{$IF Declared(SysErrorMessage)}
    Result := SysErrorMessage(E);
    Buffer: array[0..255] of Char;
    Len: Integer;
      FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, nil, E, 0, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), nil);
    SetString(Result, Buffer, Len);

class function TFindFiles.DecodeFiletime(const FileTime: TFileTime): TDateTime;
{$IF Declared(EncodeDateTime)}
    LocalFileTime: TFileTime;
    SystemTime: TSystemTime;
    if FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FileTime, LocalFileTime)
      and FileTimeToSystemTime(LocalFileTime, SystemTime) then
      with SystemTime do
        Result := EncodeDateTime(wYear, wMonth, wDay, wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds);
      Result := -1;
    MonthDays: array[Boolean] of array[1..12] of Word =
      ((0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334),
       (0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335));
    LocalFileTime: TFileTime;
    SystemTime: TSystemTime;
    if FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FileTime, LocalFileTime)
      and FileTimeToSystemTime(LocalFileTime, SystemTime) then
      with SystemTime do
        Result := wYear * 365 + wYear div 4 - wYear div 100 + wYear div 400 + wDay - 693594
          + MonthDays[(wYear mod 4 = 0) and ((wYear mod 100 <> 0) or (wYear mod 400 = 0))][wMonth]
          + wHour / 24 + wMinute / 1440 + wSecond / 86400 + wMilliseconds / 86400000;
      Result := -1;

{$IF Declared(TStrings)}
  class function TFindFiles.FindEx(RootFolder, Mask: string; SubFolders: Boolean; SL: TStrings): HRESULT;
    FF: TFindFiles;
    FF := TFindFiles.Create;
      FF.Mask := Mask;
      FF.SubFolders := SubFolders;
      FF.OnFindFile := FF.StringsFindFile;
      FF.FStrings := SL;
        Result := FF.Find(RootFolder);

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