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248 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: Unit-übergreifende Vorwärtsdeklaration von Klassen?

  Alt 23. Apr 2010, 20:37

Oh, vielen Dank. Wenn das wirklich so funktioniert sollte ich das mal umschreiben!

Das mit dem Code sehe ich ein, hier mal etwas realer Code. Dann ist vielleicht auch klarer wodurch diese Abhängigkeiten entstehen:

unit NeuronNetwork;


Uses Windows, Forms, Types, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, SysUtils, Graphics, Classes, Math;

  TNetColors = (colBG, colHintBG, colHintBorder, colReady, colTriggered, colSleeping,
                colAccumulate, colForget, colMemory);

  TTextPos = (tpLeft, tpRight, tpTop, tpBottom);

  TNeuronClass = (ncHardLimit, ncPWLinear);

  TNeuronType = (ntAccumulate, ntForget, ntMemory);

  TCalculation = (cnLinear, cnQuadratic, cnNegQuad, cnPosQuad);

  TNeuroTransmitter = (ntBias, ntPositive, ntNegative, ntPosPWL, ntNegPWL,
                       ntThreshold, ntIntensify, ntExtenuate,
                       ntPulseUp, ntPulseDown, ntClear, ntSleep, ntAwake);

  TPanelType = (ptTriggered, ptSleeping, ptCounter);

  TSynapse = Class;
  TNetwork = Class;

  PNeuron = ^TNeuron;
  TNeuron = Class(TObject)
    FOutputs, FInputs: TList;
    FCaption: String;
    FTextPos: TTextPos;
    FCanvas: TCanvas;
    FNeuronFont, FTextFont: TFont;
    FNeuronClass: TNeuronClass;
    FNeuronType: TNeuronType;
    FNetwork: TNetwork;
    FXP, FYP, FFontHeight, FRadius, FBorderWidth: Integer;
    FRange, FMin, FMax, FAngel, FOrgThreshold, FThreshold, FPositive, FNegative, FPosDelta,
    FRX, FRY, FBias, FPWL, FNegDelta: Double;
    FPulses, FPulsing, FDelay, FDelaying, FSleep, FSleeping: Cardinal;
    FFocused, FTriggered: Boolean;
    FCalculation: TCalculation;
    FTag, FEnum: Integer;
    FTagString: String;
    Function GetOutputs: Cardinal;
    Function GetInputs: Cardinal;
    Procedure SetFocus(Focused: Boolean);
    Function GetSynapse(Index: Cardinal): TSynapse;
    Procedure SetDelay(Value: Cardinal);
    Procedure AddInput(Synapse: TSynapse);
    Constructor Create(Network: TNetwork; Canvas: TCanvas; NeuronClass: TNeuronClass; NeuronType: TNeuronType; Calculation: TCalculation; Threshold: Double; Pulses, Sleep: Cardinal; XP, YP, Enum: Integer);
    Destructor Destroy; OverRide;
    Procedure Clear;
    Function Calculate: Boolean;
    Function AddSynapse(DstNeuron: TNeuron; Transmitter: TNeuroTransmitter; Power: Double): TSynapse;
    Procedure SubSynapse(Synapse: TSynapse);
    Procedure DeleteSynapse(Index: Cardinal);
    Procedure Input(Synapse: TSynapse);
    Procedure Output;
    Procedure SetGraphicParams(FontHeight, NeuronRadius, NeuronBorderWidth: Cardinal);
    Procedure SetPosition(XP, YP: Integer);
    Procedure SetText(TextPos: TTextPos; Caption: String);
    Procedure SetMinMax(Min, Max: Double);
    Procedure SetDelayDelta(NegDelta, PosDelta: Double; Delay: Cardinal);
    Procedure SetFonts(NeuronFont, TextFont: TFont);
    Procedure Paint;
    Procedure SetRasterXY(RX, RY: Double);

    Property Caption: String read FCaption write FCaption;
    Property TextPos: TTextPos read FTextPos write FTextPos;
    Property NeuronClass: TNeuronClass read FNeuronClass;
    Property NeuronType: TNeuronType read FNeuronType;
    Property Delay: Cardinal read FDelay write SetDelay;
    Property PosDelta: Double read FPosDelta;
    Property NegDelta: Double read FNegDelta;
    Property OrgThreshold: Double Read FOrgThreshold;
    Property Calculation: TCalculation read FCalculation;
    Property Synapse[Index: Cardinal]: TSynapse read GetSynapse;
    Property Outputs: Cardinal read GetOutputs;
    Property Inputs: Cardinal read GetInputs;
    Property Triggered: Boolean read FTriggered;
    Property Sleeping: Cardinal read FSleeping;
    Property Tag: Integer read FTag write FTag;
    Property TagString: String read FTagString write FTagString;
    Property XPos: Integer read FXP write FXP;
    Property YPos: Integer read FYP write FYP;
    Property Focused: Boolean read FFocused write SetFocus;
    Property Number: Integer read FEnum;
    Property Angel: Double read FAngel write FAngel;
    Property Min: Double read FMin write FMin;
    Property Max: Double read FMax write FMax;
    Property Range: Double read FRange;
    Property NeuronFont: TFont read FNeuronFont write FNeuronFont;
    Property TextFont: TFont read FTextFont write FTextFont;

  PSynapse = ^TSynapse;
  TSynapse = Class(TObject)
    FSrcNeuron, FDstNeuron: TNeuron;
    FTransmitter: TNeuroTransmitter;
    FPower, FWeight: Double;
    FXP, FYP: Integer;
    Constructor Create(SrcNeuron, DstNeuron: TNeuron; Transmitter: TNeuroTransmitter; Power, Weight: Double);
    Destructor Destroy; Override;
    Property SrcNeuron: TNeuron read FSrcNeuron write FSrcNeuron;
    Property DstNeuron: TNeuron read FDstNeuron write FDstNeuron;
    Property Transmitter: TNeuroTransmitter read FTransmitter write FTransmitter;
    Property Power: Double read FPower write FPower;
    Property Weight: Double read FWeight write FWeight;
    Property XPos: Integer read FXP write FXP;
    Property YPos: Integer read FYP write FYP;

  PConnection = ^TConnection;
  TConnection = Class(TObject)
    FNeuron: TNeuron;
    FSynapse: TSynapse;
    FXP, FYP: Integer;
    FSelfSynapse: Boolean;
    Constructor Create(Neuron: TNeuron; Synapse: TSynapse);
    Destructor Destroy; Override;
    Property XPos: Integer read FXP write FXP;
    Property YPos: Integer read FYP write FYP;
    Property Neuron: TNeuron Read FNeuron write FNeuron;
    Property Synapse: TSynapse read FSynapse write FSynapse;
    Property SelfSynapse: Boolean read FSelfSynapse write FSelfSynapse;

  PDestPanel= ^TDestPanel;
  TDestPanel = Class(TPanel)
    FPanelType: TPanelType;
    FCaptionOn, FCaptionOff: String;
    FNeuron1, FNeuron2: TNeuron;
    FCount: Integer;
    Constructor Create(PanelType: TPanelType; CaptionOn, CaptionOff: String; Neuron1, Neuron2: TNeuron); Reintroduce;
    Destructor Destroy; Override;

    Procedure IncCounter;
    Procedure DecCounter;
    Procedure ClearCounter;

    Property CaptionOff: String read FCaptionOff;
    Property CaptionOn: String read FCaptionOn;
    Property Neuron1: TNeuron read FNeuron1;
    Property Neuron2: TNeuron read FNeuron2;
    Property PanelType: TPanelType read FPanelType;
    Property Count: Integer Read FCount write FCount;

  PNetwork = ^TNetwork;
  TNetwork = Class(TObject)
      FScrollBox: TScrollBox;
      FSrcButtons, FDstPanels: TPanel;
      FBitmap, FHintMap: TBitmap;
      FCanvas: TCanvas;
      FButtons, FPanels, FConnections, FNeurons, FSynapses: TList;
      FHintNeuron, FFocused: TNeuron;
      FTimer, FWidth, FHeight, FRaster: Cardinal;
      FShowHint, FBuilding, FPaintConnections, FPaintSynapses: Boolean;
      FHintX, FHintY, FLastHint, FFontHeight, FRadius, FBorderWidth, FSynapseRadius,
      FXPos, FYPos, FRasterOffset: Integer;
      FHintFlag, FClockFlag: Boolean;
      FHintStrings: TStringList;
      FNeuronFont, FTextFont: TFont;
      Function GetNeurons: Cardinal;
      Function GetNeuron(Index: Cardinal): TNeuron;
      Procedure ChangePaintSynapses(Value: Boolean);
      Procedure ChangePaintConnections(Value: Boolean);
      Procedure PaintSynapses;
      Procedure SourceButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
      Procedure UpdatePanels;
      Procedure SetShowHint(Value: Boolean);
      Procedure ClearConnections;
      Procedure CalculateConnections;
      Constructor Create(ScrollBox: TScrollBox; SrcButtons, DstPanels: TPanel);
      Destructor Destroy; OverRide;

      Procedure SetGraphicParams(Canvas: TCanvas; FontHeight, Width, Height, Raster, NeuronRadius, NeuronBorderWidth, SynapseRadius: Cardinal; NeuronFont: TFont; TextFont: TFont = Nil; HintFont: TFont = Nil);
      Procedure Calculate;
      Procedure Transmit;
      Procedure Clear;
      Function AddNeuron(RX, RY: Double; NeuronClass: TNeuronClass; NeuronType: TNeuronType; Calculation: TCalculation; Threshold: Double; Pulses, Sleep: Cardinal): TNeuron;
      Procedure SubNeuron(Neuron: TNeuron);
      Procedure DeleteNeuron(Index: Cardinal);
      Function AddSynapse(DstNeuron: TNeuron; Transmitter: TNeuroTransmitter; Power: Double): TSynapse;
      Procedure SubSynapse(Synapse: TSynapse);
      Procedure DeleteSynapse(Index: Cardinal);
      Procedure SetPos(XPos, YPos: Integer);
      Function IndexOf(Neuron: TNeuron): Integer;
      Function FindNeuron(Tag: Integer): TNeuron;
      Function FindNeuronString(TagString: String): TNeuron;
      Procedure ClearFocus;
      Procedure Paint;
      Procedure BeginBuild;
      Procedure EndBuild;
      Procedure PageSize(Width, Height: Integer);
      Procedure CheckMouseHint;

      Procedure CreateSourceButton(Caption, Hint: String; Synapse: TSynapse);
      Procedure CreateDestPanel(PanelType: TPanelType; CaptionOn, CaptionOff, Hint: String; Neuron1, Neuron2: TNeuron);

      Property Neuron[Index: Cardinal]: TNeuron read GetNeuron;
      Property Neurons: Cardinal read GetNeurons;
      Property Focused: TNeuron write FFocused;
      Property DrawSynapses: Boolean read FPaintSynapses write ChangePaintSynapses;
      Property DrawConnections: Boolean read FPaintConnections write ChangePaintConnections;
      Property ShowHint: Boolean read FShowHint write SetShowHint;
      Property XPos: Integer read FXpos write FXpos;
      Property YPos: Integer read FYPos write FYPos;

  // Clear Types
  ctAll = 0.0;
  ctThreshold = 1.0;
  ctData = 2.0;

 NeuroTransmitter: Array[TNeuroTransmitter] of String = ('Bias', 'Positive', 'Negative',
                                                         'Positive PWL', 'Negative PWL',
                                                         'Threshold', 'Intensify', 'Extenuate',
                                                         'PulseUp', 'PulseDown', 'Clear',
                                                         'Sleep', 'Awake');

 NeuronClass: Array[TNeuronClass] of String = ('Hard Limit', 'Piecewise Linear');

 NeuronType: Array[TNeuronType] of String = ('Accumulate', 'Forget', 'Memory');

 Calculation: Array[TCalculation] of String = ('Linear', 'Quadratic', 'Negativ Quadratic', 'Positive Quadratic');

  Network: TNetwork;
  NetColors: Array[TNetColors] of TColor;

Ok, das ist alleine mal der Interface-Teil. Der Code für all die Prozeduren und Funktionen kommt hinzu- unhandlich ohne Ende !

Grüße von TOC!
Lars Uwe Hohmann
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