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{$Resource HTML.res}/ html aus Ressource in Webbrowser laden

Ein Thema von taktaky · begonnen am 8. Okt 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Okt 2007

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Re: {$Resource HTML.res}/ html aus Ressource in Webbrowser l

  Alt 8. Okt 2007, 13:24
Zitat von DeddyH:
Das Protokoll "res" kenne ich noch nicht.
hallo Deddy

soll nun der Schüller dem Lehrer helfen?
The 'res:' Protocol

The 'res:' protocol lets you extract a resource from a compiled module like an EXE or DLL. While this protocol has been introduced to work with HTML pages, you can use it to work with other type of resources as well, including custom resources. A URL based on this protocol looks like this:

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