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Registriert seit: 1. Jan 2010
Ort: Leer
594 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

Re: Delphi 2009: String, UnicodeString oder WideString?

  Alt 26. Feb 2010, 19:24
[edit] About String Types
A string represents a sequence of characters. Delphi supports the following predefined string types.

String types

Type Maximum length Memory required Used for
255 characters
2 to 256 bytes
Backward compatibility

~2^31 characters
4 bytes to 2GB
8-bit (ANSI) characters, DBCS ANSI, MBCS ANSI, Unicode characters, etc.

~2^30 characters
4 bytes to 2GB
Unicode characters, 8-bit (ANSI) characters, multi-user servers and multi-language applications

~2^30 characters
4 bytes to 2GB
Unicode characters; multi-user servers and multi-language applications. UnicodeString is generally preferred to WideString, except for COM applications.
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