Thema: Delphi Hilfe dateien?

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Registriert seit: 12. Apr 2005
10 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Enterprise

Re: Hilfe dateien?

  Alt 11. Mär 2010, 17:01

an dieser Stelle möchte ich das Programm Precision Helper empfehlen. Mit diesem Programm kann man sehr schnell mit Hilfe von zahlreichen Funktionen eine Hilfe-Datei in verschiedenen Formaten erstellen (HTML, CHM, PDF). Die Software ist dazu auch noch 100% FreeWare!

Hier noch mal die Originalbeschreibung des Herstellers:

Tool for creating and managing help projects. It focuses on the organization of existing html files, xml files, scripts, images and other resources so that the help author has the best overview of his project.

recision Helper works natively with the Microsoft HTML Help projects format (HHP) and allows to publish resulting help to the CHM, WebHelp, PDF and the single html document formats.

Precision Helper is designed for advanced developers and authors, but user-friendly environment enables creating help projects also by novice users.
* Easy editing of the contents and the index
* Context-sensitive help editor
* Visual window type designer
* Wide support for clipboard and drag & drop
* Publishing into the CHM, WebHelp, PDF, ...
* Creating a new project from an existing CHM file
* Global searching, "Quick launch" on the welcome page, CHM Viewer and other supporting tools
* Project files management, topic browsing in tabs
* and many more ...

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