Thema: Delphi Class field lost value!

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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
482 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Class field lost value!

  Alt 26. Feb 2010, 18:30
  Index: Integer;
  Layer: TCustomFilterLayer;
  Index := lbLayers.ItemIndex;

  if Index <> - 1 then
    if lbLayers.Items.Objects[Index] is TCustomFilterLayer then
      Layer := lbLayers.Items.Objects[Index] as TCustomFilterLayer;

      if Layer is TBrightnessAdjustmentLayer then
        Layer := Layer as TBrightnessAdjustmentLayer;

        with TBrightnessLayerEditor.Create(Layer) do
          SetAmount(vtInteger, -100, 100, TBrightnessAdjustmentLayer(Layer).Amount); // Here is something wrong :(

          // Here is ok
So, I create some graphic tool with layers.
There is problem with this procedure: when - TBrightnessAdjustmentLayer(Layer).Amount is always 0 (default from Create()), also if is setup other value... Other parameters from TCustomFilterLayer are ok. Why and how to fix? Layer is display with correct setting.
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