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I want to write CD Copy protection program and I want to make CD ERRORS (unreadable Sectors errors) like in “safelock” and “safedisc”.
The main problem is, that these copy protections are pressed on a cd and not burned. The most cd burner doesn't support to burn this wrong information like it can be pressed on cd. First of all you have to inform yourself which parts of the structure contains wrong information. Then you have to examine if these information is placed in an image file and if it can be burned after this modification.

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so how can I put some information on some sectors and read them back?
If you take an image, you can completly parse and read out the cd. You can also examinate the used and unused sectors and so place information on the unused sectors. Another way is to "shuffle" the sectors on the cd to swap sectors by a rule but not update the TOC. So everyone will read garbage while using the TOC and you can read all information by knowing the swap-rules.

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Or read CD TOC?
The TOC is included in any image of a CD and can be modified by you. Reading and/or writing cds directly through a device is some more difficult. To implement such a CD Copy protection, you will need only a cd image to modify it before it is burned. This is some more easier than all by yourself. The read and parse a CD image, you can take a look at the isolib posted before and/or take a look at the
FreeBurner library (Dancemammal combined the isolib with his own project).